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Simple Java Console Calculator

The Simple Calculator System is a console-based application that allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The application is implemented in Java using desing patterns. The calculator also supports configurable precision for the results and the ability to disallow/allow negative results.

Instructions to run the calculator

First clone the project (

Compile the all of the Java files in the src folder using this command: javac *.java

After compiling run the program using this command java ConsoleCalculatorApp

Design Pattens

In this project I used 5 different design patterns: Observer, Strategy, Flyweight, Factory and Builder.

Behavioral Patterns


The Observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object, named the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods. It is mainly used to implement distributed event handling systems, in "event driven" software.

In this project, the Observer pattern is used in the CalculatorContext, CalculatorObserve and ConsoleObserver classes.

The CalculatorContext class acts as the subject. It maintains a reference to a CalculatorObserver object and calls its updateResult() method whenever it calculates a new result:

public class CalculatorContext {
    private Operation operation;
    private double firstNumber;
    private double secondNumber;
    private CalculatorObserver observer;

    public CalculatorContext(CalculatorObserver observer) { = observer;

    public void setInput(double operand, Operation operation) {
        this.firstNumber = operand;
        this.operation = operation;

    public void calculate(double operand) {
        this.secondNumber = operand;
        double result = operation.execute(firstNumber, secondNumber);

The CalculatorObserver interface defines the updateResult() method that observers implement. The ConsoleObserver class is an observer. It implements the updateResult() method to print the result to the console.

public class ConsoleObserver implements CalculatorObserver {
    public void updateResult(double result) {
        System.out.println("The result is: " + result);

In the ConsoleCalculatorApp class, a ConsoleObserver is created and passed to the CalculatorContext. This sets up the observer pattern's relationship.

public class ConsoleCalculatorApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CalculatorObserver observer = new ConsoleObserver();
        CalculatorContext calculatorContext = new CalculatorContext(observer);
        /**...later code (removed for clearity)*/

To sum up, here the Observer pattern in action is whenever CalculatorContext calculates a new result, it notifies ConsoleObserver which then prints the result.


The Strategy pattern is a behavioral design pattern that turns a set of behaviors into objects and makes them interchangeable inside original context object. The original object, called context, holds a reference to a strategy object and delegates it executing the behavior. In order to change the way the context performs its work, other objects may replace the currently linked strategy object with another one.

In this project the Strategy pattern is used in the CalculatorContext class and the Operation interface. The CalculatorContext class, which acts as the context, maintains a reference to an Operation object, which represents the strategy. The Operation interface defines a method execute() that takes two numbers and returns a result. This method is implemented by the AddOperation, SubtractOperation, MultiplyOperation, and DivideOperation classes, each providing a different strategy for performing an operation.

Here's how the CalculatorContext class uses the Operation strategy:

public class CalculatorContext {
    private Operation operation;
    private double firstNumber;
    private double secondNumber;
    private CalculatorObserver observer;

    public CalculatorContext(CalculatorObserver observer) { = observer;

    public void setInput(double operand, Operation operation) {
        this.firstNumber = operand;
        this.operation = operation;

    public void calculate(double operand) {
        this.secondNumber = operand;
        double result = operation.execute(firstNumber, secondNumber);

The Operation interface and its implementations are defined in CalculatorOperation.

interface Operation {
    double execute(double a, double b);

class AddOperation implements Operation {
    /*code not present for clearity*/
class SubtractOperation implements Operation {
    /*code not present for clearity*/
class MultiplyOperation implements Operation {
    /*code not present for clearity*/
class DivideOperation implements Operation {
    /*code not present for clearity*/

The OperationFactory class is used to create and manage Operation objects.

public class OperationFactory {
    private Map<String, Operation> operations;

    public OperationFactory(CalculatorConfiguration configuration) {
        operations = new HashMap<>();
        // store operations in a map
        operations.put("+", new AddOperation(configuration));
        operations.put("-", new SubtractOperation(configuration));
        operations.put("*", new MultiplyOperation(configuration));
        operations.put("/", new DivideOperation(configuration));

    public Operation createOperation(String operationType) {
        // when an operation requested - return operation from map
        return operations.get(operationType);

To sum up, the Strategy pattern in this project allows the CalculatorContext to perform different operations like addition by using different Operation strategies. The OperationFactory is used to create and manage these strategies.

