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In-game Description

A QoL mod with a focus on more cheaty features.


  • Adds a UI wheel openable through a keybind or clicking the cheat indicator icon next to the map.
  • Click any of the icons to toggle its effect/open up a menu that contains further toggles.
  • Examples of these toggles include: Powers (such as godmode), Light Hack, Enemy Spawns, Changing time, a system that sends a chat message informing you if you were under Minimum Nohit Length for a boss fight, and by how much.
  • You can also toggle the death state of any boss.
  • There is a potion UI menu that allows you to give yourself any potion buff.
  • Adds an Summoner Minion Slot UI icon left of the HP bar that gives you information about your current summon slots.


  • Adds boss spawners that allows you to spawn up to 10 at once.
  • Adds Nostalgic Shroom: The OG Shroom, nothing more. Has a list of victors in its tooltip.
  • Adds Double Shroom: doubles the effect of Nostalgic Shroom.
  • Both of these are sold by the Merchant.
  • Adds a Toaster Pet that occasionally burns toast.
  • Adds "The Percenter", an item that drains 10% max hp from the nearest enemy. Useful for getting bosses to a certain phase.

Cross-Mod Support:

The Mod has a lot of support for Mod.Call() to allow other mods to add their own toggles etc. A list of each one can be found below, and a mod that showcases using every command can be found here. The first parameter should always be the command name, and will be included in each of the following.

Adding new Boss Lock Information for a set of items:

ModInstance.Call("AddNewBossLockInformation", Func<bool> pastTierCheck, string bossName, List<int> assosiatedItemTypes, bool forPotions);

pastTierCheck - A function that should check if the assosiated items should be locked.

bossName - The name of the boss these are locked behind, doesn't necessarily need to be a boss.

assosiatedItemTypes - A list of Item Types for the items that should be affected by the lock.

forPotions - Whether the items are potions, this is due to potions having their own toggle seperate from other items.

Adding a new Toggle to an existing Page:

ModInstance.Call("AddNewUIToggleToRegisteredPage", string uiPageName, Texture2D texture, Texture2D glowTexture, Func<string> descriptionText, Func<string> hoverText, float layer, Action onClickAction, FieldInfo assosiatedField, bool useToggleBlock = false, Func<bool> canToggleFunc = null, string extraHoverText = null);

uiPageName - The internal name of the page to add this toggle to. This will throw a null error if the page does not exist, so you should ensure it exists by calling the CheckIfPageIsRegistered command prior to this.

texture - The texture of the toggle.

glowTexture - The texture of the toggle when it is being hovered over by the players mouse.

descriptionText - A function that returns a string to be used as the text adjacent to the icon on the page.

hoverText - A function that returns a string to be used as the mouse text that appears when the toggle is being hovered over by it.

layer - This is used to order the toggles on the page in an ascending order. All base pages have toggles increasing by 1 for each one, starting at 0.

onClickAction - Custom code to be ran when the toggle is clicked by the player.

assosiatedField - A FieldInfo that gets its value toggled automatically when the toggle is clicked by the player. Does nothing if it is not a bool.

useToggleBlock - Whether to block clicking the toggle based on a provided function.

canToggleFunc - A function that should determine whether the toggle can be clicked.

extraHoverText - Additional mouse text on hover when the toggle is blocked, to inform the player why it is blocked.

NOTE: If an assosiatedField is not needed (if the toggle is single action for example), it should be replaced by a string, which can be whatever. This is a workaround to it not liking passing null through if an assosiatedField was not needed. Also, if useToggleBlock is false, you should not provide either of the following optional parameters, canToggleFunc or extraHoverText.

Checking if a Page is registered:

ModInstance.Call("CheckIfPageIsRegistered", string pageName);

pageName - The internal name of the Page.

Adding a Boss Death Toggle:

ModInstance.Call("AddBossToggle", string texturePath, string nameSingular, FieldInfo downedBool, float weight, float scale);

texturePath - The file path (mod name included) of the texture. Note that the hover over texture is automatically loaded from texturePath + "Glow", so ensure that file exists too.

nameSingular - The name of the boss in singular form (The Twin instead of The Twin's for example).

downedBool - The FieldInfo of the bool being used to store the death status of the boss.

weight - Used to determine the position in the order that the current boss should be at. Vanilla bosses go from 1f (King Slime) to 18f (Moonlord).

scale - The scale to apply to the texture. 1 is default.

NOTE: This should be used in an if statement that if true, adds toggles to the page to avoid attempting to add toggles to a non existant page.

Getting the value of a bool toggle from Core/Toggles.cs:

ModInstance.Call("GetToggleStatus", string toggle);

toggle - The name of the field (for example, "PotionTooltips").

Adding custom drawcode to the shrooms drawing system:

ModInstance.Call("AddShroomsDrawMethod", Action<SpriteBatch> action);

action - A custom action that should be used to run the drawcode. The spritebatch is already begun, and expected to stil be begun after this has been called.

Adding a custom MNL Set:

ModInstance.Call("AddMNLSet", Dictionary<int, int> assosiatedIDsAndFightLengths, Func<float> weight);

assosiatedIDsAndFightLengths - A Dictonary that should be structured as <NPC Type, fightTimeInFrames>, used to store the minimum fight time for the NPC that the key specifies.

weight - A function to determine the weight of the current MNL set. The set with the highest weight is used, so this should be used in a manner that gives this set a high weight when it should be used, and a low one when not.

Adding a Mod to the Potion UI:

ModInstance.Call("AddPotionMod", string modName, string uiIconPath);

modName - The display name for this potion mod.

uiIconPath - The file path (mod name included) of the texture. Note that the hover over texture is automatically loaded from texturePath + "Glow", so ensure that file exists too.

NOTE: The PotionUI works by assigning each potion to a mod, by default only vanilla exists. To properly add potions, you add a Potion Mod, and add your potions to that mod.

Adding Potions to the PotionUI:

ModInstance.Call("AddPotionElementToMod", string modName, string potionName, string potionDescription, string potionTexturePath, int potionBuffID, Func<bool> isAvailable, float weight, float scale);

modName - The display name of the potion mod to add this potion to. You should ensure the mod is registered before trying to add anything to it.

potionName - The display name of the potion.

potionDescription - The description of the potion, typically its stats. For example, "20% chance to not consume ammo".

potionTexturePath - The file path (mod name included) of the texture. Note that the hover over texture is automatically loaded from texturePath + "Glow", so ensure that file exists too.

potionBuffID - The BuffID of the potion's buffs. Gotten via ModContent.BuffType<T>(); for modded buffs.

isAvailable - A function that should determine whether the potion is available at the players current progression.

weight - Used to order the potions when sorted by progression. Vanilla ones range from 0f (Pre Boss) to 18f (Post Moonlord).

scale - The scale to apply to the texture. 1 is default.

Checking if a Potion Mod Exists:

ModInstance.Call("CheckIfPotionModIsRegistered", string modName);

modName - The display name of the potion mod being checked.

Adding a Sass Quote to the Lose Pool:

ModInstance.Call("AddSassQuoteLose", string quote);

quote - The quote to add.

Adding a Sass Quote to the Win Pool:

ModInstance.Call("AddSassQuoteWin", string quote);

quote - The quote to add.

Adding a Boss Specific Sass Quote:

ModInstance.Call("AddBossSpecificSassQuote", int bossID, string quote);

bossID - The NPC Type that the quote should be added to.

quote - The quote to add.


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