"We bring hope where there is none and a better life for people!"
TOH website : http://www.tohcoin.com
TOH guide and FAQ to get you started : http://www.tohcoin.com/start
TOH announcemnt : https://www.reddit.com/user/TokenOfHope/comments/8wsjc1/tokenofhope/
TOH chat on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Token_Of_Hope
TOH github source: https://github.com/tohcoin/toh/tree/source
TOH github builds: https://github.com/tohcoin/toh/tree/builds
Digital blockchain currency with instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world!
Algorithm: Scrypt
Type: PoW
Coin name: TokenOfHope
Coin abbreviation/Sign: TOH
TOH Address letter: T
RPC port: 39776
P2P port: 39775
Block reward: 12 coins
Block halving: 4000000 blocks
Coin supply: 96000000 coins
Coinbase maturity: 1 blocks
Target spacing: 5 minutes (time to mine a block)
Target timespan: 10 minutes (difficulty adjustment)
Transaction confirmations: 1 blocks
We hope you will use this coin/token for good . We put this cryptocoin out for donation, charity and fundraising to help people in need.
Please donate to Red Cross PETA and Greenpeace. They need it to make our world a better place for all!
TOH donations to support our cause can be done at :
ETH: 0xddec0aab3e2c072f576cd2d1c40ee786b3bd1dd2
TOH: TKxdNPuxqM7umovmUuAuZhmHXi4pkzb8ka