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tocky committed Apr 25, 2012
1 parent 9faaa51 commit ff573f1
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Showing 2 changed files with 106 additions and 97 deletions.
201 changes: 105 additions & 96 deletions .vimrc.bundle
Original file line number Original file line Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,264 +7,264 @@ call vundle#rc()
" " Edit {{{ " " Edit {{{
" " NERD_commenter.vim :最強コメント処理 (<Leader>c<space>でコメントをトグル) " " NERD_commenter.vim :最強コメント処理 (<Leader>c<space>でコメントをトグル)
" Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter.git' " Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter.git'
" "
" " 自動閉じタグ " " 自動閉じタグ
" " Bundle 'yuroyoro/vim-autoclose' " " Bundle 'yuroyoro/vim-autoclose'
" "
" " -- でメソッドチェーン整形 " " -- でメソッドチェーン整形
" Bundle 'c9s/cascading.vim' " Bundle 'c9s/cascading.vim'
" "
" " visually indent guide " " visually indent guide
" Bundle 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides' " Bundle 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
" "
" " XMLとかHTMLとかの編集機能を強化する " " XMLとかHTMLとかの編集機能を強化する
" Bundle 'xmledit' " Bundle 'xmledit'
" "
" " Align : 高機能整形・桁揃えプラグイン " " Align : 高機能整形・桁揃えプラグイン
" Bundle 'Align' " Bundle 'Align'
" "
" " フィルタリングと整形 " " フィルタリングと整形
" Bundle 'godlygeek/tabular' " Bundle 'godlygeek/tabular'
" "
" " マルチバイト対応の整形 " " マルチバイト対応の整形
" Bundle 'h1mesuke/vim-alignta' " Bundle 'h1mesuke/vim-alignta'
" "
" " YankRing.vim : ヤンクの履歴を管理し、順々に参照、出力できるようにする " " YankRing.vim : ヤンクの履歴を管理し、順々に参照、出力できるようにする
" Bundle 'YankRing.vim' " Bundle 'YankRing.vim'
" "
" " undo履歴を追える (need python support) " " undo履歴を追える (need python support)
" Bundle 'Gundo' " Bundle 'Gundo'
" "
" " surround.vim : テキストを括弧で囲む/削除する " " surround.vim : テキストを括弧で囲む/削除する
" Bundle 'tpope/surround.vim' " Bundle 'tpope/surround.vim'
" "
" " smartchr.vim : ==などの前後を整形 " " smartchr.vim : ==などの前後を整形
" Bundle 'smartchr' " Bundle 'smartchr'
" "
" " vim-operator-user : 簡単にoperatorを定義できるようにする " " vim-operator-user : 簡単にoperatorを定義できるようにする
" Bundle 'operator-user' " Bundle 'operator-user'
" "
" " operator-camelize : camel-caseへの変換 " " operator-camelize : camel-caseへの変換
" Bundle 'operator-camelize' " Bundle 'operator-camelize'
" "
" " operator-replace : yankしたものでreplaceする " " operator-replace : yankしたものでreplaceする
" Bundle 'operator-replace' " Bundle 'operator-replace'
" "
" " textobj-user : 簡単にVimエディタのテキストオブジェクトをつくれる " " textobj-user : 簡単にVimエディタのテキストオブジェクトをつくれる
" Bundle 'textobj-user' " Bundle 'textobj-user'
" "
" " vim-textobj-syntax : syntax hilightされたものをtext-objectに " " vim-textobj-syntax : syntax hilightされたものをtext-objectに
" Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-syntax.git' " Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-syntax.git'
" "
" " vim-textobj-plugins : いろんなものをtext-objectにする " " vim-textobj-plugins : いろんなものをtext-objectにする
" Bundle 'thinca/vim-textobj-plugins.git' " Bundle 'thinca/vim-textobj-plugins.git'
" "
" " vim-textobj-lastpat : 最後に検索されたパターンをtext-objectに " " vim-textobj-lastpat : 最後に検索されたパターンをtext-objectに
" Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-lastpat.git' " Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-lastpat.git'
" "
" " vim-textobj-indent : インデントされたものをtext-objectに " " vim-textobj-indent : インデントされたものをtext-objectに
" Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-indent.git' " Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-indent.git'
" "
" " vim-textobj-function : 関数の中身をtext-objectに " " vim-textobj-function : 関数の中身をtext-objectに
" Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-function.git' " Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-function.git'
" "
" " vim-textobj-fold : 折りたたまれたアレをtext-objectに " " vim-textobj-fold : 折りたたまれたアレをtext-objectに
" " Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-fold.git' " " Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-fold.git'
" Bundle 'textobj-rubyblock' " Bundle 'textobj-rubyblock'
" "
" " vim-textobj-entire : buffer全体をtext-objectに " " vim-textobj-entire : buffer全体をtext-objectに
" Bundle 'textobj-entire' " Bundle 'textobj-entire'
" "
" " 「foo」 or 【bar】などをtext-objectに " " 「foo」 or 【bar】などをtext-objectに
" Bundle 'textobj-jabraces' " Bundle 'textobj-jabraces'
" "
" " 改造したmonday.vim(git rebase -i とかtrue/falseとか) " " 改造したmonday.vim(git rebase -i とかtrue/falseとか)
" " Bundle 'yuroyoro/monday' " " Bundle 'yuroyoro/monday'
" "
" " <C-a>でtrue/false切替。他色々 " " <C-a>でtrue/false切替。他色々
" Bundle 'taku-o/vim-toggle' " Bundle 'taku-o/vim-toggle'
" "
" " }}} " " }}}
" "
Completion {{{ " Completion {{{
" 補完 autocomplpop.vim : insertmodeで自動で補完をpopup " " 補完 autocomplpop.vim : insertmodeで自動で補完をpopup
" Bundle 'AutoComplPop' " " Bundle 'AutoComplPop'

