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File metadata and controls

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Adabas Map concept


"The spirits that I called". In the more than forty years of processing of Adabas, the tool environment has evolved with a range of concepts. In the past, metadata was expensive and so Adabas was designed to have only two-character field names. Shortly after that additional 4GL-based programming languages like Natural became widespread. Natural and the add-on Predict extend the two-character field names to long names.

Unfortunately, customers use the independent long name facility to provide different views of the same database file. Therefore it is not easy to integrate it into the database. As a result, there were different storage places where the long name definition was stored.

The concept of Adabas Map is to consolidate all the places outside and inside the database to be in the database. This provides the possibility of integrating the metadata into a backup strategy.

But in times of continuous delivery and continuous testing, the Adabas Map concept provides the possibilty to define your Map configuration using an API.


Object of migration

Customers using Adabas work with Natural. The first important target group for migration are customers using Natural or Predict. In general, customers using Adabas without Natural are considered to use plain FDT definitions. A possibility is provided to use Adabas short name field definitions and database ID directly.

To provide a long name database file reference and a long name reference to the Adabas short name, a new Adabas Map is introduced. This Adabas Map will be stored inside the Adabas database.

New Map repository

The Adabas Client for Java introduces a logical view of Adabas short names mapped to long names. Various classical methods can be imported to the logical view called Adabas Maps. Adabas Maps can be created out of:

  • Natural DDM
  • Natural Predict defnitions
  • CONNX SQL long name mapping to SQL structures

All old long-to-short name mapping techniques have different repositories where the mapping is defined. Except Predict, the Map definition is stored outside the database. A full backup strategy could not be provided.

To store all relevant data, metadata and business data inside the Adabas database, the corresponding new Adabas Map file has been developed. A migration to the new Map for DDMs is provided. Natural Predict generates DDMs. Natural provides export functionality (SYSTRANS) to migrate the DDM into the Map repository file.

A backup strategy containing Maps and Adabas data, metadata and business data respectively, can be established.

Adabas Data Designer

The Data Designer is a graphical tool to create and maintain an Adabas file that contains the Meta data and the Maps. In Adabas the metadata are stored in so-called Field Description Tables (FDT). The Maps are based on Adabas files (FDTs) extended by Long Names and special Types. The Data Designer is part of the Adabas Client for Java installation and is not part of the Go Adabas-API.

Using the Adabas Data Designer it is possible to use available definitions. Both FDTs and Maps can be imported in different ways:

  • import metadata from Adabas (FDT)
  • import Natural DDMs (SYSTRANS)
  • import JSON based configurations exchanged and adapted through the testing and production environments (see import/export functionality below)

It is also possible to create metadata from scratch or adapt Maps.

Adabas Files and Maps of running databases are automatically shown when starting the Data Designer. Let's have a brief look at the Adabas Data Designer.

Data Designer long name definition

On the left side databases, files and maps are shown in a tree view. By double-clicking an object for example "TestMapEmployee", details are shown on the right upper side. Below that, a data browser is included to show the data in an Adabas file. Simply mark the fields you want to see in the data browser.

Loading Adabas Map file definition table

At first the Adabas Data Designer can be used to create a Adabas Map file inside the database.

In the Adabas Go API doc directory is a FDT file. This file can be used to create a Adabas Map file manually. You need to use standard Adabas utilities or tools:

  1. If you able to start Adabas utility or are able accessing the container bash shell, you may using the old ADAFDU utility. Here you can use the normal FDUFDT=DataDesigner.fdt environments and finally load the data with adafdu <DesignerData.fdu
  2. You can downlaod and usethe Adabas REST API administration command line tools at You can load the file by setting ADABAS_ADMIN_URL to the Adabas REST server URL and use with password (default is “manage”). The FDT is loaded using following command: adabas-restful-client -dbid 1 -input "fdt:Data_Designe.fdt" -input fdu:create-mapping.json createfile
  3. Each Adabas REST administartion installation and Adabas Community Edition docker container delivers with a backup containing standard example Adabas Map definitions. This backup can be used to load the example data. Use the standard Adabas Backup utility to restore the example backup if the database contains already all examples with BCK001=/opt/softwareag/AdabasRestAdministration/data/example.bck adabck db=<your dbid> restore=”(4,202)” or restore everything in an empty Adabas database with BCK001=/opt/softwareag/AdabasRestAdministration/data/example.bck adabck db=<your dbid> restore=”(4-202)”

Design of the Adabas Map

The new Adabas Map design contains an enhanced format definition based on DDM formats.

