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Temper Settings

Controlling my temper, a split wireless-only mechanical keyboard with nice!view displays.

  • Dvorak base layout
  • timer-less home row mods
  • sticky shift on right thumb, double-tap (or shift+tap) activates caps-word
  • shift+space morphs into dot+space+sticky-shift

keymap image


Either generate the firmware via the GitHub action, or build locally by setting up the ZMK toolchain as described here. Given a directory structure like:

|-- config-temper/
|-- zephyr-sdk-0.16.5-1/
`-- zmk/
    |-- app
    `-- ...

Then from the zmk/app directory run the following command to build the firmware for the left hand board:

west build -b nice_nano_v2 -p -c -- -DSHIELD="temper_left nice_view_adapter nice_view_temper" -DZMK_CONFIG=../../config-temper-zmk/config -DZMK_EXTRA_MODULES=../../config-temper-zmk -DZephyr-sdk_DIR=../../zephyr-sdk-0.16.5-1/cmake

This will produce the file zmk/app/build/zephyr/zmk.utf. Put the board into bootloader mode by pressing the reset button twice, and copy this file to the board, which will show up as a USB drive when connected to your computer. Repeat for the right side board.

Keymap image

The keymap image is created using keymap-drawer. It can be regenerated with the commands:

keymap -c img/keymap_drawer.config.yaml parse -c 10 -z config/temper.keymap > img/temper.yaml
keymap -c img/keymap_drawer.config.yaml draw -k chocofi img/temper.yaml > img/temper.svg


In MacOS, when a key is held down while entering text, a popup is shown which lets you choose between various accented forms of the character. The following command will disable this behaviour.

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
