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I made this project as a starting point for my kids to learn programming with an Arduino. This is an RGB LED strip controller/sequencer that lets them make their own patterns. It uses an Adafruit Trellis 4x4 button pad with LEDs for its interface.


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RGB LED Strip Sequencer using Arduino & Adafruit Trellis



My wife had been asking me to install LED strips on my boys' hutch-style desks, which were a little dark. The boys told me they wanted cool color LEDs, not just the white strips that their Mom and I use. I bought a couple of RGB LED strips on Amazon, most of which seem to come as kits with a power supply and controller. But having used the included controllers before, I know that their canned patterns would quickly become boring to my boys. So, I thought it would better if I built something, using an Arduino Nano or something similar.

As I thought about the project a little more, I realized that it could be a great opportunity to give them an intro to programming live projects with a useful result. I've been teaching them programming for a few months now, but we've mostly been printing to a shell stdout or web page. Here, I had an opportunity to let them program to blink lights! Any way they want!

So, the project quickly morphed from a 30-minute job getting LED strips to stick to the desk frame to several weeks of tinkering with Arduino Sketch, circuit design, board layout, and 3D printing. My concept was to build an Arduino-based LED sequencer that they could use to create simple patterns from a user interface of some kind, or as their skills grew, implement their patterns within a Sketch that acted like a framework: they just supply their one part at first, but later they can venture into any part of the code they want.

This repository contains what is currently my version 1.1 effort.

What It Does

See it in action on YouTube!

The Arduino drives three MOSFETs to drive the color channels of the LED strip. An Adafruit Trellis 4x4 button matrix is used to create the user interface. Color-keying of the button LEDs helps provide visual cues to function (e.g. changing the red channel intensity is done using the red buttons, green channel using green buttons, etc.).

To turn the project on, long-press the lower-left button. The project lights up all LEDs, then turns off the bottom two rows except the lower-left (power) button.

The two top rows of buttons change the color intensity of the red, green, and blue channels. Pressing the white buttons changes the LED strip color to white (all channels driven equally) and varies the intensity in the same manner as the individual color buttons.

Eight preset patterns are stored in the Arduino's EEPROM. A pattern can be played by pressing one of the eight buttons in the lower two rows of the pad. The button blinks while the pattern is running. Pressing the button again stops the pattern. Pressing a different pattern button starts that new pattern. Pressing the intensity buttons (top two rows) stops the pattern at its current step and changes the color accordingly.

The EEPROM-based patterns can be edited using the keypad interface. A long-press (more than one second) on a pattern button puts the project into editing mode for that pattern. When in editing mode, the upper two rows of buttons blink, and the LED strip shows the color of the current step. Pressing the intensity buttons modifies the color for that step. When a satisfactory color is set, a short press on the pattern button advances to the next step. These steps are continued until editing completes, either by short press on the 16th step (max 16 steps per pattern), or by long-pressing the pattern button at any point. The modified pattern then automatically runs.

To turn the project off, long-press the lower left button.

A "factory reset" of the project, restoring the original default patterns to EEPROM, can be done by pressing and holding the bottom left and bottom right buttons until the top two LEDs light. Release the buttons, and the project will restore defaults to EEPROM.

Operation and Development

Driving the LED Strip

The first thing I did was wire up a proto board using MOSFETs to drive the color channels. I used IRLB8721s because I had a bunch around and they would be fine for handling fairly hefty wattages. The MOSFETs are driven by the PWM-capable digital outputs on the Ardunio (D9-11, specifically), allowing brightness control.


Discovering a User Interface

For an interface, I had often used the uniquitous 16x2 LCD with four or five tactile switches for projects, but I felt that that kind of interface was going to be slow and clumsy for this purpose. What I really thought would work well was a matrix of lighted buttons like they use on MIDI controllers. I thought it would be easy to create a simple but powerful (enough) user interface on it, and the boys would think it was really cool-looking (shout out to Thomas Dolby for that--it's a long story, maybe ask me over a beer). So I started researching how to build one. Hmmm. That was going to get expensive. OK, is there an off-the-shelf product that didn't look like a DTMF or calculator keypad that I could interface with? Few, all expensive.

