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Pkmn API

Rust Python bash Docker License


  • add in-memory cache to speed performance: moka

Compatibility: This was developed and tested on Ubuntu 22.04. This app should work on most Linux platforms and WSL2 if you're feeling adventurous. You can always Dockerize/containerize it to make it more portable.


  • Docker
  • If no docker
    • python v3.10.6
    • rust (if developing) rustc v1.68.0, cargo v1.68.0

This is a Pokeapi mirror that can be used to serve a subset of the api using Rust Axum backend(hence the name). This was built as an education experience and also serves as a performant tool for backend development and testing REST apis.

If you're wondering why this does't serve all endpoints, it's because, the primary goal of this app is optimization and performance. Data has to be cached and hashed first to make lookups fast, and serving a subset of the data is required if working on constrained resources.

Directory Structure

Directory Description
pokeapi-cache static json files for serving
poke-rs-api source code for rust backend

Quick Start

Folder structure should look like this

- poke-rs-api (binary)
- pokeapi-cache
    - pokemon (example endpoint: http://localhost:3001/pokeapi/v2/pokemon/1)
    - berry (example endpoint: http://localhost:3001/pokeapi/v2/berry/1)
- mappings
    - berry2id.toml
    - move2did.toml
    - pokemon2id.toml
  1. Download the release here
  2. Download the source, go to the root of the project
  3. Create a bin folder
  4. drop the binary into the bin folder
  5. Run it with: $ ./bin/poke-rs-api
    • If you want to use a different port $./bin/poke-rs-api --port <your-port>

The server should be listening on http://localhost:3001 on local mode and on docker mode.

The default port is 3001 but can be changed with an argument when running the server.


$ bin/poke-rs-api --port <your-port>

Populate image cache

Download assets from:

  • Take the images and thumbnails folder and drop it into the assets directory
git clone

# there should now be a Pokemon-master directory
# unzip it

unzip Pokemon-master

Find Pokemon-master/assets/images
Copy images to root
Find Pokemon-master/assets/thumbnails
Copy thumbnails to root

to fetch a picture: http://localhost:3001/api/pokeimg/images/001

Folder structure should now look like this

- assets
    - images (example endpoint: http://localhost:3001/api/pokeimg/images/001)
    - thumbnails (example endpoint: http://localhost:3001/api/pokeimg/thumbnails/001)
- poke-rs-api (binary)
- pokeapi-cache
    - pokemon (example endpoint: http://localhost:3001/pokeapi/v2/pokemon/1)
    - berry (example endpoint: http://localhost:3001/pokeapi/v2/berry/1)
- mappings
    - berry2id.toml
    - move2did.toml
    - pokemon2id.toml

Available Endpoints

These are the endpoints that the backend can serve. You can always extend the source to add more.

Endpoints that can be retrieved by name means you can pass a name for the item instead of a number: e.g. http://localhost/pokeapi/v2/pokemon/25 can be retrieved with http://localhost/pokeapi/v2/pokemon/pikachu

Endpoint Description Example URL retrieve by name
berry berry data http://localhost:3001/pokeapi/v2/berry/1 yes
move pokemon moves http://localhost:3001/pokeapi/v2/move/1 no
pokemon pokemon information http://localhost:3001/pokeapi/v2/pokemon/1 yes
pokeimg pokemon images http://localhost:3001/api/pokeimg/images/001 not yet
pokeimg-thumbnail pokemon image thumbnails http://localhost:3001/api/pokeimg/thumbnails/001

With docker


Build image:

  • docker build -t poke-rs-api -f Dockerfile-main .

Run container from image:

  • docker run --name my_container_name -p 3001:3001 poke-rs-api

Delete image:

  • docker rm my_container_name

Or use the script - ./

  • If you want to change the port in docker: change the line at CMD in the Dockerfile-main to something like:
CMD ["bin/poke-rs-api","--docker", "--port", "<your-port>"]

Serving the API over the Internet

The server listens on localhost:<port> and serves JSON for the request at its endpoint at http://localhost:<port>/pokeapi/v2/<endpoint>/<id> so this has to be combined with a reverse proxy like Nginx, or Apache proxy server to forward requests to localhost and serve data over the internet securely.