Structural Patterns


The Flyweight pattern is a structural design pattern that aims to minimize memory use by sharing as much data as possible with similar objects.

In this project, the Flyweight pattern is used in the OperationFactory class. In this class, instances of Operation subclasses (AddOperation, SubtractOperation, MultiplyOperation, DivideOperation) are created once and stored in a HashMap. When an operation is requested the OperationFactory returns the existing instance from the map instead of creating a new one. This will save memory and improve performance by avoiding creating identical objects.

public class OperationFactory {
    private Map<String, Operation> operations;

    public OperationFactory(CalculatorConfiguration configuration) {
        operations = new HashMap<>();
        // store operations in a map
        operations.put("+", new AddOperation(configuration));
        operations.put("-", new SubtractOperation(configuration));
        operations.put("*", new MultiplyOperation(configuration));
        operations.put("/", new DivideOperation(configuration));

    public Operation createOperation(String operationType) {
        // when an operation requested - return operation from map
        return operations.get(operationType);

Creational Patterns

Factory Method

The Factory Method pattern is a creational design pattern that provides an interface for creating objects in a superclass, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created.

In this project, the Factory Method pattern is used in the OperationFactory class. There, the createOperation() method acts as the factory method. It takes a string operationType as input and returns an instance of the Operation subclass based on the operationType. This allows the type of operation to be decided at runtime, which is a key feature of the Factory Method pattern.

public class OperationFactory {
    private Map<String, Operation> operations;

    public OperationFactory(CalculatorConfiguration configuration) {
        operations = new HashMap<>();
        // store operations in a map
        operations.put("+", new AddOperation(configuration));
        operations.put("-", new SubtractOperation(configuration));
        operations.put("*", new MultiplyOperation(configuration));
        operations.put("/", new DivideOperation(configuration));

    public Operation createOperation(String operationType) {
        // when an operation requested - return operation from map
        return operations.get(operationType);


The Builder pattern is a creational design pattern that provides a flexible and readable way to create complex objects. It allows for the step-by-step construction of a complex object, where each step can be customized independently of the others.

In this App, the Builder pattern is used in the CalculatorConfiguration class. The CalculatorConfiguration.Builder (Builder Class inside the CalculatorConfiguration) class acts as the builder, providing methods to set the configuration parameters (allowNegativeResults and resultPrecision) and a build() method to create a CalculatorConfiguration object.

In the example below, the Builder class provides methods to set the allowNegativeResults and resultPrecision parameters. These methods return the Builder object itself, allowing the methods to be chained together. The build() method creates and returns a new CalculatorConfiguration object, using the parameters that were set on the Builder.

public class CalculatorConfiguration {
    private boolean allowNegativeResults;
    private int resultPrecision;

    private CalculatorConfiguration(Builder builder) {
        this.allowNegativeResults = builder.allowNegativeResults;
        this.resultPrecision = builder.resultPrecision;

    public static class Builder {
        private boolean allowNegativeResults;
        private int resultPrecision;

        public Builder allowNegativeResults(boolean allowNegativeResults) {
            this.allowNegativeResults = allowNegativeResults;
            return this;

        public Builder resultPrecision(int resultPrecision) {
            this.resultPrecision = resultPrecision;
            return this;

        public CalculatorConfiguration build() {
            return new CalculatorConfiguration(this);

In the main java file ConsoleCalculatorApp a new CalculatorConfiguration object is created with allowNegativeResults set to variable allowNegativeResults and resultPrecision set to resultPrecision variable, the user sets the configuration of the calculator with the first inputs. This object configures the behavior of the calculator.

// Set calc config
CalculatorConfiguration config = new CalculatorConfiguration.Builder()


OperationFactory operationFactory = new OperationFactory(config);

The application is built with the configuration options chosen by the user. after the configuration is inputed by the user it sets it in a few classes, one example is the CalculatorConfiguration class.

 private CalculatorConfiguration configuration;

    public void setConfiguration(CalculatorConfiguration configuration) {
        this.configuration = configuration;

Sources Used



A Console Calculator written in Java






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