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Terraform module to create Azure Virtual Network


  • Module tested for Terraform 1.0.1.
  • Azure provider version 2.90.0
  • main branch: Provider versions not pinned to keep up with Terraform releases
  • tags releases: Tags are pinned with versions (use in your releases)


Option 1:

terrafrom init
terraform plan -var='teamid=tryme' -var='prjid=project1'
terraform apply -var='teamid=tryme' -var='prjid=project1'
terraform destroy -var='teamid=tryme' -var='prjid=project1'

Note: With this option please take care of remote state storage

Option 2:

Recommended method (stores remote state in storage using prjid and teamid to create directory structure):

  • Create python 3.8+ virtual environment
python3 -m venv <venv name>
  • Install package:
pip install tfremote --upgrade
  • Set below environment variables:
export TF_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=tfstatexxxxx # Output of
export TF_AZURE_CONTAINER=tfstate # Output of
export ARM_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxx # Output of
  • Updated examples directory to required values

  • Run and verify the output before deploying:

tf -c=azure plan -var='teamid=foo' -var='prjid=bar'
  • Run below to deploy:
tf -c=azure apply -var='teamid=foo' -var='prjid=bar'
  • Run below to destroy:
tf -c=azure destroy -var='teamid=foo' -var='prjid=bar'


Terraform supports a number of different methods for authenticating to Azure:

  • Authenticating to Azure using the Azure CLI
  • Authenticating to Azure using Managed Service Identity
  • Authenticating to Azure using a Service Principal and a Client Certificate
  • Authenticating to Azure using a Service Principal and a Client Secret

Create Virtual Network

module "vnet" {
  source              = "../../"

  resource_group_name = "demo-rg"
  location            = "eastus2"
  cidr_block          = [""]
  # ---------------------------------------------
  # Note: Do not change teamid and prjid once set.
  teamid = var.teamid
  prjid  = var.prjid


Please refer to examples directory link for references.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.1
azurerm >= 2.90


Name Version
azurerm >= 2.90


No modules.


Name Type resource


Name Description Type Default Required
cidr_block The address space that is used the virtual network. You can supply more than one address space list(string)
deploy_virtual_network feature flag to deploy this resource or not bool true no
location The location/region where the virtual network is created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "westus2" no
prjid (Required) Name of the project/stack e.g: mystack, nifieks, demoaci. Should not be changed after running 'tf apply' string n/a yes
resource_group_name The name of the resource group in which to create the virtual network. string n/a yes
teamid (Required) Name of the team/group e.g. devops, dataengineering. Should not be changed after running 'tf apply' string n/a yes
virtual_network_name Virtual network name string null no