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File metadata and controls

233 lines (176 loc) · 8.17 KB

Getting Started with Python Sample Code


  1. Install Python 3.6 or 3.8 or 3.10, the version must mapping with TLKCore_release

  2. Extract zip file.

  3. Install related Python packages from requirements.txt

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Create the new directory named files to target directory.


  5. [BBoxOne/Lite] Copy your calibration & antenna tables into files/ under the target directory.

    • BBox calibration tables -> {SN}_{Freq}GHz.csv
    • BBox antenna table -> AAKIT_{AAKitName}.csv

Introduction of


usage: [-h] [--dc SN Address DevType] [--dfu DFU] [--root ROOT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dc SN Address DevType
                        Direct connect device to skip scanning, must provide 3 parameters: SN, IP and dev_type
  --dfu DFU             DFU image path
  --root ROOT           The root path/directory of for log/ & files/

Basic call flow

  • main() -> startService() -> testDevice() -> testXXX()


# You can assign a new root directory into TLKCoreService() to change files and log directory
service = TLKCoreService()

# Scan for devices

# Some handling for scan result -> get: SN, address, dev type
# ...

# Init device, the first action for device before the operations

# Next function to test your device, it depends on SN or dev type to trigger its test function.
testDevice(sn, service)


# ====== MUST SET RFMODE TO BBOX ======
mode = RFMode.TX
service.setRFMode(sn, mode)

target_freq = 28.0
ret = service.setOperatingFreq(sn, target_freq)

# Get dynamic range of gain for BBoxOne/Lite, the data lists are from calibration tables.
rng = service.getDR(sn, mode).RetData
gain_max = rng[1]

# ====== Select AAKit, please call getAAKitList() to fetch all AAKit list in files/ ======
aakit_selected = False
aakitList = service.getAAKitList(sn).RetData
for aakit in aakitList:
    if '4x4' in aakit:
        service.selectAAKit(sn, aakit)
        aakit_selected = True
if not aakit_selected:
    logger.warning("PhiA mode")

# Test example options, you can decide what to test
testChannels = True
testBeam = False
testFBS = False

if testChannels:
    """Individual gain/phase/switch control example"""
    # Set IC channel gain with common gain, and gain means element gain(offset) if assign common gain
    # Each element gain must between 0 and common_gain_rng if using common gain
    common_gain_max = 0 # Please ref getCOMDR()
    ele_dr_limit = 0 # Please ref getELEDR()
    ele_offsets = [ele_dr_limit, ele_dr_limit, ele_dr_limit, ele_dr_limit]"Set Gain for channel 1: %s" %service.setIcChannelGain(sn, 1, ele_offsets, common_gain_max))"Set Gain/Phase for channel 1: %s" %service.setChannelGainPhase(sn, 1, gain_max, 30))

    # Disable specific channel example"Disable channel 1: %s" %service.switchChannel(sn, 1, disable=True))

# Beam control example
if testBeam:
    if aakit_selected:
        service.setBeamAngle(sn, gain_max, 0, 0))
        logger.error("PhiA mode cannot process beam steering")

if testFBS:
    # Test example options
    batch_import = False

    if batch_import:
        # Please reference #FBS topic
        beam_config_file = "CustomBatchBeams.csv"
        batch = TMYBeamConfig(sn, service, beam_config_file)
        # Skip it


# Get UD state
# Off channel1, 0, UDState.CH1))

# Get & set freq"Get current freq: %s" %service.getUDFreq(sn))
# Passing: LO, RF, IF, Bandwidth with kHz
LO = 24e6
RF = 28e6
IF = 4e6
BW = 1e5
service.setUDFreq(sn, LO, RF, IF, BW)

Commandline to run



This topic introduces TLKCore how to process FBS (Fast Beam Steering), it loads a readable beam configuration file, then generates a internal data structure, and converts to SPI signals to BBoxOne/Lite.

  • TMYBeamConfig

    • It comes from in the downloaded library package with source code.
  • Beam configuration file, i.g. CustomBatchBeams_D2230E058-28.csv. You can edit/pre-config it via Office-like software or any text editor, PLEASE RENAME it for real environment, and passing parameter to TMYBeamConfig()

    • Basic beam type, there are two basic types, usually we define to CHANNEL CONFIG as default.
      • A whole BEAM config (BeamType=0)
        • beam_db: gain with float type, please DO NOT EXCEED the DR (dynamic range).
        • beam_theta with integer degree
        • beam_phi with integer degree
      • CHANNEL/Custom beam config(BeamType=1), suggest use TMXLAB Kit first to makes sure your settings.
        • ch: Assigned channel to config
        • ch_sw: 0 means channel is ON, 1 is OFF.
        • ch_db: gain with float type.
        • ch_deg: phase degree with int type.
    • Edit rule: lost fields always follow the rule of default beam/channel config
      • Must assign TX/RX and BeamID
      • Default takes channel config (not a beam)
      • Default enabled if not mentioned.
      • Default gives a MAX value of gain DR if BEAM config not mentioned.
      • Default gives a MAX value of gain common+element DR if CHANNEL config not mentioned.
      • Default gives degree 0 for theta, phi ... etc
    • Example: TX beam1 will be MAX of DR with degree(0, 0), and TX beam8 just modify ch 9~12 to 1dB CustomBatchBeams

Extra usage

  1. I have my own project to import TLKCore, so I can not import TLKCore libraries under the current directory, how to import TLKCore libraries?

    • You can set the system environment variables to caller to finding TLKCore libraries, just modify the caller ( in the following example:

      # Please setup path of tlkcore libraries to environment variables,
      # here is a example to search from 'lib/' or '.'
      # REMOVED:
      # prefix = "lib/"
      # lib_path = os.path.join(root_path, prefix)
      # ADDED:
      lib_path = Path("C:\\MyTLKCore\\lib\\").absolute()
  2. How to assign the path of files/ and tlk_core_log/ ?

    • You can assign a new root path as parameter to TLKCoreService

      service = TLKCoreService({Your_Path})
    • Or you can also try:

        python3 --root {Your_Path}
  3. I connected my device directly and I will not change my network environment, Is there any way to skip scanning procedure?

    • Please make sure you have scanned the device before, and record the scanned result from the log, then just passing the result to initDev() in the following example:

      1. Record SN, address, device type from log


      2. Direct connect

        1. Via typing:

            python3 --dc D2230E013-28 9
        2. Or passing to initDev() service.initDev(sn, addr, dev_type)

  4. DFU(Device FW Update), from TLKCore v1.2.1, support to update BBox series firmware via TLKCore now!

    1. Query/download FW image for your BBoxOne/BBoxLite/BBoard device

    2. Please disable firewall first to allow tftp protocol transmission

      • Windows
        • netsh advfirewall set allprofile state off
      • Ubuntu
        • sudo ufw disable
      • CentOS
        • sudo systemctl stop firewalld
      • macOS
        • sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setglobalstate off
    3. Argument assign image path to

       python3 --dfu {IMAGE_PATH}