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Creation from scratch of an AI pipeline designed to feed a robot with images and their classification maps, in order to assist a painter in his painting process 🎨

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AI & Painting


This project aims at creating from scratch an AI pipeline designed to feed a robot with images and their classification maps, in order to assist a painter in his painting process 🎨

The AI algorithm solves a semantic segmentation problem, and produces a classification map like the one just below.

classification map example

Note that the classification maps are far from perfect. Admittedly, technical limitations are one of the causes. But most importantly, the painter wanted to produce misclassifications in order to create an artistic effect for his paintings. Also note that an UI tool was designed for him to modify the previous classifications in various ways.


Clone this GitHub repository on your machine. To install the appropriate environment, you will need a virtual environment manager, for example Anaconda. In your terminal, navigate to the cloned repository and execute the following command line to reproduce the environment used :

conda env create -f environment_lin.yml

If you're on Linux, use environment_lin.yml file. On Windows, use environment_win.yml.

Once you're done with the project, don't forget to remove the environment by running :

conda env remove -n ai-and-painting

Getting started

The script should be used both for training and predicting.

You can get some help on how to use it with :

python --help

It will display you the following help page :

usage: [-h] [--train] [--predict] [--light] [--note] [--patches-limit PATCHES_LIMIT] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--report REPORT] [--data-augment]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --train, -t           Whether to create and train a new model.
  --predict, -pred      Whether to infer predictions on test images. Will ask the user a model path to use.
  --light, -l           Build a light report with image/predictions comparisons only. Should only be used with --predict.
  --note, -n            Add a note to the training report. Should only be used with --train.
  --patches-limit PATCHES_LIMIT, -pl PATCHES_LIMIT
                        Maximum number of patches to use for training. Should only be used with --train.
  --epochs EPOCHS, -e EPOCHS
                        Maximum number of epochs during training. Should only be used with --train.
  --report REPORT, -r REPORT
                        Report path to give the model to make the inference with. Should only be used with --predict.
  --data-augment, -da   Apply data augmentation on the training data. Should only be used with --train.

For example, for the training use case :

python --train --note --epochs 10 --data-augment

and for the predicting use case :

python --predict --report <../training/report/path> --light

Note that --train and --predict options can be specified at the same time in one command, so that the predictions are made directly on the new trained model.


Of course, the project comes with its limits. Here are some non-exhaustive leads to keep improving the pipeline :

  • track data augmentation more closely during training
  • increase number of UNet encoder/decoder blocks
  • track patches used for training with more detail (save used patches number, save minimized images...)


Creation from scratch of an AI pipeline designed to feed a robot with images and their classification maps, in order to assist a painter in his painting process 🎨






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