I don't recall how I found it, but I ended up stumbling across the Adafruit Trellis. It's (as of this writing) a $9.95 board (plus $4.95 for the silicone keypad--not sure why they sell it separately) with a 4x4 matrix of addressable switches. The board doesn't come with LEDs, but you can provide your own and solder them to pads provided. The Arduino library lets you check button states and turn LEDs on and off with simple function calls, and the board uses two-wire (I2C) communication. You can even connect up to eight together to make larger matrices.

I ordered one, and started playing with it as soon as it arrived. Perfect. I soon had it working on the Arduino, and from there, imagining an interface and getting it to work took only a couple of hours.

With the user interface shaping up, I connected everything together, supplied power to the LED strip, and played with my new toy. This was going to work great for the boys. Except, I could not imagine putting a spaghetti bundle of three boards and wiring on their desks. That was fraught with peril. I needed an enclosure, but that wasn't going to be enough. The solder-globbing style of proto board work left me feeling like it was going to be a permanently unpolished project. The case my hide the worst of it, but I wanted the project to look as polished on the inside as it was on outside. The driver board had to be cleaned up.

Version 1.0 is Born

I started designing the driver board as a proper printed circuit board (PCB). It seemed obvious to me to make it a shield for the Arduino, so the connections between the two could be many and firm. After Googling out a few diagrams, I had a board properly dimensioned with headers in the right places to be a shield. A quick print at actual size confirmed the fit. Adding the driver circuit to the board from there was easy, as my driver circuit is simple and even the small size of the Arduino footprint left plenty of room.

The next consideration was simplifying the power supplies. In the prototype, the LEDs were separately powered, and the Arduino drew its power from the USB port. It had to work standalone from a single supply. I double-checked the specs for the Uno, and 12V supply wasn't going to be a problem. Checking the schematic, I could see there was a VIN header pin that would give me the supply voltage, but there was a potential problem: the PJ202 jack on the Arduino has a protection diode connected between it and that VIN pin, and that diode (and probably the traces on the Arduino) were unlikely to handle the potential power demand that the LED strip would make on them. The schematic quickly confirmed, however, that I could supply power to the Arduino on the VIN pin, and have the 12V supply connect directly to the shield. This left the matter of getting a 5V supply to the Trellis, but that's easy because the Arduino supplies 5V from its on-board regulated supply on a header pin. So, in the final result, 12V is supplied to the shield, which sends 12V to the Arduino over VIN, which sends 5V back to the shield, which sends that 5V up to the Trellis. And, the shield traces are all large enough to handle the larger currents the LED strips require. Done.

Right before I sent the boards out to be fabricated, I realized that I could make holes for stand-offs, so the Trellis could mount to the shield. This would make a sandwich: Arduino on the bottom, shield connected to it, and Trellis connected to shield on top. Perfect. I just had to move two traces slightly to get the Trellis mounting holes where they needed to be, and off the v1.0 board went to the board house.

When I got the boards back, everything went together perfectly. I tested the board standalone, driving it with my bench power supply, and it seemed to work fine. When I hooked it up to the Arduino, everything worked perfectly. So there it was, version 1.0.

Check out the YouTube video.


It took me a few attempts to get the 3D-printed enclosure dialed in. I've only recently started using Fusion 360, and I find it quite intuitive and easy to work in. I really love it. It's much easier to use and more powerful than my previous go-to tool, 123D Design (also AutoDesk, now discontinued). The lid was actually a snap, because the holes for the Trellis' buttons are very precisely spaced and Fusion 360 has tools for exactly that kind of thing. It took me less than 30 minutes to design a lid, and that design changed very little throughout. The body, however, had holes in two of its vertical sides, and getting those positioned so that they ended up lining up right with my three-board sandwich took a couple of attempts. Each test print of the body took about 4 hours to print with 200u layers, so it wasn't that it was hard, it just took time (shout out to Josef Prusa and crew here--this was my first time using my new Prusa i3 MK2S Christmas present on a real project, and it performed beautifully).

