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Gradle Pandoc Plugin

Gradle Pandoc Plugin

This plugin makes it easy to generate various document formats from markdown, using Pandoc.

Why use this plugin?

  • no local Pandoc installation required: document generation happens within Docker
  • customisable document output format: pass whatever arguments you like to Pandoc
  • customisable Pandoc environment: provide your own Pandoc Dockerfile or use the default


You just need a local Docker installation. Pandoc is not required.

Applying the plugin

plugins {
    id 'com.tomgregory.pandoc' version '<latest-version>'

Configuring the plugin

Configure the following properties within the pandoc extension.

Property name Description Default
pandocDirectory The directory mounted on the Pandoc container. This should contain all files required to generate documents e.g. .md markdown files. Project directory
customDockerfile Set this to your own Dockerfile to use a custom Pandoc Docker image. Uses pandoc/latex:latest image

Note that the above properties apply to all output document formats.

To configure the arguments passed to Pandoc to generate a specific document format, use this syntax:

pandoc {
    your-document-format {
        arguments = ['arguments', 'go', '--here']

The currently supported document formats are:

  • epub
  • pdf

Example full configuration

pandoc {
    pandocDirectory = project.buildDir
    customDockerfile = layout.projectDirectory.file('docker/Dockerfile')
    epub {
        arguments = ['', '', '']
    pdf {
        arguments = ['', '', '']


Once applied and configured, the plugin registers one main task per document format with name generate<document-format>.

e.g. generateEpub, generatePdf

These tasks are also all added to the assemble task as a task dependency, assuming that task is available.


To generate a specific document format, run the corresponding generate task e.g.

./gradlew generateEpub

Or to generate all document formats at once:

./gradlew assemble


On completion, a file is generated within the pandocDirectory with name <project-name>.<document-format> e.g. gradle-build-bible.epub.


Run the following step manually, passing incrementMajor or incrementMinor.

./gradlew release -Prelease.versionIncrementer=<increment-option>

This will push a new tag, then the CI build will publish the new plugin version.

You may need to provide your GitHub token by passing -Prelease.customUsername=<your-username> -Prelease.customPassword=<your-token>.


Easy way to generate various document formats from markdown using Pandoc.