" 補完 neocomplcache.vim : 究極のVim的補完環境 " " 補完 neocomplcache.vim : 究極のVim的補完環境
Bundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache' " Bundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache'

" neocomplcacheのsinpet補完 " " neocomplcacheのsinpet補完
Bundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache-snippets-complete' " Bundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache-snippets-complete'

" rubyでrequire先を補完する " " rubyでrequire先を補完する
" Bundle 'ujihisa/neco-ruby' " " Bundle 'ujihisa/neco-ruby'

" A neocomplcache plugin for English, using look command " " A neocomplcache plugin for English, using look command
" Bundle 'ujihisa/neco-look' " " Bundle 'ujihisa/neco-look'
}}} " }}}
" "
" " Searching/Moving{{{ " " Searching/Moving{{{
" " smooth_scroll.vim : スクロールを賢く " " smooth_scroll.vim : スクロールを賢く
" Bundle 'Smooth-Scroll' " Bundle 'Smooth-Scroll'
" "
" " vim-smartword : 単語移動がスマートな感じで " " vim-smartword : 単語移動がスマートな感じで
" Bundle 'smartword' " Bundle 'smartword'
" "
" " camelcasemotion : CamelCaseやsnake_case単位でのワード移動 " " camelcasemotion : CamelCaseやsnake_case単位でのワード移動
" Bundle 'camelcasemotion' " Bundle 'camelcasemotion'
" "
" " <Leader><Leader>w/fなどで、motion先をhilightする " " <Leader><Leader>w/fなどで、motion先をhilightする
" Bundle 'EasyMotion' " Bundle 'EasyMotion'
" "
" " matchit.vim : 「%」による対応括弧へのカーソル移動機能を拡張 " " matchit.vim : 「%」による対応括弧へのカーソル移動機能を拡張
" Bundle '' " Bundle ''
" "
" " ruby用のmatchit拡張 " " ruby用のmatchit拡張
" Bundle 'ruby-matchit' " Bundle 'ruby-matchit'
" "
" " grep.vim : 外部のgrep利用。:Grepで対話形式でgrep :Rgrepは再帰 " " grep.vim : 外部のgrep利用。:Grepで対話形式でgrep :Rgrepは再帰
" Bundle 'grep.vim' " Bundle 'grep.vim'
" "
" " eregex.vim : vimの正規表現をrubyやperlの正規表現な入力でできる :%S/perlregex/ " " eregex.vim : vimの正規表現をrubyやperlの正規表現な入力でできる :%S/perlregex/
" Bundle 'eregex.vim' " Bundle 'eregex.vim'
" "
" " open-browser.vim : カーソルの下のURLを開くor単語を検索エンジンで検索 " " open-browser.vim : カーソルの下のURLを開くor単語を検索エンジンで検索
" Bundle 'tyru/open-browser.vim' " Bundle 'tyru/open-browser.vim'
" "
" " }}} " " }}}
" "
" " Programming {{{ " " Programming {{{
" " quickrun.vim : 編集中のファイルを簡単に実行できるプラグイン " " quickrun.vim : 編集中のファイルを簡単に実行できるプラグイン
" Bundle 'thinca/vim-quickrun' " Bundle 'thinca/vim-quickrun'
" "
" " perldocやphpmanual等のリファレンスをvim上で見る " " perldocやphpmanual等のリファレンスをvim上で見る
" Bundle 'thinca/vim-ref' " Bundle 'thinca/vim-ref'
" "
" " SQLUtilities : SQL整形、生成ユーティリティ " " SQLUtilities : SQL整形、生成ユーティリティ
" Bundle 'SQLUtilities' " Bundle 'SQLUtilities'
" "
" " vim-ruby : VimでRubyを扱う際の最も基本的な拡張機能 " " vim-ruby : VimでRubyを扱う際の最も基本的な拡張機能
" Bundle 'ruby.vim' " Bundle 'ruby.vim'
" "
" " rails.vim : rails的なアレ " " rails.vim : rails的なアレ
" Bundle 'tpope/vim-rails' " Bundle 'tpope/vim-rails'
" "
" " Pydiction : Python用の入力補完 " " Pydiction : Python用の入力補完
