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A language that leverages languages on Try It Online (TIO) ( as one language.


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The tio-lang is a language that calls to other programming languages that are available on Try It Online.

\2brainfuck\x83,+.python\x9Eimport time;time.sleep(int(I))jelly\x88“3ḅaė;œ»c\x84p(a)
Hello, World!


The current version available is 1.0. This version still does not have an editor for the tio-lang itself. But, tio-lang can be ran easily with a local HTML file and the released code. It also can be embedded into web-pages like here. Probably the more interesting feature of this release is editor.js. This allows one to embed a small editor that communicates to the TIO server for any language not just tio-lang.

<div class="tio-code" tio-language="c-gcc" tio-header="#include <stdio.h>\nint main() {\n" tio-code='printf("Hello, World!\\n")' tio-footer=";return 0;}" tio-hide-header tio-hide-footer tio-js tio-editable tio-runable tio-debug tio-animate-button tio-hide-chars></div>


The tio-lang starts by first reading the initial byte to determine how to interpret the rest of the program. The main three utilize the language identifiers from the TIO servers. This list can be obtained through tio.js and if on the website here.

Once the language identifiers have been paired with the code, it will execute the code. Each ones output feeds as the input into the next one.

\0 zero byte

The first is the null character \0 which will take the longest possible language identifier immediately following that byte. Then the rest of the code is assumed to go with that language identifier and runs it.

\0valapublic static int main(string[]args){stdout.printf("Hello, World!\n");return 0;}
Hello, World!


This is a simple JavaScript library that will execute tio-lang code using tio.js and parser.js. Merely place different attribute names into a <div> tag and it will fill everything out as well as remove any child nodes. The class tio-code is required for it to find the <div> tag. The function tio_find_editors can be called for it to search the DOM and process these elements. The function tio_apply_editor can be called while providing an HTML element with the appropriate attributes set and it will properly generate the HTML content for the editor in said element.

<div class="tio-code" tio-code='\0ada-gnatwith Ada.Text_IO;use Ada.Text_IO;procedure Main is begin Put_Line ("Yeah!");end Main;' tio-input="" tio-runable="I'm a goofy goober!" tio-animate-button></div>

attribute tio-code

Sets the tio-lang code to be executed.

attribute ?tio-input

Sets the input into the tio-lang program to be executed.

attribute ?tio-type

Sets the type of HTML to be generated. The default is current "code" and the only type that has been tested.

attribute ?tio-debug

If provided, it will add the debug output from the TIO servers to the end of the output.

attribute ?tio-runable

Adds a button to the HTML elements that will execute the code. If not provided, the code will begin executing immediately. The text of button is set to the value provided where the default is {RUN}. If the value is {RUN} then it will generate the button as a small circle.

attribute ?tio-animate

A small animation sequence will be added while the program is executing. If not set, there will be no animation added to the code.

attribute ?tio-animate-button

A small animation sequence will be added while the program is running for the button. If not set, there will be no animation.

attribute ?tio-js

If provided, the editor created will not run tio-lang. Instead, it will execute a normal tio.js session.

<div tio-language="python3" class="tio-code" tio-code='print(":)", sys.argv,' tio-header="import sys;import time;time.sleep(2)" tio-footer="" tio-input="" tio-args="" tio-runable tio-animate-button tio-js tio-editable tio-debug></div>

attribute ?tio-editable

Makes all fields editable if tio-js and tio-runable are provided.

attribute ?tio-header

Sets the header code for the session if tio-js is provided.

attribute ?tio-footer

Sets the footer code for the session if tio-js is provided.

attribute ?tio-args

Sets the args list for the session if tio-js is provided. This must be a JavaScript Array like object.

attribute ?tio-options

Sets the options list for the session if tio-js is provided. This must be a JavaScript Array like object.

attribute ?tio-drivers

Sets the drivers list for the session if tio-js is provided. This must be a JavaScript Array like object.

attribute ?tio-language

Sets the language for the session if tio-js is provided. This must be a language identifier. Once it has been confirmed to be a valid language id, it will change to printing the language name.

attribute ?tio-hide-input

Allows the tio-input to still be parsed, but it will not be displayed.

attribute ?tio-hide-header

Allows the tio-header to still be parsed, but it will not be displayed.

attribute ?tio-hide-footer

Allows the tio-footer to still be parsed, but it will not be displayed.

attribute ?tio-hide-args

Allows the tio-args to still be parsed, but it will not be displayed.

attribute ?tio-hide-options

Allows the tio-options to still be parsed, but it will not be displayed.

attribute ?tio-hide-drivers

Allows the tio-drivers to still be parsed, but it will not be displayed.

attribute ?tio-hide-language

Allows the tio-language to still be parsed, but it will not be displayed.

attribute ?tio-hide-bytes

Prevents the [bytes] from being displayed.

attribute ?tio-hide-chars

Prevents the [chars] from being displayed.


There is an API provided by tio-lang that allows one to interface with the TIO servers. It is the main utility used in order to provide the multi-language language. The following are the javascript files to include in order to get this API.

