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Tokenized Protocol Specification

Reference for the Tokenized Protocol structure. Definitions are stored in YAML which is used to generate protobuf to be compiled to other languages. Definitions are grouped by their purpose and are versioned within.

Supported Languages

  • Go
  • Python
  • Markdown
  • Typescript/Javascript
  • your language here (contributions welcome)

Getting Started

Supporting Software

If you plan to change message structures, you will need to install protobuf to rebuild the message handling code.

Get the base protobuf software here. We are currently using 3.2.0.

Then run this command to install the golang package so it will be able to build the golang versions of the message handling code.

go get -u

You may also need to add your golang bin directory to your path so protobuf can see protoc-gen-go.


To build the project from source, clone the GitHub repo and in a command line terminal.

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd specification

Navigate to the root directory and run:


Project Structure

  • cmd/tokenized - Command line interface
  • src - Source files for protocol messages (see Source Definitions)
  • dist - Latest library for each language
  • internal - Compiler logic and templates

Source Definitions

The Tokenized Protocol must retain the entire definition history in order to parse legacy messages from prior versions. The working version for each definition is develop. Previous versions are stored in a directory that specifies that release version, for example, v0001.



This protocol's main purpose is to provide the ability to parse and create Bitcoin OP_RETURN output scripts containing Tokenized data in a consistent way. There are several classes of Tokenized data including actions and messages. Some of the types have different types of payloads that further specify data. To create an OP_RETURN script, first populate a action/message struct, then pass it into the Serialize function, which will return a Bitcoin script. To read an OP_RETURN script, pass the script into the Deserialize function and if it is valid, then it will return an action/message object.

OP_RETURN script format

The OP_RETURN script is encoded using the Tokenized envelope system. The Tokenized protocol uses the protocol identifiers tokenized and test.tokenized. The envelope PayloadIdentifier specifies which type of Tokenized message is contained. The envelope Payload is encoded using Protocol Buffers.

Primitive Types

  • int is a signed integer. size is the number of bytes for the integer. Valid values for size are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

  • uint is an unsigned integer. size is the number of bytes for the integer. Valid values for size are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

  • float is a floating point number. size is the number of bytes for the float. Valid values for size are 4 and 8.

  • bool is a boolean stored as 1 byte.

  • bin is fixed length binary data. size is the length in bytes of the data.

  • varbin is variable length binary data. varSize defines the maximum size of the data as defined in Variable/List Sizes.

  • fixedchar is fixed length text data. The data is assumed to be UTF-8 unless the first two bytes are a valid UTF-16 BOM (Byte Order Method). size is the length in bytes of the data.

  • varchar is variable length text data. The data is assumed to be UTF-8 unless the first two bytes are a valid UTF-16 BOM (Byte Order Method). varSize defines the maximum size of the data as defined in Variable/List Sizes.

List Types

Fields within the Tokenized protocol can be defined as a list of a specified data type. This is done by adding a [] to the end of the type value. The maximum number of elements in a list are defined by listSize as defined in Variable/List Sizes.

Variable/List Sizes

Fields within the Tokenized protocol can be lists of objects or variable length objects. The maximum number of elements in a list are defined by listSize. The maximum size of a variable sized object are defined by varSize. The valid values for listSize and varSize are as follows. If no value is specified for listSize or varSize then tiny is used.

  • tiny defines a max size/length of 2^8^-1 or 255.

  • small defines a max size/length of 2^16^-1 or 65,535.

  • medium defines a max size/length of 2^32^-1 or 4,294,967,295.

  • large defines a max size/length of 2^64^-1 or approximately 1.8x10^19^.


Actions are Tokenized messages that request or confirm the creation, modification, or transfer of an object within the Tokenized protocol. Actions must be serialized as an OP_RETURN output in a Bitcoin transaction with Bitcoin transaction inputs and outputs from/to the appropriate parties.


All asset payloads for the Asset related actions.


All message payloads for the Message related message actions.


General resources used by other actions.


The Tokenized Specification is open-sourced software licensed under the OPEN BITCOIN SV license.