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This is a very preliminary and quick "reference card" for the Majik. This
will be more complete if someday some nice fellow have some spare time to
make this to be more complete. Please contact us if you are competent and
willing enough.

Keyboard shortcuts:
!      - Say something, exit with <tab>
>      - Go down
<      - Go up
o      - Open a door
c      - Close a door
q      - Quit the game
7      - NUMPAD: Go northwest
9      - NUMPAD: Go northeast
1      - NUMPAD: Go southwest
3      - NUMPAD: Go southeast
8      - NUMPAD: Go north
4      - NUMPAD: Go west
2      - NUMPAD: Go south
6      - NUMPAD: Go east
y      - Go northwest
k      - Go north
u      - Go northeast
h      - Go west
l      - Go east
b      - Go sothwest
j      - Go south
n      - Go southeast
L      - Look at the objects around you
D      - Dump object info, useful for immortals only
+      - Scroll the text in the text window forwards
-      - Scroll the text in the text window backwards
*      - Toggle scrolling on and off (useful when browsing backlog)
d      - Drop something from your inventory to ground
,      - Get something from ground
i      - List and look the items you are carrying
g      - Give an item from your inventory to someone nearby
<tab>  - Toggle command-line prompt on or off
?      - Open a help dialog
5      - Do nothing
w      - Wield an item from your inventory
W      - Wear an item from your inventory
r      - Remove a wielded or worn item
C      - Chat with an NPC, ask about "you" for first, exit with <tab>
S      - List your skills and their levels
t      - Throw throwable items from your inventory
s      - Shoot missiles with our armed missile weapon
a      - Apply an object in your inventory
N      - Give a name to some object
z      - Close dialog window if any is open
^R     - Redraw the screen

Line-editing commands:
^A     - Move to the beginning of the line
^B     - Move back a single character
^E     - Move to the end of the line
^F     - Move forward a single character
^K     - Kill from current position to the end of line
^P     - Move back through history
^N     - Move forward through history
^H     - Delete the previous character
<del>  - Same as ^H
^D     - Delete the current character
^R     - Redraw the line
^L     - Same as ^R
^U     - Kill the entire line
^W     - Kill last word
<lf>   - Return the entire line
<cr>   - Same as <lf>

Commands usable from command-line prompt:
apply      blook      chat      chatto     close      cond     divine
down       drop       eq        evoke      get        give     help
i          name       noop      open       pos        quit     remove
say        shoot      shout     skills     throw      up       use
vlook      wear       who       wield

Command-line commands that has not yet a shortcut alternative:
eq     - List the items wield on worn on you
shout  - Shout a message to larger distance than is possible by just saying
who    - Display the number of interactive users online
evoke  - Evoke an elemental spell
pos    - Change your position (stand, sit, lie)
cond   - Display the condition of your hit locations
divine - Divine most powerful magic of all

Feelings usable from command-line prompt:
ah         blink      blush     bow       cackle      cheer    clap
curse      eh         giggle    greet     grin        growl    grunt
hmm        laugh      mumble    mutter    nod         ponder   scratch
shake      smile      snicker   snort     turnback    wave     yawn

A few survival tips for newbies:
  - Do not wield weapons until necessary
  - Do not attack anyone until you have a reason to do so
  - Do not forgot to report all the bugs and irrelevant features
  - Do not quit anywhere you could be slain easily
  - Do not be stupid
  - Do not let anyone to hit you, even one good hit can be the last one
  - Do not forgot to name the livings you know, including yourself


Historical source code of an early 2D "roguelike" online RPG client, dated 1999-09-09.








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