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hrtzc is a simple webpage to quickly compare different heart rate training zones models.

  • experiment with mobile-first page design
  • modern web dev tooling instead of dropping a couple of CDN script tags


The page is available here. It's built and deployed using GitHub Actions and makes use of GitHub Pages.


Some useful one-liners are available as package scripts; run npm run to see a list.

Tech stack

Built with Chart.js, Bootstrap, and Vite + PurgeCSS.

Some notes on how I arrived at this combination:

  • Popularity - I'm not a web developer (and have no interest in becoming one) so I chose Bootstrap and Vite because they are popular and look like will be around for a while. I had an OK time figuring out Bootstrap's mobile-first approach, and I don't have enough experience with web build tools to tell if Vite was the right choice.
  • Power and comfort - I would have loved to use this project to learn D3: it's a simple stacked horizontal bar chart and the dataset recalculation is trivial. Still, I felt like I would need to invest a decent chunk of time before I could produce something close to what Chart.js offers out-of-the-box. I instead chose to experiment with another part of my toolbox.

Web build tools

Part of this project was bringing in a build tool (Vite) to try and improve page performance. A couple of metrics were recorded before and after restructuring the project using the Lighthouse Firefox plugin on the GitHub Pages deployment:

Payload FCP (mobile) FCP (desktop) TBT (mobile) TBT (desktop)
before 113 KiB 1.8 s 0.6 s 170 ms 20 ms
Vite 73 KiB 1.5 s 0.5 s 50 ms 0 ms
+ PurgeCSS 60 KiB 1.3 s 0.4 s 10 ms 0 ms

However, it turns out there's a lot of building that Vite is not doing -- I achieved an 89% size reduction of the CSS bundle by using PurgeCSS.