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This repository contains themes that may be used directly within React ChatBotify to speed up your customization process!

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React ChatBotify

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Welcome to React ChatBotify Themes! This repository contains themes that may be imported for use with the React ChatBotify library. If you're unfamiliar with React ChatBotify, it is recommended to go through its repository README before continuing with this document.

Note that this themes repository is part of React ChatBotify 2.0.0 which is still in early development. Thus, the decisions for integrating themes is not yet cast in stone (i.e. not finalized). If you're looking to contribute as a theme author to React ChatBotify 2.0.0 before its release, please do the following:

Thereafter, you may start creating themes (I will share more details on Discord if you're interested). After the section on adding themes, the content will mostly be geared towards developers who are interested to know more about theming integration and setup. Once React ChatBotify 2.0.0 is released, these information will be shifted into a proper developer guide so that theme authors have a simpler document to read.

Creating Themes

React ChatBotify presently allows customizing the appearance of the chatbot via the options prop as well as in advanced use cases, CSS files. This remains true for theme authors as well and as such, theme authors will be customizing their chatbot in the same way that it is currently done. With that said, the general steps taken would be:

  1. Fork/clone the chatbot repository (read the chatbot setup in the Developer Guide)
  2. On your local environment, customize options and if necessary, use css to target specific classes
  3. When you're done:
    • Copy your options prop into a JSON file named options.json
    • Consolidate all your modified CSS classes into a CSS file named styles.css
  4. Create a meta.json file containing the following properties (the values don't particularly matter for now, may be changed later):
        "name": "Retro",
        "description": "Rocket back into the past!",
        "author": "tjtanjin",
        "github": "tjtanjin",
        "tags": [],
        "version": "0.0.0",
        "created_at": "",
        "updated_at": ""
  5. Take a screenshot of your theme and name the image display.png
  6. Next, put the 4 files (options.json, styles.css, meta.json, display.png) into a folder named after your theme (lowercase, underscores, no spaces)
  7. Fork/clone the themes repository and place your newly created folder inside the themes folder
  8. Finally, open a pull request to the themes repository with your additions

The screenshot below contains example themes that are currently being worked on:


As the themes designed for version 2.0.0 will be the very first batch, I'll do a lot more handholding and try to streamline processes based on feedback. With that in mind, do not hesitate to reach out to me actively on Discord for help and feedback.

Note: Below are some common issues when creating new themes:

  • Forgot to style checkboxes & options
  • Forgot to style chat history button, spinner and loaded text
  • Forgot to style user chat bubbles

Repository Structure

As mentioned earlier, if you're just interested in creating themes, then you need not read the rest of this documentation. The content hereafter are for developers interested to understand how themes here will be implemented and integrated with the chatbot.

Firstly, this repository adopts a configuration as code approach. Within the repository, you will find a themes folder which houses all supported themes of the package. Within each theme folder, you will find CSS and JSON files, both of which are ingested as configurations by the React ChatBotify package. A basic structure is thus as shown below:

|- themes
    |- dark_theme
        |- styles.css
        |- styles.json
        |- meta.json
        |- display.png
    |- retro_theme
        |- styles.css
        |- styles.json
        |- meta.json
        |- display.png
    |- minimal_midnight_theme
        |- styles.css
        |- styles.json
        |- meta.json
        |- display.png

Integration with React ChatBotify

For React ChatBotify to use the themes here, it has been slightly adapted (refer to working-branch-2.0.0) to support a theme prop. Subsequently, breaking changes will be made within options to streamline some existing configurations.

The theme prop accepts a string or an array of strings (i.e. 1 or more themes). When a theme is specified, React ChatBotify pulls the relevant CSS and JSON files for the theme via an open-source CDN (JsDelivr). If multiple themes are specified, then the later themes will override earlier themes if there are style conflicts. That said, theme authors may find the support for multiple themes useful in creating a base template theme which allows variants to be built on top of it. Example theme usage:

  • <ChatBot theme={"dark"} />
  • <ChatBot theme={["dark", "minimal_midnight"]} />

If you're keen to try this yourself, you may pull and run the working branch locally to experiment with the theme prop.

Upcoming Work

The work for React ChatBotify 2.0.0 is currently being done on working-branch-2.0.0. The modifications to support theme prop are largely complete (including multi-theme support), though the refactoring of options prop is yet to be done. However, theme authors are advised to create themes against the latest build on npm instead of this working branch. The changes will be migrated at a later date.

Having to open pull request and create folders to make a theme is not exactly the most user-friendly approach. Down the road, we will be exploring options to build a theme website for the following purposes:

  • Allow users to browse and choose themes
  • Allow users to upload their themes for sharing

More details will be shared as we make progress - there's lots to be done!

Want to Help?

There's a lot of pieces of work involved in elevating the quality of the Chatbot (theme creation, themes website etc) and contributions are always welcome. If you're keen to help, whether it's adding a theme or making improvements to the library directly, please feel free to open a pull request or even reach out directly to me. Your help will be very much appreciated.


This repository contains themes that may be used directly within React ChatBotify to speed up your customization process!






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