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tkellehe edited this page Jul 28, 2017 · 7 revisions




A pass-by-value object representing a real number. This type is volatile and every operation creates a new Number object. Number objects are used for Boolean values where 0 implies false and 1 implies true. In a Boolean expression, Number objects with the value of 0 are falsy and all other values are truthy.


A pass-by-value object representing an array of characters. This type is volatile and every operation creates a new String object. In a Boolean expression, an empty String object is considered falsy and everything else is considered truthy.


A pass-by-reference object representing an array that contains any of the possible types. This type is merely mutated by operations which allows for state to be stored with the Array object. This means that when printed to the screen as it is modified the modifications will be visible. In a Boolean expression, an empty Array object is considered falsy and everything else is considered truthy. Note that even the stack is one of these Array objects.

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