" Bundle 'Pydiction' " Bundle 'Pydiction'
" "
" " ソースコード上のメソッド宣言、変数宣言の一覧を表示 " " ソースコード上のメソッド宣言、変数宣言の一覧を表示
" Bundle 'taglist.vim' " Bundle 'taglist.vim'
" "
" " tagsを利用したソースコード閲覧・移動補助機能 tagsファイルの自動生成 " " tagsを利用したソースコード閲覧・移動補助機能 tagsファイルの自動生成
" " Bundle 'Source-Explorer-srcexpl.vim' " " Bundle 'Source-Explorer-srcexpl.vim'
" "
" " NERD_tree, taglist, srcexpl の統合 " " NERD_tree, taglist, srcexpl の統合
" " Bundle 'trinity.vim' " " Bundle 'trinity.vim'
" " }}} " " }}}
" " " "
" " Syntax {{{ " " Syntax {{{
" " haml " " haml
" Bundle '' " Bundle ''
" "
" " JavaScript " " JavaScript
" Bundle 'JavaScript-syntax' " Bundle 'JavaScript-syntax'
" "
" " jQuery " " jQuery
" Bundle 'jQuery' " Bundle 'jQuery'
" "
" " nginx conf " " nginx conf
" Bundle 'nginx.vim' " Bundle 'nginx.vim'
" "
" " markdown " " markdown
" Bundle 'tpope/vim-markdown' " Bundle 'tpope/vim-markdown'
" "
" " coffee script " " coffee script
" Bundle 'kchmck/vim-coffee-script' " Bundle 'kchmck/vim-coffee-script'
" "
" " python " " python
" Bundle 'yuroyoro/vim-python' " Bundle 'yuroyoro/vim-python'
" "
" " scala " " scala
" Bundle 'yuroyoro/vim-scala' " Bundle 'yuroyoro/vim-scala'
" "
" " syntax checking plugins exist for eruby, haml, html, javascript, php, python, ruby and sass. " " syntax checking plugins exist for eruby, haml, html, javascript, php, python, ruby and sass.
" Bundle 'scrooloose/syntastic' " Bundle 'scrooloose/syntastic'
" " }}} " " }}}
" "
" " Buffer {{{ " " Buffer {{{
" " DumbBuf.vim : quickbufっぽくbufferを管理。 <Leader>b<Space>でBufferList " " DumbBuf.vim : quickbufっぽくbufferを管理。 <Leader>b<Space>でBufferList
" Bundle 'DumbBuf' " Bundle 'DumbBuf'
" "
" " minibufexpl.vim : タブエディタ風にバッファ管理ウィンドウを表示 " " minibufexpl.vim : タブエディタ風にバッファ管理ウィンドウを表示
" Bundle 'minibufexpl.vim' " Bundle 'minibufexpl.vim'
" "
" " NERDTree : ツリー型エクスプローラ " " NERDTree : ツリー型エクスプローラ
" Bundle 'The-NERD-tree' " Bundle 'The-NERD-tree'
" "
" " vtreeexplorer.vim : ツリー状にファイルやディレクトリの一覧を表示 " " vtreeexplorer.vim : ツリー状にファイルやディレクトリの一覧を表示
" Bundle 'vtreeexplorer' " Bundle 'vtreeexplorer'
" " }}} " " }}}
" "
" "
" " Encording {{{ " " Encording {{{
" Bundle 'banyan/recognize_charcode.vim' " Bundle 'banyan/recognize_charcode.vim'
" " }}} " " }}}
" "
" " Utility {{{ " " Utility {{{
" "
" " vimshell : vimのshell " " vimshell : vimのshell
" Bundle 'Shougo/vimshell.git' " Bundle 'Shougo/vimshell.git'
" "
" " vimproc : vimから非同期実行。vimshelleで必要 " " vimproc : vimから非同期実行。vimshelleで必要
" Bundle 'Shougo/vimproc.git' " Bundle 'Shougo/vimproc.git'
" "
" " vim-altercmd : Ex command拡張 " " vim-altercmd : Ex command拡張
" Bundle 'tyru/vim-altercmd' " Bundle 'tyru/vim-altercmd'
" "
" " vim Interface to Web API " " vim Interface to Web API
" Bundle 'mattn/webapi-vim' " Bundle 'mattn/webapi-vim'
" "
