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NPM Modules for proving and verifying using TLSNotary in the browser.

The prover requires a notary-server and websockify proxy


tlsn-js is developped for the usage of TLSNotary in the Browser. This module does not work in nodejs.


import { prove, verify } from '../src';

// To create a proof
const proof = await prove('', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      Connection: 'close',
      Accept: 'application/json',
      'Accept-Encoding': 'identity',
    body: '',
    maxTranscriptSize: 20000,
    notaryUrl: '',
    websocketProxyUrl: 'ws://',

// To verify a proof
const result = await verify(proof);

Running a local websockify proxy for

git clone && cd websockify
docker run -it --rm -p 55688:80 novnc/websockify 80

Install as NPM Package

npm install tlsn-js



Note on Rust-to-WASM Compilation: This project requires compiling Rust into WASM, which needs clang version 16.0.0 or newer. MacOS users, be aware that Xcode's default clang might be older. If you encounter the error No available targets are compatible with triple "wasm32-unknown-unknown", it's likely due to an outdated clang. Updating clang to a newer version should resolve this issue.

# make sure you have rust installed
npm install

# this serve a page that will execute the example code at http://localhost:3001 
npm run dev

Build for NPM

npm install
npm run build

Adding a new test

  1. Create a new new-test.spec.ts file in the test/ directory
  2. Add your spec file to the entry object fin
  3. Add a new div block to test/test.ejs like this: <div>Testing "new-test":<div id="new-test"></div></div>. The div id must be the same as the filename.