Populate Cache

You need to populate your cache so the server can use the cached data to serve the REST api.

This repo has zip files with the static json files for some pre-cached endpoints stored in pokeapi-cache-zip that you extract to pokeapi-cache Make sure the directory looks like this.


Download the rest of the endpoints you want to use with the python script

$ python <list-of-endpoints>

e.g. Download cache all files from endpoints: pokemon, berry, move, See: here for available endpoints

$ python --endpoint pokemon --endpoint berry --endpoint move

Generate lookup table from cache

Once the files are cached to pokeapi-cache you can serve them with the provided backend.

If you want to be able to look up a resource by name you'll have to generate mapping from name to id since the files are stored as <id>.json.

$ berry && pokemon

Note: this can't be done for some endpoints like move since it currently generates duplicate keys in the toml file.

$ bin/poke-rs-api

The server will listen on http://localhost:3001 and will serve endpoints like http://localhost:3000/pokeapi/pokemon/0

Docker reference

If you have Docker and have available memory and disk space, use the provided Dockerfile to do all the work for you.

Important: Build the cache first

$ docker build . # don't forget the dot(.)

If you want to use a custom dockerfile name do:

  • $ docker build <path-to-dockerfile> <path-to-context> In this case something like:
  • $ docker build -f yourDockerfile .

If you want to give your image a name, you'll have to put it from the command line src. Dockerfiles don't support tagging.

  • $ docker build -t me/myapp:tag -f <path-to-dockerfile> <path-to-context>
  • e.g. $ docker build -t me/poke-rs-api:v0.1.0 -f mydockerfile .

Run docker images to find the built image The build command should have given an Image ID like: ae5528709935...

0:[t@serv2:pokeapi]> docker images
REPOSITORY                       TAG             IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
tnn4/poke-rs-api                 v0.1.0          ae5528709935   23 minutes ago   87.9MB

Nginx example

Nginx example conf in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

user  t;
worker_processes  auto;

error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
pid        /var/run/;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                      '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                      '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

    access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;

    sendfile        on;
    #tcp_nopush     on;

    keepalive_timeout  65;

    #gzip  on;

    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
    # Rate Limiting
    # limit_req_zone defines parameters for rate limiting
    # $binary_remote_addr - store remote ips as binary to save space
    # zone - define shared memory to store state of each IP, 1mb = 16K, 10mb = 160K ips
    # rate- max amount to send per milliseconds 4r/s = 1r / 250 ms
    limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=my_limit:10m rate=4r/s;

    # root appends to path, alias replaces path
        # SERVER NAME
        root /home/t/siteroot/public/;

        # http
        listen 80;
        # https
        listen 443 ssl http2; # ipv4
        listen [::]:443 ssl http2; # ipv6

        # -- Matrix server --
        listen 8448 ssl http2;
        listen [::]:8448 ssl http2;

        merge_slashes off;

        # Put SSL/TLS credentials here to enable HTTPS
        # TODO: figure out where these are in docker container
        ssl_certificate /path/to/cert.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /path/to/key.pem;
        ssl_trusted_certificate /path/to/cert.pem; 
        include /path/to/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
        # -- Error Logging
        error_log /path/to/nginx-error.log;
        # Nginx defaults to allow 1 Mb uploads
        client_max_body_size 1M;

        # -- Locations --
        # - a location block lives within a server block and is used to define
        # how Nginx handles requests for different resources and URIs for parent server

        index index.html index.htm;
        location / {
            root /var/www/public;
            # try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html index.html index.htm;
            try_files index.html index.htm;
        # pokeapi endpoints
        # you can use regex with locaitons
        # use:
        location ~ \/pokeapi\/v2\/(berry|move|pokemon)\/[A-Za-z0-9]+ {
            default_type application/json;