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tlnagy committed Dec 30, 2023
1 parent 07cbfab commit d9dcd66
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Showing 4 changed files with 225 additions and 125 deletions.
347 changes: 223 additions & 124 deletions figures/Notebooks/singlecell.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,18 @@
# description: "High time resolution imaging reveals that motile cells show large fluctuations in cell volume"
# ---

# !!! tip
# This analysis has been tweaked to perform better on the (relatively) low
# memory Github workers used to build the site. It will require some minor
# modifications to generate the full animated movies from the paper which
# are noted where needed.
# ```@raw html
# <video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
# <source src="../../../assets/sv2_video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
# </video>
# ```

using Bootstrap
using ColorSchemes
using CSV
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,9 +99,9 @@ annotate!(40, 1.29, text("High Time Res", :gray, :center, 8))
@df sort(med_vols, :reltime) plot!(:reltime, :v ./ getindex.(Ref(baseline_vs), :condition), #ribbon = (:v .- :l, :u .- :v),
group = :condition, c = getindex.(Ref(cmap), :condition), ylim = (0.9, 1.3),
leg = :outerright, framestyle = :axes, grid = :y, title = "High Temporal Resolution Timeline",
xlabel = P"Time (mins)", ylabel = "Norm. Median Volume")
xlabel = P"Time (mins)", ylabel = "Norm. Median Volume", margin = 50px)
vspan!([0, 0.5], c=colorant"purple", label = "")
annotate!(-0.5, 1.25, text("fMLP\nuncage", :purple, :right, 8), size = (550, 350), label = "")
annotate!(-0.5, 1.25, text("fMLP\nuncage", :purple, :right, 8), size = (650, 450), label = "")

# ## Compute outlines for all cells using their CartesianIndices

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,128 +297,215 @@ anim[1]
# ```@raw html
# <video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
# <source src="/assets/sv2_video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
# <source src="../../../assets/sv2_video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
# </video>
# ```

## Plot high time resolution volume fluctuations for a NHE1 inhibited cell

c = filter(x->x.condition == "BIX", highrescells)
bixcell = c

imgname = first(filter(x->x.condition == "BIX", datasets)).datapath * "_fxmcorr.tif"
img = TiffImages.load(joinpath(rootfolder, "data", imgname), mmap = true);

AsTable(:) => ByRow(x->getcell(img, x)) => AsTable)

crng = Float64.((median(first.(c.img_ex)), median(last.(c.img_ex))))

c.img .= adjust_histogram.(c.img, Ref(LinearStretching(crng => (0.1, 1.3))));

c.reltime = uconvert.(u"minute", c.time_s .* u"s") .+ 30u"minute"

## anim = @animate for (i, r) in Iterators.drop(enumerate(eachrow(c)), 5)
anim = map(collect(Iterators.drop(enumerate(eachrow(c)), 5))[end:end]) do (i, r)
p2 = @df c[1:i, :] scatter(ustrip.(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(c.condition)], xlim = ustrip.(extrema(c.reltime)),
markerstrokecolor = faint(okabe_ito[2]), m = 2, c = faint(okabe_ito[2]), label = "", topmargin = 130px)
v = mapwindow(median, c[1:i, :abs_volume_um3] ./ baseline_vs[first(c.condition)], -2:2)
@df c[1:i, :] plot!(ustrip.(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
xlabel = "Time (mins)", #xticks = 0:5:10, ylim = (0.8, 1.45),
yticks = 0.8:0.1:1.4,
ylabel = "Normalized volume", size = (600,480), bottommargin = -10px,
framestyle = :axes, linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[2], leg = :outerright,
tick_direction = :out, label = "", #topmargin = -15mm, leftmargin = 5mm, bottommargin = -5mm)
yrng, xrng = extrema(c.x) .+ (-20-40, 20+40),extrema(c.y) .+ (-20-80, 20+80)
sz = xrng[2] - xrng[1], yrng[2] - yrng[1]
x = 400
p1 = plot!(permutedims(r.img, [2,1]), xlim = xrng, ylim = yrng,
inset = bbox(0.15, 0.0, x * px, x / (sz[1]/sz[2]) * px),
subplot = 2,
xflip = true,
leg = false, framestyle = :none, grid = nothing, xticks = false, yticks = false)
@df c[1:i, :] plot!(:y, :x, subplot = 2,group = :particle, aspect_ratio = 1.0, yflip = true, c = 2)

