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#Schema Messages

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Schema Messages creates binary representation of structured data that can be efficiently transmitted over network. Anticipated for use in applications where identical structure messages are transmitted repeatively, e.g. in multiplayer/online games. For example sending the following message:

	'player_id': 42,
	'position_x': 123.45,
	'position_y': 6789.21

Would take 64 bytes to transfer using raw json, 52 bytes using msgpack and only 10 bytes using Schema Messages which would look something like this:

01 2A 42 F6 E6 66 45 D4 29 AE

However bear in mind that to encode/decode the message on either end, one needs a schema which would look something like this:

		"FrameMessage": {
				"format": {
						"position_x": "float",
						"position_y": "float",
						"player_id": "ubyte"

Schemas must be pre-shared on both ends for communication to works.


Schema Messages can be installed using pip:

pip install schema-messages


Schema Messages are distributed using Universal Module Definition and can be included directly using a script tag, or as a part of your AMD or Common JS application. It can also be used in Node:

from schemamessages import MessageFactory, unpack_message, pack_message

First thing you need is to define schema describing every possible message that your application will ever need to pack/unpack. Here is an example of a Message Factory with a schema containing one simple message:

schema = {
    'FooMessage': {
        'enums': {
            'direction': {
                'north': 1,
                'south': 2,
                'east': 3,
                'west': 4
        'format': {
            'x': 'uint',
            'y': 'uint',
            'direction': 'enum'
factory = MessageFactory(schema)

With factory created you can prepare your message:

FooMessage = factory.get('FooMessage')
msg = FooMessage(x = 123, y = 456, direction = 'south');

Now message can be packed into a binary string:

bytes = pack_message(msg);

And bytes can be sent over the WebSocket. On the other end you will also need a factory with exactly the same schema. Equiped with that you can unpack your message:

msg = unpack_message(bytes);

For more examples see tests and demo app

#Message Types

Schema Messages can pack/unpack the following types:

bool Boolean type (true/false), packed into 1 byte

byte A number between -127 and 127, packed into 1 byte

ubyte A number between 0 and 255, packed into 1 byte

short A number between -32,768 and 32,767, packed into 2 bytes

ushort A number between 0 and 65,535, packed into 2 bytes

int A number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647, packed into 4 bytes

uint A number between 0 and 4,294,967,295, packed into 4 bytes

int64 A number between –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, packed into 8 bytes.

uint64 A number between 0 and 18,446,744,073,709,551,615, packed into 8 bytes.

float A 32 to bit floating-point value, packed into 4 bytes

double A 64-bit floating-point value, packed into 8 bytes

string A string value, unicode is supported. Total binary length is: binary length of the string + 4 bytes overhead.

enum The enum is used to declare an enumeration, values for which need to be specified in the schema. Binary length is chosen to be as small as possible based on the number of values within the enumeration.


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