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Neon edited this page Aug 21, 2015 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the nutscript_plugins wiki!

Currently exist plugins:

  • crafting - Allows you craft some items.
  • edgynicknames - Not edgy enough? Get a nickname and fix that issue.
  • gasstation - A new way to put gas in your vehicle!
  • machine - If your server does not have proper economy? install this!
  • moderator - Provides a simple administration mod.
  • motd - Allows you read motds.
  • nightvision - Adds a simple wearable item that toggles on a night vision mode.
  • notes - Go write something.
  • notiboard - This is a noti-board for notifications!
  • oldplugins-fix - Allow to use simple plugins from NS 1.0 (Fixed deprecaded functions)
  • playx - Integrates PlayX into NutScript
  • quests - For someone who want to make server automatic game.
  • salary - Plugin to manage character salaries.
  • talknpc - Adding talking NPCs.
  • voting - Voting plugin for governor elections.
  • diffchat - Different chat sizes also different colors.
  • showbars - Shows you bars while content menu is active.
  • worlditemspawner - World Item Spawner.
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