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Student-Alumni Connect Application (PAPHYA)

This is a collaborative project with Gabriel P., Qian Y., Sharayu P., and myself.


The web application project aims to provide a platform for students to leverage and to connect with the university alumni network. The application provides a platform for users to become mentors and mentees in learning and sharing career or academics-related experiences. This mentor-mentee relationship could help students better understand after-college career paths.

Application Architecture

  • Front-end: React, Redux, MUI, Jest, Husky, Netlify, Github Actions, Postman.
  • Back-end: MySQL, NodeJS, AWS (SAM, CloudFormation, Lambda, API Gateway).


Demo & Use Cases

User Features: User can view directory + make connections.

User Features

Admin Features: Admin can provide assistance to general user with console.

Admin Features

Get Started: Front-End

Note that this repository only contains front-end codebase. Back-end codebase might be added at a future date.


Repository Structure

├── __mocks__                   # specific configurations
├── .husky                      # pre-commit hooks configurations
├── node_modules                # all installed packages and dependencies
├── public                      # placeholder folder
├── src                         # contains all React javascript code
│   ├── components              # components for a page (data is fetched & displayed)
│   ├── images                  # images
│   ├── pages                   # individual pages using components
│   ├── repositories            # store URLs of APIs
│   ├── static                  # static json data
│   ├── store                   # API actions through redux
│   └── index.js                # routing
├── styleguide                  # built documentation in html format
├── tests                       # contain all Jest testings
│   ├── components              # test components
│   ├── pages                   # test pages
│   ├── repositories            # test repositories
│   ├── store                   # test redux store
├── package.json                # package installations defined
├──                   # Front-end Developer Documentation
└── styleguide.config.js        # styleguide documentation tool configurations

How to Use

Run the following command to download all packages defined in package.json. It will also update the contents of node_modules folder.

npm install

To run application and start a local web server:

npm start

To run test and generate coverage report:

npm test -- --coverage

To run interactive documentation:

npx styleguidist build
npx styleguidist server

When adding and committing new code from local to github, husky pre-commit hook has been set up so that the repository will be regressively tested with the existing testing suites. Once passing all tests, code can then be pushed. Additionally, github actions can be set up to perform CI/CD.


MIT License


Student-Alumni Connect Web Application








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