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File metadata and controls

279 lines (210 loc) · 6.93 KB


The octets directive family implements operations with BLOBs, using the Storages extention. The most common use case is to handle file uploads, downloads, and processing.


Sets the storage name to be used for the octets directives under the current RTD Node.

  octets:context: images


Stores the content of the request body into a storage, under the request path with specified content-type.

If request's content-type is not acceptable, or if the request body does not pass the validation, the request is rejected with a 415 Unsupported Media Type response.

The value of the directive is null or an object with the following properties:

  • accept: a media type or an array of media types that are acceptable. If the accept property is not specified, any media type is acceptable (which is the default).
  • workflow: workflow to be executed once the content is successfully stored.
  octets:context: images
        - image/jpeg
        - image/png
        - video/*
        resize: images.resize
        analyze: images.analyze

Non-standard content-meta header can be used to set initial metadata value for the Entry.

The value of the content-meta header is a comma-separated list of key-value string pairs. If no value is provided for a key, the string true is used.

POST /images/ HTTP/1.1
content-type: image/jpeg
content-meta: foo, bar=baz
content-meta: baz=1
  foo: 'true'
  bar: 'baz'
  baz: '1'

If the Entry already exists, the content-meta header is ignored.


The response of the octets:store directive is the created Entry.

201 Created
content-type: application/yaml

id: eecd837c
type: image/jpeg
created: 1698004822358

If the octets:store directive contains a workflow, the response is multipart. The first part represents the created Entry, which is sent immediately after the BLOB is stored, while subsequent parts are results from the workflow endpoints, sent as soon as they are available.

In case a workflow endpoint returns an Error, the error part is sent, and the response is closed. Error's properties are added to the error part, among with the step identifier.

201 Created
content-type: multipart/yaml; boundary=cut


id: eecd837c
type: image/jpeg
created: 1698004822358


step: optimize
status: completed


step: resize
  code: TOO_SMALL
  message: Image is too small
status: completed


step: analyze
status: exception



Fetches the content of a stored BLOB corresponding to the request path, and returns it as the response body with the corresponding content-type, content-length and etag (conditional GET is also supported). The accept request header is disregarded.

The value of the directive is an object with the following properties:

  • meta: boolean indicating whether an Entry is accessible. Defaults to false.
  • blob: boolean indicating whether the original BLOB is accessible, BLOB variant must be specified in the path otherwise. Defaults to true.
  • redirect: string specifying endpoint to be called for the redirection url.

Request authority, path and parameters are passed as input to redirection endpoint, and it must return a string or an Error. If it returns a string then the response of the GET request to this URL is returned as the response of the original request, among with the content-type, content-length, and etag headers.

  octets:context: images
        blob: false # prevent access to the original BLOB
        meta: true  # allow access to an Entry

The octets:fetch: ~ declaration is equivalent to defaults.

To access an Entry, the accept request header must contain the octets.entry subtype in the toa vendor tree:

GET /images/eecd837c HTTP/1.1
accept: application/vnd.toa.octets.entry+yaml


Lists the entries stored under the request path.

The value of the directive is an object with the following properties:

  • meta: boolean indicating whether the list of Entries is accessible. Defaults to false, which means that only entry identifiers are returned.
  octets:context: images
      meta: true

The octets:list: ~ declaration is equivalent to defaults.

To access a list of Entries, the accept request header must contain the octets.entries subtype:

GET /images/ HTTP/1.1
accept: application/vnd.toa.octets.entries+yaml


Delete the entry corresponding to the request path.

  octets:context: images
    octets:delete: ~

The value of the directive may contain a workflow declaration, to be executed before the entry is deleted.

  octets:context: images
        cleanup: images.cleanup

The error returned by the workflow prevents the deletion of the entry.


Execute a workflow on the entry under the request path.

        archive: images.archive


A workflow is a list of endpoints to be called. The following input will be passed to each endpoint:

authority: string
storage: string
path: string
entry: Entry
parameters: Record<string, string> # route parameters

A workflow unit is an object with keys referencing the workflow step identifier, and an endpoint as value. Steps within a workflow unit are executed in parallel.

    resize: images.resize
    analyze: images.analyze

A workflow can be a single unit, or an array of units. If it's an array, the workflow units are executed in sequence.

    - optimize: images.optimize   # executed first
    - resize: images.resize       # executed second
      analyze: images.analyze     # executed in parallel with `resize`

If one of the workflow units returns or throws an error, the execution of the workflow is interrupted.

Workflow tasks

A workflow unit which value starts with task: prefix will be executed as a Task.

    optimize: task:images.optimize