plot!(r.locality_cart_getoutline[[2, 1]]..., c = 2, linestyle = :dash, label = "", subplot = 2)
plot!(r.footprint_cart_getoutline[[2,1]]..., c = 2, label = "", subplot = 2)

plot!(rectangle(50/0.653,7,xrng[1] + 10, yrng[1] + 10), subplot = 2,
linewidth = 0, c=colorant"black", label = "")

## l = @layout [a{0.65h}; b{0.35h}]
## plot(p2, size = (600, 400))0

# As we can see, NHE1 inhibited cells can move, but slowly:

savefig(anim[1], joinpath("assets", "sv3_still.png"))

# If run on your own machine run the following lines to generate the animated
# movie of the iNHE1 cell:
# ```julia
# cp(joinpath(anim.dir, anim.frames[end]), joinpath("assets", "sv3_still.png"); force = true)
# mp4(anim, "sv3_video.mp4")
# ```
# which should look this:
# ```@raw html
# <video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
# <source src="../../../assets/sv3_video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
# </video>
# ```

## ## Plot high time resolution volume fluctuations for a NHE1 inhibited cell

## c = filter(x->x.condition == "BIX", highrescells)
## bixcell = c

## imgname = first(filter(x->x.condition == "BIX", datasets)).datapath * "_fxmcorr.tif"
## img = TiffImages.load(joinpath(rootfolder, "data", imgname), mmap = true);

## transform!(c,
## AsTable(:) => ByRow(x->getcell(img, x)) => AsTable)

## crng = Float64.((median(first.(c.img_ex)), median(last.(c.img_ex))))

## c.img .= adjust_histogram.(c.img, Ref(LinearStretching(crng => (0.1, 1.3))));

## c.reltime = uconvert.(u"minute", c.time_s .* u"s") .+ 30u"minute"

## anim = @animate for (i, r) in enumerate(eachrow(c))
## if i < 5
## continue
## end
## p2 = @df c[1:i, :] scatter(ustrip.(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(c.condition)], xlim = ustrip.(extrema(c.reltime)),
## markerstrokecolor = faint(okabe_ito[2]), m = 2, c = faint(okabe_ito[2]), label = "", topmargin = 130px)
## v = mapwindow(median, c[1:i, :abs_volume_um3] ./ baseline_vs[first(c.condition)], -2:2)
## @df c[1:i, :] plot!(ustrip.(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
## xlabel = "Time (mins)", #xticks = 0:5:10, ylim = (0.8, 1.45),
## yticks = 0.8:0.1:1.4,
## ylabel = "Normalized volume", size = (600,480), bottommargin = -10px,
## framestyle = :axes, linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[2], leg = :outerright,
## tick_direction = :out, label = "", #topmargin = -15mm, leftmargin = 5mm, bottommargin = -5mm)
## )
## yrng, xrng = extrema(c.x) .+ (-20-40, 20+40),extrema(c.y) .+ (-20-80, 20+80)
## sz = xrng[2] - xrng[1], yrng[2] - yrng[1]
## x = 400
## p1 = plot!(permutedims(r.img, [2,1]), xlim = xrng, ylim = yrng,
## inset = bbox(0.15, 0.0, x * px, x / (sz[1]/sz[2]) * px),
## subplot = 2,
## xflip = true,
## leg = false, framestyle = :none, grid = nothing, xticks = false, yticks = false)
## @df c[1:i, :] plot!(:y, :x, subplot = 2,group = :particle, aspect_ratio = 1.0, yflip = true, c = 2)

