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Morse BST Decoder

A quick program written in Go based off the idea of structuring Morse code into a BST. Given a Morse code pattern, the encoded character can be found by traversing the tree based upon whether the given Morse character is a dot or a dash.

Illustration of Morse BST:

        <-- DOT                 DASH -->
                 /           \
           E                         T
        /     \                   /     \
      I         A             N            M
    /   \      / \          /   \         / \
  S       U   R   W       D       K      G   O
 / \     /   /   / \     / \     / \    / \
H   V   F   L   P   J   B   X   C   Y  Z  Q

Example: the Morse pattern .--.

  • From start, the first character . tells us to move left to the E.
  • From E, the next character - tells us to move right to A.
  • From A, the next character - tells us to move right to W.
  • That's the end of the Morse pattern, so we're done at W!


Download a binary from releases, or clone the repo and run from source yourself (go build && ./morse-bst or go run main.go).