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Ghouls - The Next Generation

Play the original in your browser:


Grab latest-dated .ssd file from the wip_builds folder. (Click on the .ssd, then use the download link. Don't right click. GitHub is annoying like that.)

Shift+Break to boot.


Select 1 to play the game. Enter name of levels file created using editor (see below), or leave blank for the default.


Select 2 to create levels.

From the editor menu, press 1/2/3/4 to edit that level.

Press N to set a level's name. Select level number then type in its new name. There's a limit of 16 chars.

Press R to reset a level's data. The level will be emptied, leaving just a row of blocks along the bottom.

Press L to load levels. Enter file name.

Press S to save levels. Enter file name.

Press * to get a prompt for entering OS commands. Change drive and dir and so on. Press ESCAPE to get back to the editor menu.

When editing:

  • Z/X/*/? move the cursor. CUR shows the item under the cursor, and its creation value (see below)
  • DELETE deletes the thing under the cursor
  • / select the NEW thing's type
  • / select the NEW thing's creation value (see below)
  • RETURN adds an instance of the NEW thing to the level
  • C changes the level-specific colour
  • R redraws the level
  • S sets the player's start position
  • TAB lets you test the level. Testing ends with ESCAPE or when you die or complete the level
  • ESCAPE takes you back to the main menu

The creation value is a number associated with some types of object:

  • For moving platforms: the platform's speed
  • For spiders: the spider's speed

There are two types of spider: a solid one (always present), and a masked/dimmed one (appears only when playing with 2+ ghosts).




  • Python 3.x

Additional dependencies are provided as EXEs in the repo.


  • GNU Make (make)
  • Python 3.x (/usr/bin/python3)
  • 64tass (64tass) - version 2974 works
  • Working C compiler (basictool is compiled automatically as part of the build)

Clone the repo

This repo has submodules. Clone it with --recursive:

git clone --recursive

Alternatively, if you already cloned it non-recursively, you can do the following from inside the working copy:

git submodule init
git submodule update


Run make in the working copy. (A make.bat is supplied for Windows, which will run the supplied copy of GNU Make.)

The output is a .ssd file, ghouls-tng.ssd, suitable for use with an emulator.

The output files can also be found in beeb/ghouls-tng/y/. If you use BeebLink, configure it so it can find this folder - the output will be available in drive Y of the ghouls-tng volume.



Branch used for active development.


Latest version that promises to build to something bit identical to the starting point: a minified version of Ghouls, loaders stripped out, unmodified machine code parts, BASIC unmodified other than replacing embedded control codes with appropriate CHR$.