## plot!(r.locality_cart_getoutline[[2, 1]]..., c = 2, linestyle = :dash, label = "", subplot = 2)
## plot!(r.footprint_cart_getoutline[[2,1]]..., c = 2, label = "", subplot = 2)

## plot!(rectangle(50/0.653,7,xrng[1] + 10, yrng[1] + 10), subplot = 2,
## linewidth = 0, c=colorant"black", label = "")

## ## l = @layout [a{0.65h}; b{0.35h}]
## ## plot(p2, size = (600, 400))0
## p2
## end
## mp4(anim, "sv3_video.mp4")

## # ## Plot combined overlay

## c = filter(x->x.condition == "LatB", highrescells)
## latcell = c
## c.reltime = uconvert.(u"minute", c.time_s .* u"s") .+ 30u"minute"

## p = @df bixcell scatter(:reltime .- first(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(:condition)], alpha = 0.3,
## markerstrokecolor = okabe_ito[2], m = 2, c = okabe_ito[2], label = "")

## v = mapwindow(median, bixcell.abs_volume_um3, -2:2) ./ baseline_vs[first(bixcell.condition)]
## @df bixcell plot!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
## ylabel = "Normalized volume",
## linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[2], label = "")
## hline!([Measurements.value.(mean(v))], linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[2], linestyle = :dash,
## label = "")

## @df latcell scatter!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(:condition)], alpha = 0.3,
## markerstrokecolor = okabe_ito[5], m = 2, c = okabe_ito[5], label = "")

## v = mapwindow(median, latcell.abs_volume_um3, -2:2) ./ baseline_vs[first(latcell.condition)]
## @df latcell plot!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
## framestyle = :axes, linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[5], leg = :outerright,
## tick_direction = :out, label = "")
## hline!([Measurements.value.(mean(v))], linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[5], linestyle = :dash,
## label = "")

## @df wtcell scatter!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(:condition)], alpha = 0.3,
## markerstrokecolor = okabe_ito[1], m = 2, c = okabe_ito[1], label = "")

## v = mapwindow(median, wtcell.abs_volume_um3, -2:2) ./ baseline_vs[first(wtcell.condition)]
## @df wtcell plot!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
## xlabel = P"Time (mins)", xticks = 0:5:10, ylim = (0.8, 1.45),
## yticks = 0.8:0.2:1.4,
## ylabel = "Normalized volume",
## framestyle = :axes, linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[1], leg = :outerright,
## tick_direction = :out, label = "")
## hline!([Measurements.value.(mean(v))], linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[1], linestyle = :dash,
## label = "")

## annotate!(10.5, 1.30, text("Ctrl", "Helvetica Bold", okabe_ito[1], :left, 10))
## annotate!(10.5, 0.95, text("iNHE1", "Helvetica Bold", okabe_ito[2], :left, 10))
## annotate!(10.5, 1.19, text("LatB", "Helvetica Bold", okabe_ito[5], :left, 10))

## p1 = plot(p, grid = :y, size = (450, 350))

## savefig(p1, joinpath("assets", "single_cell.svg"))
## p1

## # ## Motile PI3Kγ cells show fluctuations

## duvelcell = filter(x->x.condition == "Duvel", highrescells)
## duvelcell.reltime = uconvert.(u"minute", duvelcell.time_s .* u"s") .+ 30u"minute"

## p = @df duvelcell scatter(:reltime .- first(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(:condition)], alpha = 0.3,
## markerstrokecolor = okabe_ito[4], m = 2, c = okabe_ito[4], label = "")

## v = mapwindow(median, duvelcell.abs_volume_um3, -2:2) ./ baseline_vs[first(duvelcell.condition)]
## @df duvelcell plot!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
## framestyle = :axes, linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[4], leg = :outerright,
## tick_direction = :out, label = "")
## hline!([Measurements.value.(mean(v))], linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[4], linestyle = :dash,
## label = "")

