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A protocol-oriented framework for serializing and archiving Swift value types.


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CocoaPods Version Swift Platform Swift Package Manager compatible Carthage compatible

A protocol-oriented framework for serializing and archiving Swift value types.


A full tutorial showing an example usage of Archiver is available here.



One of the main use cases for Archiver is to archive value types that are created with data from a server. The first step in archiving this data is serialization.

Serializable Protocol

extension Restaurant: Serializable {

    private struct ServerKey {
        static let id = "id"
        static let name = "name"

    public init?(responseObject: ResponseObject) {
        guard let id = responseObject[] as? String else { return nil }
        guard let name = responseObject[] as? String else { return nil } = id = name



  1. ResponseObject is a type alias for [String: Any].

  2. The Serializable protocol's initializer requirement is failable, but your implementation of it does not have to be. The Restaurant initializer could have been implemented as follows:

public init(responseObject: ResponseObject) { = responseObject[] as? String ?? "" = responseObject[] as? String ?? ""

Serialization Utilities

Archiver includes utility functions for serializing collections of response objects.

Example JSON:

let restaurantsJSON = [
    "restaurants": [
        ["id": "abcd-1234",
         "name": "Masala Mansion"
        ["id": "efgh-5678",
         "name": "Empanada Estancia"
        ["id": "ijkl-9012",
         "name": "Charcuterie Chateau"

To serialize this into a collection of Restaurant values:

let restaurants = Restaurant.serializedCollection(from: restaurantsJSON, withKey: "restaurants")

If your JSON is an array of response objects:

let restaurantsJSON = [
    ["id": "abcd-1234",
     "name": "Masala Mansion"
    ["id": "efgh-5678",
     "name": "Empanada Estancia"
    ["id": "ijkl-9012",
     "name": "Charcuterie Chateau"
let restaurants = Restaurant.serializedCollection(from: restaurantsJSON)

To serialize a single dictionary response object:

let restaurantJSON = [
    "restaurant": [
        "id": "abcd-1234",
        "name": "Masala Mansion"
let restaurant = Restaurant.serialized(from: restaurantJSON, withKey: "restaurant")


Archiver uses two protocols to implement archiving. The first is ArchiveRepresentable, which requires that conforming types supply NSCoding-compliant representations of themselves and be initializable from an archive. This allows conforming types to be included in an archive.

The second protocol is Archivable, which inherits from ArchiveRepresentable. Archivable manages saving the archive as a property list to disk and deleting the archive if needed.

ArchiveRepresentable Protocol

extension Restaurant: ArchiveRepresentable {

    private struct ArchiveKey {
        static let id = "id"
        static let name = "name"

    public var archiveValue: Archive {
        return [

    public init?(archive: Archive) {
        guard let id = archive[] as? String else { return nil }
        guard let name = archive[] as? String else { return nil } = id = name



  1. Archive is a type alias for [String: Any].

  2. The ArchiveRepresentable protocol's initializer requirement is failable, but your implementation of it does not have to be. The Restaurant initializer could have been implemented as follows:

public init(archive: Archive) { = archive[] as? String ?? "" = archive[] as? String ?? ""

Archivable Protocol

Archivable inherits from two other protocols, ArchiveRepresentable and UniquelyIdentifiable. ArchiveRepresentable is described above.

Uniquely identifiable has only one requirement, that conforming types have a unique id property. UniquelyIdentifiable also conforms to Equatable.

Archivable's requirements all have default implementations. Since the Restaurant example already conforms to UniquelyIdentifiable and ArchiveRepresentable, it already conforms to Archivable as well.

extension Restaurant: Archivable

To unarchive a conforming type:

guard let restaurant = Restaurant(resourceID: "abcd-1234") else { return }


  1. An archive with a given resourceID may not exist, so this initializer returns an optional.

  2. Archivable includes a default implementation of this initializer. You do not need to provide your own.

To store an archive:


To delete an archive:


storeArchive() and deleteArchive() are also requirements with default implementations.

Archiving Utilities

Archiver includes utility functions for archiving collections.

To get an array of archive values for a collection:


To store a collection of Archivable values:


To unarchive a collection of Archivable values or objects:

Restaurant.unarchivedCollection(withIdentifiers: ["abcd-1234", "efgh-5678", "ijkl-9012"])

To unarchive a collection of ArchiveRepresentable values from an Archive with a key:

Restaurant.unarchivedCollection(from: archive, withKey: ArchiveKey.restaurants)

To unarchive a collection of ArchiveRepresentable values without a key:

Restaurant.unarchivedCollection(from: archives)

To unarchive a single ArchiveRepresentable value:

guard let restaurant = Restaurant.unarchived(from: archive, withKey: else { return }

Archive Location

By default, Archiver uses your device's Caches directory as the root and creates a subdirectory for your app's archives using your app's CFBundleName.

This results in a default location of Library/Caches/com.BundleName.archives.

To set the root directory:

if let documentsDirectoryURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first {
    Archiver.rootDirectoryURL = documentsDirectoryURL

To set the archive directory name:

Archiver.archiveDirectoryName = "com.CustomName.archives"

Archiver also creates a subdirectory for each custom type. By default this is the type name. For example, a "User" type would be stored at Library/Caches/com.BundleName.archives/User by default. To set a custom subdirectory name, you can override the directoryName static variable from the Archivable protocol.

extension Restaurant: Archivable {

    static var directoryName: String {
        return "RestaurantArchives"



Types that are both serializable and archivable can be cached. Caching is the full process of taking a server response object, serializing it into a value type, and archiving that value to disk.

Cachable Protocol

To cache a response object:

guard let restaurant = Restaurant(responseObject: json, shouldArchive: true) else { return }


  1. Cachable includes a default implementation of this initializer. You do not need to provide your own. For types that already conform to Serializable and Archivable, simplify declare conformance to Cachable:

    extension Restaurant: Cachable


Note: Archiver requires Swift 3 (and Xcode 8) or greater.

Targets using Archiver must support embedded Swift frameworks.

Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is Apple's official package manager for Swift frameworks. To install with Swift Package Manager:

  1. Add Archiver to your Package.swift file:

    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        name: "MyAppTarget",
        dependencies: [
            .Package(url: "",
                     majorVersion: 0, minor: 6)
  2. Run swift build.

  3. Generate Xcode project:

    swift package generate-xcodeproj


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To install Archiver with Carthage:

  1. Make sure Carthage is installed.

  2. Add Archiver to your Cartfile:

    github "toddkramer/Archiver" ~> 0.6.1
  3. Run carthage update and add the appropriate framework.


CocoaPods is a centralized dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To install Archiver with CocoaPods:

  1. Make sure the latest version of CocoaPods is installed.

  2. Add Archiver.swift to your Podfile:

    pod 'Archiver.swift', '~> 0.6.1'
  3. Run pod install.


A protocol-oriented framework for serializing and archiving Swift value types.







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