" " cecutil.vim : 他のpluginのためのutillity1 " " cecutil.vim : 他のpluginのためのutillity1
" Bundle 'cecutil' " Bundle 'cecutil'
" "
" " urilib.vim : vim scriptからURLを扱うライブラリ " " urilib.vim : vim scriptからURLを扱うライブラリ
" Bundle 'tyru/urilib.vim' " Bundle 'tyru/urilib.vim'
" "
" " ステータスラインに顔文字を表示 " " ステータスラインに顔文字を表示
" " Bundle 'mattn/hahhah-vim' " " Bundle 'mattn/hahhah-vim'
" "
" " utillity " " utillity
" Bundle 'L9' " Bundle 'L9'
" "
" " Buffer管理のLibrary " " Buffer管理のLibrary
" Bundle 'thinca/vim-openbuf' " Bundle 'thinca/vim-openbuf'
" "
" " vimdoc 日本語 " " vimdoc 日本語
" Bundle 'yuroyoro/vimdoc_ja' " Bundle 'yuroyoro/vimdoc_ja'
" "
" " vim上のtwitter client " " vim上のtwitter client
" Bundle 'TwitVim' " Bundle 'TwitVim'
" "
" " Lingrのclient " " Lingrのclient
" Bundle 'tsukkee/lingr-vim' " Bundle 'tsukkee/lingr-vim'
" "
" " vimからGit操作する " " vimからGit操作する
" Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' " Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
" "
" " ステータスラインをカッコよくする " " ステータスラインをカッコよくする
" Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline' " Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline'
" "
" "
" " }}} " " }}}
" "
" " ColorSchema{{{{ " " ColorSchema{{{{
" " color schema 256 " " color schema 256
" Bundle 'desert256.vim' " Bundle 'desert256.vim'
" Bundle 'mrkn256.vim' " Bundle 'mrkn256.vim'
" Bundle 'tomasr/molokai' " Bundle 'tomasr/molokai'
" Bundle 'yuroyoro/yuroyoro256.vim' " Bundle 'yuroyoro/yuroyoro256.vim'
" " }}} " " }}}
" "
" " Unite {{{{ " " Unite {{{{
" " unite.vim : - すべてを破壊し、すべてを繋げ - vim scriptで実装されたanythingプラグイン " " unite.vim : - すべてを破壊し、すべてを繋げ - vim scriptで実装されたanythingプラグイン
" Bundle 'Shougo/unite.vim' " Bundle 'Shougo/unite.vim'
Expand All @@ -275,10 +275,19 @@ Completion {{{
" Bundle 'thinca/vim-unite-history' " Bundle 'thinca/vim-unite-history'
" Bundle 'tsukkee/unite-tag' " Bundle 'tsukkee/unite-tag'
" Bundle 'choplin/unite-vim_hacks' " Bundle 'choplin/unite-vim_hacks'
" "
" " }}} " " }}}
" " " "

" 補完 neocomplcache.vim : 究極のVim的補完環境
Bundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache'

" neocomplcacheのsinpet補完
Bundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache-snippets-complete'

" 自分用のカラーテーマ
Bundle 'tocky/vim-colors'

Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'

filetype plugin indent on filetype plugin indent on
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .vimrc.colors
Original file line number Original file line Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

" colorscheme mrkn256 " colorscheme mrkn256
colorscheme yuroyoro256 colorscheme tocky256

" ターミナルタイプによるカラー設定 " ターミナルタイプによるカラー設定
if &term =~ "xterm-256color" || "screen-256color" if &term =~ "xterm-256color" || "screen-256color"
Expand Down

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