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Getting information from the Foreign side with a contract call

Information requests to the Foreign side

Recent versions (6.0.0+) of the AMB contracts allow any contract deployed on the Home chain to request and receive information from the Foreign chain asynchronously. For example, a contract on the Sokol chain can request data from the Kovan chain through the Kovan-Sokol AMB bridge, or a contract from the xDai chain can request information from Rinkeby or BSC.

Information Types

Everything that can be returned by the following JSON RPC API calls can be requested from the Foreign chain:

  • eth_call
  • eth_getStorageAt
  • eth_getBalance
  • eth_getBlockByNumber
  • eth_getBlockByHash
  • eth_getTransactionReceipt
  • eth_getTransactionByHash


  1. T contract that receives the information should invoke the following method of the AMB contract:

     function requireToGetInformation(bytes32 _requestSelector, 
                                      bytes calldata _data) external returns (bytes32);

    where _requestSelector is one of the following identifiers:

    • 0x88b6c755140efe88bff94bfafa4a7fdffe226d27d92bd45385bb0cfa90986650 for eth_call
    • 0xed99ae50430a72b5fd8de83256893be815884aa6e59d3e25e754c5269620e964 for eth_getBalance
    • 0x771ca5f7250ac7deadb5ecd3a00e0d901edb92aff583f55c8db58ced9a140926 for eth_getStorageAt
    • 0x21bed3a725245055f5aa932a62078981ec55f2464167839ea001f45c839c8808 for eth_getBlockByNumber
    • 0x31deda753ce7d0fdf0af4d4d03a69913616c4b1377be882d407fbed7cd5a7a98 for eth_getBlockByHash
    • 0x0f47e1863d0e05e42b4a2aeee1322f349562a50b6166c14622210ade49a0b274 for eth_getTransactionReceipt
    • 0x05c2b13240a3dff2b14abb3b793a0a5763a11c190af35bd2b5279c5bac8f2a94 for eth_getTransactionByHash

    and _data is an ABI encoded set of arguments for the corresponding call:

    • eth_call: (address _to, bytes _calldata)
    • eth_getBalance: (address _account)
    • eth_getStorageAt: (address _contract, bytes32 _slot)
    • eth_getBlockByNumber: (uint256 _number)
    • eth_getBlockByHash: (bytes32 _hash)
    • eth_getTransactionReceipt: (bytes32 _txhash)
    • eth_getTransactionByHash: (bytes32 _txhash)

    The method requireToGetInformation returns a message id assigned by the AMB contract for this information request.

  2. The AMB contract generates a message for the bridge oracles.

  3. Based on the timestamp of the Home chain's block with the transaction for the information request, the oracles calculates a block number (for eth_call, eth_getBalance and eth_getStorageAt) to access the blockchain state.

  4. The oracles call the target RPC API and receive the result of the API method execution.

  5. The oracles sends a transaction to the AMB contract with the confirmInformation invocation.

     function confirmInformation(bytes32 _messageId, 
                                 bool _status, 
                                 bytes _result) external;
  6. The AMB contract invokes onInformationReceived of the contract which originates the information request from step 1.

     function onInformationReceived(bytes32 messageId, 
                                    bool status, 
                                    bytes calldata result) external;


    • messageId is the message id associated with the request which the information is received for
    • status is the status of the request execution
    • result is ABI-encoded response of the JSON RPC node on the information request.

Available Bridges

Currently the cross-chain information requests are available on the following bridges:


The following examples use contracts deployed on the Sokol chain. The Kovan-Sokol AMB is used to demonstrate how information can be received from Kovan with transactions initiated on Sokol.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="eth_call" %} The contract 0x958671816193729054B7732c2741d93A2641138e shows how to get the total supply of a token contract located on the Kovan chain.

