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A package for building Bitcoin transactions (Tx) in Go.


Building a transaction is fairly simple. See the tests for complete usage.

Error handling omitted here for brevity.

// Load your private key
wif := "cQDgbH4C7HP3LSJevMSb1dPMCviCPoLwJ28mxnDRJueMSCa72xjm"
key, net, err := bitcoin.DecodeKeyString(wif)

// Decode an address to use for "change".
// Middle return parameter is the network detected. This should be checked to ensure the address
//   was encoded for the currently specified network.
changeAddress, net, err := bitcoin.DecodeAddressString("mq4htwkZSAG9isuVbEvcLaAiNL59p26W64")

// Create an instance of the TxBuilder using 512 as the dust limit and 1.1 sat/byte fee rate.
builder := txbuilder.NewTxBuilder(changeAddress, 512, 1.1)

// Add an input
// To spend an input you need the txid, output index, and the locking script and value from that output.
hash, err := bitcoin.NewHash32FromStr("c762a29a4beb4821ad843590c3f11ffaed38b7eadc74557bdf36da3539921531")
index := uint32(0)
value := uint64(2000)
spendAddress, net, err := bitcoin.DecodeAddressString("mupiWN44gq3NZmvZuMMyx8KbRwism69Gbw")
err = builder.AddInput(*wire.NewOutPoint(hash, index), spendAddress.LockingScript(), value)

// Add an output to the recipient
paymentAddress, net, err := bitcoin.DecodeAddressString("n1kBjpqmH82jgiRnEHLmFMNv77kvugBomm")
err = builder.AddPaymentOutput(paymentAddress, 1000, false) // false because it isn't change

// Sign the first and only input
err = builder.Sign([]bitcoin.Key{key})

// Get the raw transaction bytes
data, err = builder.Serialize()


Install deps, run tests, and build and install the utility binaries.



  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch to work on. Branch from develop if it exists, else from master.
  3. Implement/fix your feature, comment your code.
  4. Follow the existing code style of the project, including indentation.
  5. PR's must have tests.



Copyright 2019 Tokenized Group Pty Ltd.

This source code is released under the terms of the Open BSV license. See LICENSE for more information.