## p1 = plot(p, grid = :y, size = (450, 350),
## xlabel = P"Time (mins)", xticks = 0:5:10, ylim = (0.8, 1.45),
## yticks = 0.8:0.2:1.4,
## ylabel = "Normalized volume")
# ## Plot combined overlay

c = filter(x->x.condition == "LatB", highrescells)
latcell = c
c.reltime = uconvert.(u"minute", c.time_s .* u"s") .+ 30u"minute"

p = @df bixcell scatter(:reltime .- first(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(:condition)], alpha = 0.3,
markerstrokecolor = okabe_ito[2], m = 2, c = okabe_ito[2], label = "")

v = mapwindow(median, bixcell.abs_volume_um3, -2:2) ./ baseline_vs[first(bixcell.condition)]
@df bixcell plot!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
ylabel = "Normalized volume",
linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[2], label = "")
hline!([Measurements.value.(mean(v))], linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[2], linestyle = :dash,
label = "")

@df latcell scatter!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(:condition)], alpha = 0.3,
markerstrokecolor = okabe_ito[5], m = 2, c = okabe_ito[5], label = "")

v = mapwindow(median, latcell.abs_volume_um3, -2:2) ./ baseline_vs[first(latcell.condition)]
@df latcell plot!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
framestyle = :axes, linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[5], leg = :outerright,
tick_direction = :out, label = "")
hline!([Measurements.value.(mean(v))], linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[5], linestyle = :dash,
label = "")

@df wtcell scatter!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(:condition)], alpha = 0.3,
markerstrokecolor = okabe_ito[1], m = 2, c = okabe_ito[1], label = "")

v = mapwindow(median, wtcell.abs_volume_um3, -2:2) ./ baseline_vs[first(wtcell.condition)]
@df wtcell plot!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
xlabel = P"Time (mins)", xticks = 0:5:10, ylim = (0.8, 1.45),
yticks = 0.8:0.2:1.4,
ylabel = "Normalized volume",
framestyle = :axes, linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[1], leg = :outerright,
tick_direction = :out, label = "")
hline!([Measurements.value.(mean(v))], linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[1], linestyle = :dash,
label = "")

annotate!(10.5, 1.30, text("Ctrl", "Helvetica Bold", okabe_ito[1], :left, 10))
annotate!(10.5, 0.95, text("iNHE1", "Helvetica Bold", okabe_ito[2], :left, 10))
annotate!(10.5, 1.19, text("LatB", "Helvetica Bold", okabe_ito[5], :left, 10))

p1 = plot(p, grid = :y, size = (450, 350))

savefig(p1, joinpath("assets", "single_cell.svg"))

# ## Motile PI3Kγ cells show fluctuations

duvelcell = filter(x->x.condition == "Duvel", highrescells)
duvelcell.reltime = uconvert.(u"minute", duvelcell.time_s .* u"s") .+ 30u"minute"

p = @df duvelcell scatter(:reltime .- first(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(:condition)], alpha = 0.3,
markerstrokecolor = okabe_ito[4], m = 2, c = okabe_ito[4], label = "")

v = mapwindow(median, duvelcell.abs_volume_um3, -2:2) ./ baseline_vs[first(duvelcell.condition)]
@df duvelcell plot!(:reltime .- first(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
framestyle = :axes, linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[4], leg = :outerright,
tick_direction = :out, label = "")
hline!([Measurements.value.(mean(v))], linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[4], linestyle = :dash,
label = "")

p1 = plot(p, grid = :y, size = (450, 350),
xlabel = P"Time (mins)", xticks = 0:5:10, ylim = (0.8, 1.45),
yticks = 0.8:0.2:1.4,
ylabel = "Normalized volume")

c = filter(x->x.condition == "Duvel", highrescells)
duvelcell = c

imgname = first(filter(x->x.condition == "Duvel", datasets)).datapath * "_fxmcorr.tif"

open(joinpath(rootfolder, "data", imgname)) do f
img = TiffImages.load(f, mmap = true);