The Adabas Map FDT contains several metadata for the Adabas field.

Field Functionality Remark
TA Field indicator 77 is the correct field indicator for Adabas Maps
AB Hostname of the host the Adabas Map is created on
AC Date the Adabas Map is created at Unix timestamp
AD Version of the Adabas Map Valid version is 1
RN Name of the Adabas Map
RF Referenced Adabas file where the data are stored
RD Referenced Adabas database If empty, data file is located on same database as the Adabas Map
MA Period group containing field long name definition
MB Part of MA: Short name
MC Part of MA: Type of the field (extended DDM information)
MB Part of MA: Short name
MD Part of MA: Long name
ML Part of MA: Length override
MT Part of MA: Content type Charset used to read Alpha fields. Needed to convert Alpha data to local charsets
MY Part of MA: Format type
MR Part of MA: Remarks
ZB Date of modification

Adabas Map FDT

Field Definition Table:

   Level  I Name I Length I Format I   Options         I Flags   I Encoding
  1       I  TY  I        I        I                   I         I
   2      I  TA  I    1   I    B   I DE,NU             I         I
  1       I  AA  I        I        I                   I         I
   2      I  AB  I    0   I    A   I NU                I         I
   2      I  AC  I    8   I    B   I NU                I         I
   2      I  AD  I    2   I    B   I FI                I         I
  1       I  RA  I        I        I                   I         I
   2      I  RF  I    4   I    B   I NU                I         I
   2      I  RD  I    0   I    A   I DE,NU             I         I
   2      I  RN  I    0   I    A   I DE,UQ,NU          I         I
   2      I  RB  I    1   I    B   I FI                I         I
   2      I  RO  I    0   I    A   I NU                I         I
  1       I  DL  I        I        I                   I         I
   2      I  DF  I    4   I    B   I NU                I         I
   2      I  DD  I    0   I    A   I DE,NU             I         I
  1       I  MA  I        I        I PE                I         I
   2      I  MB  I   20   I    A   I NU                I         I
   2      I  MC  I    4   I    B   I NU                I         I
   2      I  MD  I    0   I    A   I NU                I         I
   2      I  ML  I    4   I    B   I NU                I         I
   2      I  MT  I    0   I    A   I NU                I         I
   2      I  MY  I    2   I    A   I FI                I         I
   2      I  MR  I    0   I    A   I NU                I         I
  1       I  ZB  I    8   I    B   I DE,MU             I         I
          I      I        I        I DT(DATETIME)      I         I
          I      I        I        I SY=TIME           I         I

Usage of Adabas Maps

Because the Adabas Maps are part of the basic concept of the Java and GO API, the Adabas Maps can be used in all components. The Adabas RESTful API provides the possibility to access Adabas RESTful data using the Adabas Map name.

Inside the Adabas API the Adabas Map access can be referenced using the repository and the name reference.

Import and Export of maps

It may be useful to administrate the Map definitions. Especially to move them from development databases to the production database.

Therefore an import/export API is introduced. The file format is JSON. Here is an example JSON configuration for a Map:

      "Target":"24(tcpip://vanGogh:0)","File":12},"LastModifified":"2019\\02\\06 20:11:26",

You can use the GO API to load the JSON file and write it to a Map repository like this:

maps, merr := LoadJSONMap("COPYEMPL.json")
for _, m := range maps {
  m.Repository = &DatabaseURL{URL: *NewURLWithDbid(adabasModDBID), Fnr: 4}
  err = m.Store()