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[docs] Prep the docs for the 0.9.1 release.
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jverkoey committed Dec 5, 2011
1 parent 21ac6ad commit e0b8a0d
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Showing 2 changed files with 207 additions and 114 deletions.
115 changes: 1 addition & 114 deletions README.mdown
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ to understand.

<h2>Getting Started</h2>

- Visit the Nimbus website at <a href=""></a>.
- <a href="">Add Nimbus to your project</a>.
- Follow Nimbus' development through its <a href="">version history</a>.
- See the <a href="">latest API diffs</a>.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,117 +39,3 @@ Most of the discussion revolving around Nimbus' roadmap is in the Github issue t
particular, check out the grab bag of tasks that are actively being worked on here:

<h2>Nimbus Contributors</h2>

Contributing to Nimbus is a great way to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Either by adding your
banner to the cause and writing code or donating money to the pledgie link, every bit is greatly
appreciated and helps keep Nimbus running.

<h3>Source Code Contributors (alphabetical by last name)</h3>

<div class="contributor_profile">
<div class="name">bubnov</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">bubnov</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Roger Chapman</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">rogchap</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Manu Cornet</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">lmanul</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Glenn Grant</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">alias1</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Aviel Lazar</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">aviell</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Benedikt Meurer</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">bmeurer</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Anderson Miller</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">candersonmiller</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Basil Shkara</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">baz</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Peter Steinberger</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">steipete</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Jeff Verkoeyen</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">jverkoey</a></div>

<div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
<img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
<div class="name">Hwee-Boon Yar</div>
<div class="github"><a href="">hboon</a></div>

<div style="clear:both"></div>

<h3>Generous Donations Have Been Made By the Following People</h3>

- Sumeru Chatterjee
- Matt Coneybeare
- Craig Gilchrist
- Atsushi Nagase
- Peter Nelson
- Thanh Nguyen
- Jindrich Sarson
- Sindre Sørhus

<h2>The Nimbus Backstory</h2>

Nimbus was started by me (Jeff Verkoeyen) in June of 2011. My background includes over 10 years
of software development and experience at Google and Facebook designing software and
building user interfaces. I took over the Three20 project in 2009 after its original creator,
Joe Hewitt, moved on to other projects. Over the proceeding 6 months much time was invested in
splitting the framework apart and attempting to clobber its spaghetti dependencies while
improving the project's documentation.

In early May of 2010, my life was completely shaken up: my mother suddenly passed
away at age 42 due to a pulmonary embolism. This is relevant because for the following year
I checked out of life and, as a direct result, little progress was made with Three20. Over the
last year I've found that shedding baggage is not only an emotionally satisfying process, but
also a necessary one. So I am shedding Three20's baggage and out of the remaining bits building
Nimbus. I learned a great deal from working with an open source project and community and
sincerely hope to carry much of this knowledge over to Nimbus.

<h2>What's happening to Three20?</h2>

My goal with Nimbus is to eventually provide a feature set that overlaps Three20's. I
sincerely hope to make it easy for anyone using Three20 to transition to Nimbus. In the
meantime, Three20 will likely stay in a bug-fixing state. The library is stable as it stands
so I have every bit of confidence in the community to tackle any bugs as necessary.
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions src/Doxygen.h
Expand Up @@ -92,19 +92,37 @@
* <div class="github"><a href="">alias1</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Samuel Grau</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">Vaseltior</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Aviel Lazar</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">aviell</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Anthony Lobay</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">TheMadGamer</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Benedikt Meurer</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">bmeurer</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Mike</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">prime31</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Anderson Miller</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">candersonmiller</a></div>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,6 +193,194 @@
* Presented here are the API diffs for each major release of Nimbus.

