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Adaptive Image

Allows you to specify different images for different breakpoints (and resolutions).

Can also be used to simply lazy load images on your page that don't need to be loaded until the rest of your content has been.


Add the adaptive-image.js to your project.

Specify your adaptive images using HTML as shown below, and then call AdaptiveImage.init(window, false); to initialise your adaptive images.

Also see the index.html in the root of the repo for more info.

Specifying your adaptive images

<div class="adaptive-image" data-adaptive="" data-adaptive-image-breakpoints="320 480 800" data-alt="Adaptive Test Image" data-img-320="img/less320.jpg" data-img-480="img/less480.jpg" data-img-800="img/less800.jpg" data-img-max="img/max.jpg">
		<img src="img/max.jpg" width="800" height="800" alt="Adaptive Test Image" title="Adaptive Test Image" />

All adaptive images must be specified using div tags, and a fallback image should be specified in <noscript> tags for when users have JS disabled.


####data-adaptive Should be set to specify that the container is an adaptive image element.

####data-adaptive-image-breakpoints Set with the breakpoint width values you wish to specify images for, in pixels.

####data-img-x Attributes specifying the image to be displayed when the width is below the pixel amount specified. So data-img-320 specifies an image to be displayed when the calculated width is less than 320 pixels.

####data-img-max The image to be displayed when above the maximum breakpoint value given in data-adaptive-image-breakpoints. So in the above HTML, when the browser is above 800px wide it will display the image specified in data-img-max.

####data-alt The alt text for your image. This text is the same across all images

####data-adaptive-defer Stops the image from being loaded when the AdaptiveImage.init(…) function is called. Images can then be subsequently loaded by calling AdaptiveImage.loadImage(image) where image is the dom element of the image being loaded.


####.init(window, checkForPixelDensity)

Initialise adaptive images on your page.

The function is passed 2 values – the first should be your document window object. The second is whether you would like AdaptiveImage to check for the device pixel density.


Loads an image dependent on the screen size. Passed the DOM reference of the image to be loaded as element.


Ashley Nolan@AshNolan_


Responsive Image Method that allows you to specify different images for different breakpoints (and resolutions).






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