AsTable(:) => ByRow(x->getcell(img, x)) => AsTable)

crng = Float64.((median(first.(c.img_ex)), median(last.(c.img_ex))))

c.img .= adjust_histogram.(c.img, Ref(LinearStretching(crng => (0.1, 1.3))));

c.reltime = uconvert.(u"minute", c.time_s .* u"s") .+ 40u"minute";

## anim = @animate for (i, r) in Iterators.drop(enumerate(eachrow(c)), 5)
anim = map(collect(Iterators.drop(enumerate(eachrow(c)), 5))[end:end]) do (i, r)
col = 4
p2 = @df c[1:i, :] scatter(ustrip.(:reltime), :abs_volume_um3 ./ baseline_vs[first(c.condition)], xlim = ustrip.(extrema(c.reltime)),
markerstrokecolor = faint(okabe_ito[col]), m = 2, c = faint(okabe_ito[col]), label = "", topmargin = 130px)
v = mapwindow(median, c[1:i, :abs_volume_um3] ./ baseline_vs[first(c.condition)], -2:2)
@df c[1:i, :] plot!(ustrip.(:reltime), Measurements.value.(v), ribbon = (Measurements.uncertainty.(v), Measurements.uncertainty.(v)),
xlabel = "Time (mins)", #xticks = 0:5:10, ylim = (0.8, 1.45),
yticks = 0.8:0.1:1.4,
ylabel = "Normalized volume", size = (600,480), bottommargin = -10px,
framestyle = :axes, linewidth = 2, c = okabe_ito[col], leg = :outerright,
tick_direction = :out, label = "", #topmargin = -15mm, leftmargin = 5mm, bottommargin = -5mm)
yrng, xrng = extrema(c.x) .+ (-20, 20),extrema(c.y) .+ (-20-130, 20+130)
sz = xrng[2] - xrng[1], yrng[2] - yrng[1]
x = 400
p1 = plot!(permutedims(r.img, [2,1]), xlim = xrng, ylim = yrng,
inset = bbox(0.15, 0.0, x * px, x / (sz[1]/sz[2]) * px),
subplot = 2,
xflip = true,
leg = false, framestyle = :none, grid = nothing, xticks = false, yticks = false)
@df c[1:i, :] plot!(:y, :x, subplot = 2,group = :particle, aspect_ratio = 1.0, yflip = true, c = col)

plot!(r.locality_cart_getoutline[[2, 1]]..., c = col, linestyle = :dash, label = "", subplot = 2)
plot!(r.footprint_cart_getoutline[[2,1]]..., c = col, label = "", subplot = 2)

plot!(rectangle(50/0.653,7,xrng[1] + 10, yrng[1] + 10), subplot = 2,
linewidth = 0, c=colorant"black", label = "")


# As we can see some PI3Kγ cells can move, but it's fairly slow movement:

savefig(anim[1], joinpath("assets", "sv6_still.png"))

# If run on your own machine run the following lines to generate the animated
# movie of the PI3Kγ cell:
# ```julia
# cp(joinpath(anim.dir, anim.frames[end]), joinpath("assets", "sv6_still.png"); force = true)
# mp4(anim, "sv6_video.mp4")
# ```
# which should look this:
# ```@raw html
# <video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
# <source src="../../../assets/sv6_video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
# </video>
# ```
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion site/make.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ files = ["fxm_uncaging_augmented.csv",
for file in files
if !isfile(joinpath(dst, file))
Expand Down
Binary file added site/src/assets/sv3_video.mp4
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added site/src/assets/sv6_video.mp4
Binary file not shown.

0 comments on commit d9dcd66

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