The final design looks clean and fits OK. The Arduino is inserted first, on its own, into the bottom of the body. The shield with the Trellis mounted is then inserted into the Arduino. The lid is then pressed on over the Trellis, and is held by friction. I could tweak it to death, but I have other ideas about how I want to modify the project that will require big changes to the enclosure, so it's not worth my time at the moment to sweat over a millimeter here or there.


Today: Version 1.1

As happens with all prototypes, you discover a few mistakes along the way. In the process of building the first unit for my older boy, and writing the Instructable to describe the process, I realized that I made two mistakes I would need to correct right away:

  • I needed a protection diode to prevent any power directly into the Arduino from trying to power the LEDs. That is, if the project was connected to USB for Sketch updating and the 12V supply was not connected, the Arduino would be sending USB power at 5V up to the shield on the VIN pin, and the shield would attempt to power the LEDs with it. To prevent that, a diode facing the Arduino has been added to the shield, which blocks any backfeeding of the shield from the Arduino. The Arduino can be safely connected to USB, and will even power the Trellis, but it won't power the LED circuit on the shield.
  • I had forgotten to current limit the digital pins--whoops!--so I added R5-7.
  • I had not yet provided a way in the Sketch code to control the rate at which patterns are run. This is now done. In the run mode, the white up/down keys control the pattern rate. The pattern is stored in EEPROM with the pattern.

So, as it stands today, the project consists of:

  1. The custom-designed Arduino shield that creates all of the interfaces for the circuit: input, output, and power;
  2. The Arduino Sketch that drives the shield and the Adafruit Trellis;
  3. The enclosure designed in Fusion 360 to fit the current hardware configuration.

What's Next

My current thoughts about the next revision of this project are:

  1. A version of the driver that accepts a Nano or Feather directly. This will "shorten" the sandwich and make a more compact design.
  2. WiFi-enable it so my home automation system can monitor and control it.
  3. Modify the case design to that the boards are inserted from the bottom. This will make fitting them into the case easier.
  4. I can see how some of the subtle design choices for the enclosure (like wall thickness) dramatically affect print time, so I'll tune the enclosure to make printing quicker and use less material.

Build One!

If you want to build one, check out the YouTube video and Instructable I made about building this project.

This Github repository contains all of the files you need: schematics, board layouts (if you decide to build the shield instead of just using a proto board or breadboard), the Arduino Sketch, and the enclosure model (STL) files.

The enclosure models (STLs) are also on Thingiverse.

Write Your Own Pattern Runner

As of version 1.1 of the code, you have the ability to easily write your own patterns into Sketch, if the pushbutton user interface doesn't provide you enough flexibility. Here's what you need to know.

Patterns are run by a subclass of PatternRunner. Your class must have three methods: start, next, and stop. You can look at the class ColorWheelRunner as an example. The start method is used to do whatever is necessary to initialize the pattern. It must also set the LED strip to the pattern's first step (see below). The next method is then called repeatedly at the pattern delay interval to put the next pattern on the LED strip. Your subclass must maintain enough state (e.g. private data) to know what step is next. Finally, when the user wants to stop the pattern, the stop method is called. In most cases, this method really won't need to do anything.

To set the LED strip colors, the subclass methods should set the red, green, and blue global variables to the desired values (0-255), and then call setRGBW(). Yes, the globals are gross and the OO is inconsistent; I'll clean it up some day, I promise.

To set the default pattern delay interval, your subclass can set the global nextStepDelay. This value is in milliseconds, and must be greater than or equal to zero.

To bind your runner to a button, go to the setup() function, and near its end you'll see the code below. The bold line is an example of how and where you add your pattern runner. In this example, we bind a new runner to pattern 0 (first button the third row).

  EEPROMRunner er = EEPROMRunner();
  for ( uint8_t i=0; i<8; ++i) {
    patternRunners[i] = &er;
  /* Provide any overrides for the default pattern function here */
  patternRunners[4] = new ColorWheelRunner(); /* override for button 13/power button/pattern 5 */
  patternRunners[0] = new MyNewPatternRunner();


I made this project as a starting point for my kids to learn programming with an Arduino. This is an RGB LED strip controller/sequencer that lets them make their own patterns. It uses an Adafruit Trellis 4x4 button pad with LEDs for its interface.







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