  1. Use the token contract address for the method requestTotalSupply
  2. Discover the message id for the information request in the method lastMessageId
  3. Wait for one minute (depends of number of block the oracles wait for the chain finalization)
  4. Use the message id to check the status (it must be 2) of the response by calling status
  5. Use the message id to get the total supply of the token by calling response {% endtab %}

{% tab title="eth_getBalance" %} The contract 0x790C7BF6e3F74d64BE78278a26A701efE80109ee shows how to get the balance of KETH for an account on the Kovan chain.

  1. Use an account address for the method requestBalance
  2. Discover the message id for the information request in the method lastMessageId
  3. Wait for one minute (depends of number of block the oracles wait for the chain finalization)
  4. Use the message id to check the status (it must be 2) of the response by calling status
  5. Use the message id to get the balance of the requested account by calling response {% endtab %}

{% tab title="eth_getStorageAt" %} The contract 0x3b7e229686159a38956e7974F6603a2b23677097 shows how to get a storage slot value associated with a contract on the Kovan chain.

  1. Use a contract address and a slot index in the hexadecimal form for the method requestEthGetStorageAt
  2. Discover the message id for the information request in the method lastMessageId
  3. Wait for one minute (depends of number of block the oracles wait for the chain finalization)
  4. Use the message id to check the status (it must be 2) of the response by calling status
  5. Use the message id to get the slot value by calling response {% endtab %}

{% tab title="eth_getBlockBy*" %} The contract 0xF606BA8bD4066d73a5F350adB8605F3CD02aFe55 shows how to get a block header from the Kovan chain.

The data structure that keeps a block header can be defined as follows:

struct Block {
    uint256 blockNumber;
    bytes32 blockHash;
    address miner;
    uint256 gasUsed;
    uint256 gasLimit;
    bytes32 parentHash;
    bytes32 receiptRoot;
    bytes32 stateRoot;
    bytes32 transactionRoot;
    uint256 timestamp;
    uint256 difficulty;
    uint256 totalDifficulty;
  1. Use a block number or hash for the method requestEthGetBlockByNumber or requestEthGetBlockByHash.
  2. Discover the message id for the information request in the method lastMessageId
  3. Wait for one minute (depends of number of block the oracles wait for the chain finalization)
  4. Use the message id to check the status (it must be 2) of the response by calling status
  5. Use the block number or hash to get the deserialized block header by calling getBlockByNumber or getBlockByHash {% endtab %}

{% tab title="eth_getTransactionReceipt" %} The contract 0x90f2B33cBC8E8d29763997f780b7C2589D9e17d3 shows how to get a receipt of a transaction from the Kovan chain.

The data structures that keep the transactions receipts can be defined as follows:

struct Log {
    address from;
    bytes32[] topics;
    bytes data;
struct TransactionReceipt {
    bytes32 txHash;
    uint256 blockNumber;
    bytes32 blockHash;
    uint256 transactionIndex;
    address from;
    address to;
    uint256 gasUsed;
    bool status;
    Log[] logs;
  1. Use a transaction hash for the method requestEthGetTransactionReceipt
  2. Discover the message id for the information request in the method lastMessageId
  3. Wait for one minute (depends of number of block the oracles wait for the chain finalization)
  4. Use the message id to check the status (it must be 2) of the response by calling status
  5. Use the transaction hash to get the deserialized receipt by calling getReceipt {% endtab %}

{% tab title="eth_getTransactionByHash" %} The contract 0x2D95548B66f5528383B0FC95a26311f92C4AcdcE shows how to get a transaction from the Kovan chain.

The data structure that keeps the transactions can be defined as follows:

struct Transaction {
    bytes32 txHash;
    uint256 blockNumber;
    bytes32 blockHash;
    uint256 transactionIndex;
    address from;
    address to;
    uint256 value;
    uint256 nonce;
    uint256 gas;
    uint256 gasPrice;
    bytes input;
  1. Use a transaction hash for the method requestEthGetTransactionByHash
  2. Discover the message id for the information request in the method lastMessageId
  3. Wait for one minute (depends of number of block the oracles wait for the chain finalization)
  4. Use the message id to check the status (it must be 2) of the response by calling status
  5. Use the transaction hash to get the deserialized receipt by calling transactions {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}