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interpolant positivity and smooth extrapolation (#37)
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* switch to linear interpolation if result is negative

* use positive constraints for spline coefficients

* Gaussian tail for extrapolation
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tnagler committed Oct 19, 2019
1 parent 95d02f3 commit d48bd06
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Showing 2 changed files with 50 additions and 58 deletions.
73 changes: 39 additions & 34 deletions inst/include/interpolation.hpp
Expand Up @@ -11,9 +11,7 @@
class InterpolationGrid1d
InterpolationGrid1d() {}

InterpolationGrid1d(const Eigen::VectorXd& grid_points,
const Eigen::VectorXd& values,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,44 +185,44 @@ inline double InterpolationGrid1d::cubic_integral(const double& lower,
//! @param vals length 4 vector of function values.
//! @param grid length 4 vector of grid points.
inline Eigen::VectorXd
InterpolationGrid1d::find_coefs(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals,
const Eigen::VectorXd& grid)
Eigen::VectorXd a(4);

double dt0 = grid(1) - grid(0);
double dt1 = grid(2) - grid(1);
double dt2 = grid(3) - grid(2);

/* check for repeated points (important for boundaries) */
if (dt1 <= 0)
dt1 = 1.0;
if (dt0 <= 0)
dt0 = dt1;
if (dt2 <= 0)
dt2 = dt1;

// compute tangents when parameterized in (t1,t2)
double dx1 = (vals(1) - vals(0)) / dt0;
InterpolationGrid1d::find_coefs(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals,
const Eigen::VectorXd& grid)
double dt0 = grid(1) - grid(0);
double dt1 = grid(2) - grid(1);
double dt2 = grid(3) - grid(2);

// compute tangents when parameterized in (t1,t2)
// for smooth extrapolation, derivative is set to zero at boundary
double dx1 = 0.0, dx2 = 0.0;
if (dt0 > 0) {
dx1 = (vals(1) - vals(0)) / dt0;
dx1 -= (vals(2) - vals(0)) / (dt0 + dt1);
dx1 += (vals(2) - vals(1)) / dt1;
double dx2 = (vals(2) - vals(1)) / dt1;
if (dt2 > 0) {
dx2 = (vals(2) - vals(1)) / dt1;
dx2 -= (vals(3) - vals(1)) / (dt1 + dt2);
dx2 += (vals(3) - vals(2)) / dt2;

// rescale tangents for parametrization in (0,1)
dx1 *= dt1;
dx2 *= dt1;
// rescale tangents for parametrization in (0,1)
dx1 *= dt1;
dx2 *= dt1;

// compute coefficents
a(0) = vals(1);
a(1) = dx1;
a(2) = -3 * vals(1) + 3 * vals(2) - 2 * dx1 - dx2;
a(3) = 2 * vals(1) - 2 * vals(2) + dx1 + dx2;
// ensure positivity (Schmidt and Hess, DOI:10.1007/bf01934097)
dx1 = std::max(dx1, -3 * vals(1));
dx2 = std::min(dx2, 3 * vals(2));

return a;
// compute coefficents
Eigen::VectorXd a(4);
a(0) = vals(1);
a(1) = dx1;
a(2) = -3 * (vals(1) - vals(2)) - 2 * dx1 - dx2;
a(3) = 2 * (vals(1) - vals(2)) + dx1 + dx2;

return a;
//! Interpolate on 4 points
//! @param x evaluation point.
Expand All @@ -234,8 +232,15 @@ inline double InterpolationGrid1d::interp_on_grid(const double& x,
const Eigen::VectorXd& vals,
const Eigen::VectorXd& grid)
double xev = (x - grid(1)) / (grid(2) - grid(1));
// use Gaussian tail for extrapolation
if (xev <= 0) {
return vals(1) * std::exp(-0.5 * xev * xev);
} else if (xev >= 1) {
return vals(2) * std::exp(-0.5 * xev * xev);

Eigen::VectorXd a = find_coefs(vals, grid);
double xev = std::fmax((x - grid(1)), 0) / (grid(2) - grid(1));
return cubic_poly(xev, a);

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35 changes: 11 additions & 24 deletions inst/include/lpdens.hpp
Expand Up @@ -319,46 +319,33 @@ inline Eigen::VectorXd LPDens1d::construct_grid_points(
const Eigen::VectorXd& x,
const Eigen::VectorXd& weights)
// set up grid
size_t grid_size = 52;
Eigen::VectorXd grid_points(grid_size);

// determine "inner" grid by sample quantiles
// (need to leave room for boundary extensions)
if (std::isnan(xmin_))
grid_size -= 3;
if (std::isnan(xmax_))
grid_size -= 3;

// hybrid grid: quantiles and two equally spaced points between them
auto qgrid = stats::quantile(
x, Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced((grid_size - 1)/3 + 1, 0, 1), weights);
x, Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(14, 0, 1), weights);
size_t grid_size = 53;
Eigen::VectorXd inner_grid(grid_size);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < qgrid.size() - 1; i++) {
inner_grid.segment(i * 3, 4) =
Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(4, qgrid(i), qgrid(i + 1));
inner_grid.segment(i * 4, 5) =
Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(5, qgrid(i), qgrid(i + 1));

// extend grid where there's no boundary
double range = inner_grid.maxCoeff() - inner_grid.minCoeff();
Eigen::VectorXd lowr_ext, uppr_ext;
if (std::isnan(xmin_)) {
// no left boundary -> add a few points to the left
lowr_ext = Eigen::VectorXd(3);
double step = inner_grid[1] - inner_grid[0];
lowr_ext[2] = inner_grid[0] - step;
lowr_ext[1] = inner_grid[0] - 2 * step;
lowr_ext[0] = lowr_ext[1] - std::max(0.25 * range, step);
lowr_ext = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
lowr_ext[1] = inner_grid[0] - 1 * bw_;
lowr_ext[0] = inner_grid[0] - 2 * bw_;
if (std::isnan(xmax_)) {
// no right boundary -> add a few points to the right
uppr_ext = Eigen::VectorXd(3);
double step = inner_grid[grid_size - 1] - inner_grid[grid_size - 2];
uppr_ext[0] = inner_grid[grid_size - 1] + step;
uppr_ext[1] = inner_grid[grid_size - 1] + 2 * step;
uppr_ext[2] = uppr_ext[1] + std::max(0.25 * range, step);
uppr_ext = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
uppr_ext[0] = inner_grid[grid_size - 1] + 1 * bw_;
uppr_ext[1] = inner_grid[grid_size - 1] + 2 * bw_;

Eigen::VectorXd grid_points(grid_size + uppr_ext.size() + lowr_ext.size());
grid_points << lowr_ext, inner_grid, uppr_ext;
return grid_points;
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