* @defgroup Version-9-1 Version 0.9.1 API Changes
* @ingroup Version-9-0
* Version 0.9.1 of Nimbus was released on December 5, 2011. This minor version removed ASI and JSONKit from
* Nimbus as strict dependencies. It is now easier to use other networking features for the networked image
* view. This release adds the new pagingscrollview feature which the photos feature now uses as a dependency.
* The processors feature has been renamed to operations and greatly simplified to only provide special-case
* implementations of operations.
* <h2>Misc Changes</h2>
* - Non-PCH audit to ensure that Nimbus compiles when not using a pre-compiled header.
* <h2>Added Frameworks</h2>
* - @link NimbusPagingScrollView Paging Scroll View@endlink
* <h2>Renamed Frameworks</h2>
* - Processors renamed to @link NimbusOperations Operations@endlink
* <h2>Attributed Label</h2>
* <h3>NIAttributedLabel[.h|m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffBugfix">Bugfix</span> Cleaned up the label implementation and optimized when the text frame is recalculated.
* <h2>Core</h2>
* <h3>NIFoundationMethods[.h]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffModified">Deprecated</span> <code>NIRectInset</code> deprecated in favor of <code>UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect</code>.
* <h3>NIInMemoryCache[.m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffBugfix">Bugfix</span> Memory leak in <code>NIMemoryCache</code> when removeAllObjects was called (bug reported by <a href="">lada</a>).
* - <span class="apiDiffBugfix">Bugfix</span> numberOfPixels is now reset in <code>NIImageMemoryCache</code> when removeAllObjects is called (bug reported by <a href="">lada</a>).
* <h3>Added NIOperations+Subclassing[.h]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffAdded">Added</span> Anonymous category for subclassing NIOperation objects.
* <h3>NIOperations[.h|m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffRemoved">Removed</span> <code>NIReadFileFromDiskOperation</code> because NINetworkRequestOperation now implements the same functionality.
* <h3>Added NIViewRecycler[.h|m]</h3>
* <h2>CSS</h2>
* <h3>NIChameleonObserver[.m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffBugfix">Bugfix</span> Fix assertion bug when using the Chameleon observer the first time.
* <h2>Models</h2>
* <h3>NICellFactory[.h|m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffAdded">Added</span> NICellFactory now implements NITableViewModelDelegate so that you can create a NICellFactory object and set up explicit bindings between objects and cells using <code>[NICellFactory @link NICellFactory::mapObjectClass:toCellClass: mapObjectClass:toCellClass:]</code>.
* - <span class="apiDiffAdded">Added</span> NICellObject may be used to create mappings within the model.
* <h3>NIFormCellCatalog[.h|m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffAdded">Added</span> NIButtonFormElement may be used to create a button cell in a table view.
* <h2>Network Image View</h2>
* <h3>Added NINetworkImageRequest[.h|m]</h3>
* <h3>NINetworkImageView[.h|m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffAdded">Added</span> NINetworkImageOperation protocol for creating operations that can be used with the network image view.
* - <span class="apiDiffAdded">Added</span> <code>[NINetworkImageView @link NINetworkImageView::setNetworkImageOperation:forDisplaySize:contentMode:cropRect: setNetworkImageOperation:forDisplaySize:contentMode:cropRect:@endlink]</code>.
* - <span class="apiDiffRemoved">Removed</span> <code>NINetworkImageView.@link NINetworkImageView::imageDiskCache imageDiskCache@endlink</code>.
* - <span class="apiDiffRemoved">Removed</span> <code>NINetworkImageView.@link NINetworkImageView::diskCacheLifetime diskCacheLifetime@endlink</code>.
* - <span class="apiDiffModified">Modified</span> <code>NINetworkImageView.@link NINetworkImageView::loading loading@endlink</code>
* @htmlonly<table class="modificationtable"><tr><th></th><th>Getter Name</th></tr>
* <tr><th>From</th><td class='Declaration' scope="row">@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign) BOOL isLoading</td></tr>
* <tr><th>To</th><td class='Declaration' scope="row"><tt>@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign, getter=isLoading) BOOL loading</tt></td></tr></table>@endhtmlonly
* <h2>Renamed Processors to Operations</h2>
* <h2>Overview</h2>
* <h3>NIOverviewSwizzling[.m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffBugfix">Bugfix</span> Correctly intercept status bar calls for applications that don't use a navigation controller.
* <h2>Photos</h2>
* <h3>NIPhotoScrubberView[.m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffBugfix">Bugfix</span> The initial scrubber thumbnail is now loaded correctly.
* <h3>NIToolbarPhotoViewController[.h|m]</h3>
* - <span class="apiDiffModified">Modified</span> <code>NIToolbarPhotoViewController.@link NIToolbarPhotoViewController::toolbarIsTranslucent toolbarIsTranslucent@endlink</code>
* @htmlonly<table class="modificationtable"><tr><th></th><th>Method Name</th></tr>
* <tr><th>From</th><td class='Declaration' scope="row">@property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign) BOOL showPhotoAlbumBeneathToolbar</td></tr>
* <tr><th>To</th><td class='Declaration' scope="row"><tt>@property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign, getter=isToolbarTranslucent) BOOL toolbarIsTranslucent</tt></td></tr></table>@endhtmlonly
* <h2>Examples</h2>
* <h3>[NetworkPhotoAlbums] Added an example of showing a caption beneath Facebook photos.</h3>
* <h2>Real Live People Involved in this Release</h2>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <div class="name">bubnov</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">bubnov</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Roger Chapman</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">rogchap</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Manu Cornet</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">lmanul</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Samuel Grau</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">Vaseltior</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Anthony Lobay</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">TheMadGamer</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Mike</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">prime31</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile" style="padding: 5px;margin: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #DDD;background-color: white;float: left;">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Basil Shkara</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">baz</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <img width="135px" height="135px" src=";d=" />
* <div class="name">Jeff Verkoeyen</div>
* <div class="github"><a href="">jverkoey</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="clearfix"></div>
* <h3>Add Your Name to This List</h3>
* Contributions are highly encouraged! If you have a feature that you feel would fit within the
* Nimbus framework, feel free to fire off a pull request on GitHub. Bugs may be reported
* using the issue tracker on GitHub as well.
* Check out the <a href="">tasks grab bag</a>
* for opportunities to help out.
* <h2>Robots Involved in this Release</h2>
* <div class="contributor_profile">
* <div class="name"><a href="">Nimbus Doxygen</a></div>
* </div>
* <div class="clearfix"></div>

* @defgroup Version-9-0 Version 0.9 API Changes
* @ingroup Version-History
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