For more info on these dependencies:


tio.onload.add(function() {
    console.log("Number of languages: " + tio.utils.languages.length);
    tio.code("import sys\nprint(sys.argv)");
    tio.onsetoutput.add(function() {
        console.log("Server output: " + tio.output());

Hello, World!

tio.oncomplete.add(function() {


A global set of information used throughout all Session instances created.


The list of language JSON objects pulled from the TIO servers.


Takes in a name and attempts to find the closest matches to that while ignoring case. It then returns these as an array.


Checks if the language identifier is valid.


Encodes a string into a byte string.


Decodes a byte string into a string.


Compress byte string in order to send to the TIO servers.


Decompress byte array from TIO servers.

tio.utils.count_bytes(code, encoding)

Counts the bytes based on the encoding provided. The different options are: SBCS, UTF-8, nibbles, xxd


Count the number of characters in the code which is the same as tio.utils.count_bytes(code, "SBCS").

tio.utils.onlistener(eventHandler, ?event, ?eventType)

Takes the eventHandler object provided and adds the functions addEventListener and removeEventListener. These functions can take in an event already added, and either add a function or remove a function. Note that the name utilize for the event will have the prefix "on" added. Also, addEventListener can be provided an additional argument that if provided false will remove added function after is has be activated once for that event. If the event name is provided, it will add an extra attribute to the eventHandler as the string value provided. This new attribute is the event function that when invoked, will take the optional event_instance and pass it to all of the functions that have been added. This function also has the attributes add and remove which work the same as addEventListener and removeEventListener except that it defaults the the event name to be this attributes name.

The function also returns an object created with the appropriate attributes added with an extra of onevent that will immediately invoke the event. It also has an attribute of eventType set to auto-generated eventType or the one provided.

The eventType can be provided which will be auto-generated if not provided. This is used to construct the event_instance passed to all of the event functions registered. The default auto-generated function caches all arguments provided upon construction into the args attribute of the instance.

var obj = {};
tio.utils.onlistener(obj, "myevent");
function f(e){console.log(e)}


Create a new Session instance that can communicate and run code. Also, tio is a Session instance.


An array of messages that have been sent out. The callback onmessage can be used to know when this changes.


An array of settings for the TIO server.


An array of string options for the language to be sent to the TIO server.


An array of string cflags for the language to be sent to the TIO server.


An array of string drivers for the language to be sent to the TIO server.


An array of string arguments for language to be sent to the TIO server.


Loads the languages from the TIO servers and populates the tio.utils data. The callback onload can be used to be notified when the data is brought in. If force is set to true, it will call the callback if the data is there else it will behave normally. Rather that the force ensure another fetch is called to the TIO servers, this was done because that can become quite expensive. Therein, fetch was added to ensure another fetch to the TIO servers.


Forces a fetch to the TIO servers and populates the tio.utils data. The callback onload can be used to be notified when the data is brought in.

Session.message(title, message)

Caches the message into the Session.messages array with a Message object.


Invoke all clear functions for Session instance.


Clears all of the messages in the Session.messages array.


Clears both Session.output and Session.debug triggering callbacks onsetoutput and onsetdebug.


Clears all input related information which includes Session.options, Session.args, Session.cflags, Session.driver, and invokes callback onsetinput.


Returns a markdown representation of the code.


Get the message that encodes the current state of the Session instance that will be sent to the TIO servers.

Packages up the code and options to be sent to the TIO servers. If invoked again, it will cancel the previous run and start a new one. The callbacks that can be used to access this: onrun, oncancel, oncomplete


Cancels a previous request made to the TIO servers to execute some code. Will invoke the callback oncancel if cancellation occurred.


Counts the number of bytes in Session.code() based on the selected language.


Counts the number of characters in the Session.code().


Sets the language if an argument is provided, else it will return the current language stored. The callbacks onsetlanguage and ongetlanguage get called based on the argument. If the languages have been loaded, this will also add the properties options, cflags, and driver based off of the umask information from the TIO servers.


Sets the header if an argument is provided, else it will return the current header stored. The callbacks onsetheader and ongetheader get called based on the argument.


Sets the code if an argument is provided, else it will return the current code stored. The callbacks onsetcode and ongetcode get called based on the argument.


Sets the footer if an argument is provided, else it will return the current footer stored. The callbacks onsetfooter and ongetfooter get called based on the argument.


Sets the input if an argument is provided, else it will return the current input stored. The callbacks onsetinput and ongetinput get called based on the argument.


Sets the output if an argument is provided, else it will return the current output stored. The callbacks onsetoutput and ongetoutput get called based on the argument.


Sets the debug if an argument is provided, else it will return the current debug stored. The callbacks onsetdebug and ongetdebug get called based on the argument.

<script src="src/js/pako.js"></script> <script src="src/js/tio.js"></script> <script src="src/js/parser.js"></script> <script src="src/js/editor.js"></script>


<script> (function(){ var languages = document.getElementById("languages"); tio.onload.add(function(){ var code = languages.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; var result = "Languages:"; for(var i = 0; i < tio.utils.languages.length; ++i) { result = result + "\n[" + i + "] " + tio.utils.languages[i].name + " -> " + tio.utils.languages[i].id }; code.innerText = result; code.textContent = result; }); tio.load(true); })(); </script>


A language that leverages languages on Try It Online (TIO) ( as one language.







No releases published
