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Merge pull request #173 from JureZmrzlikar/summary_reports
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summary: Refactor reports
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tomazc committed Mar 5, 2018
2 parents 1997429 + 45ef2ac commit 00cc7f5
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Showing 13 changed files with 982 additions and 733 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .pylintrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ single-line-if-stmt=no

# Maximum number of lines in a module

# String used as indentation unit. This is usually " " (4 spaces) or "\t" (1
# tab).
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/source/ref_CLI.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ Wishes and ideas(Jernej, Tomaz):
positional arguments:
bam BAM file with alligned reads
segmentation GTF file with segmentation. Should be a file produced by function
out_file Output file with analysis results
strange File with strange propertieas obtained when processing bam file
cross_transcript File with reads spanning over multiple transcripts or multiple genes
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion iCount/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ def run(bam, segmentation, out_file, strange, cross_transcript, implicit_handlin
BAM file with alligned reads.
segmentation : str
GTF file with segmentation. Should be a file produced by function
out_file : str
Output file with analysis results.
strange : str
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276 changes: 96 additions & 180 deletions iCount/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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Cross-link site summary
Report proportion of cross-link events/sites on each region type.
Report count of cross-link events in each region type.
import os
import re
import logging
import math
import re
import os
import tempfile

import pybedtools
from pybedtools import create_interval_from_list
from pybedtools import BedTool

import iCount
from iCount.genomes.segment import _complement, _first_two_columns
from iCount.genomes.segment import summary_templates, sort_types_subtypes, TEMPLATE_TYPE, TEMPLATE_SUBTYPE, \

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def make_types_length_file(annotation, fai, out_file=None, subtype='biotype', excluded_types=None):
Calculate the number of non-overlapping base pairs of each "type".
In the context of this function "type" equals to the combination of 3rd
column and attribute subtype from annotation file (GTF).
annotation : str
Path to annotation GTF file (should include subtype attribute).
out_file : str
Path to output file (if None, name is set automatically).
subtype : int
excluded_types : list_str
Types listed in 3rd column of GTF to be exclude from analysis.
Absolute path to out_file.
def summary_reports(annotation, sites, out_dir, templates_dir=None):
excluded_types = excluded_types or []
ann_filtered = pybedtools.BedTool(annotation).filter(
lambda x: x[2] not in excluded_types).sort().saveas()

fai = _first_two_columns(fai)

if out_file is None:
match = re.match(r'([\w_]+\.\d+.).*', os.path.basename(annotation))
if match:
out_file = str( + 'types_length.txt'
out_file = annotation + 'types_length.txt'

# Merge all annotation and take what is left = unannotated regions:
unann_pos = _complement(ann_filtered.fn, fai, '+', type_name='unannotated')
unann_neg = _complement(ann_filtered.fn, fai, '-', type_name='unannotated')
ann_modified_file = out_file + 'modified'
ann_joined =, unann_neg, postmerge=False). \

data = {}
for interval in ann_joined:
if subtype:
sbtyp = interval.attrs.get(subtype, None)
type_ = ' '.join([interval[2], sbtyp] if sbtyp else [interval[2]])
type_ = interval[2]
if type_ not in data:
data[type_] = []

type_lengths = {}
for type_, list_ in data.items():
total_bp = 0
# pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
for feature in pybedtools.BedTool(i for i in list_).merge(s=True):
total_bp += len(feature)
type_lengths[type_] = total_bp

# Write results to file:
with open(out_file, 'wt') as outfile:
for type_, length in sorted(type_lengths.items()):
outfile.write('{}\t{}\n'.format(type_, length))

return os.path.abspath(out_file), os.path.abspath(ann_modified_file)

def make_summary_report(annotation, sites, summary, fai, types_length_file=None, digits='8',
subtype=None, excluded_types=None):
Make summary report from cross-link and annotation data.
In the context of this report "type" equals to the combination of 3rd
column and attribute `subtype` from annotation file (GTF).
"Regions" are parts of transcript (UTR, CDS, introns...) that "non-
intersectingly" span the whole transcript. Intergenic regions are also
considered as region. Each region has one and only one type.
For each of such types, number of cross-link events/sites is counted.
Sites = sum of *all* cross-link sites that are in regions of some type.
Events = sum of col5 for *all* cross-link sites that are in regions of
some type (multiple events can happen on each cross link). Col5 is
numerical value in 5th column of cross-link file.
Make summary reports for a cross-link file.
annotation : str
Path to annotation GTF file (should include subtype attribute).
Annotation file (GTF format). It is recommended to use genome-level segmentation (e.g. regions.gtf.gz), that
is produced by ``iCount segment`` command.
sites : str
Path to BED6 file listing cross-linked sites.
summary : str
Path to output tab-delimited file with summary statistics.
fai : str
Path to file with chromosome lengths.
types_length_file : str
Path to file with lengths of each type.
digits : int
Number of decimal places in results.
subtype : str
Name of attribute to be used as subtype.
excluded_types : list_str
Types listed in 3rd column of GTF to be exclude from analysis.
Croslinks file (BED6 format). Should be sorted by coordinate.
out_dir : str
Output directory.
templates_dir : str
Directory containing templates for summary calculation. Made by ``iCount segment`` command. If this argument
is not provided, summary templates are made on the fly.
Path to summary report file (equal to parameter out_file)
iCount Metrics object.
iCount.log_inputs(LOGGER, level=logging.INFO)
metrics = iCount.Metrics()

# If not given/present, make file with cumulative length for each type:
if not types_length_file or not os.path.isfile(types_length_file):'types_length_file not given - calculating it')
types_length_file, annotation = make_types_length_file(
annotation, fai, subtype=subtype, excluded_types=excluded_types)
# read the file to dict, named type_lengths
type_lengths = {}
with open(types_length_file) as tfile:
for line in tfile:
parts = line.strip().split()
type_lengths[' '.join(parts[:-1])] = int(parts[-1])

# sorted=True - invokes memory efficient algorithm for large files
# s=True - only report hits in B that overlap A on the same strand
# wb=True - Write the original entry in B for each overlap
cross_links = pybedtools.BedTool(sites).sort().saveas()
annotation = pybedtools.BedTool(annotation).sort().saveas()
if templates_dir is None:
templates_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
summary_templates(annotation, templates_dir)'Calculating intersection between cross-link and annotation...')
overlaps = cross_links.intersect(annotation, sorted=True, s=True, wb=True).saveas()
# pylint: disable=too-many-function-args,unexpected-keyword-arg
overlaps = BedTool(sites).intersect(
sorted=True, # invokes memory efficient algorithm for large files
s=True, # only report hits in B that overlap A on the same strand
wb=True, # write the original entry in B for each overlap
nonamecheck=True, # Do not print warnings about name inconsistency to stdout
# pylint: enable=too-many-function-args,unexpected-keyword-arg
# this will raise TypeError if overlaps is empty:
overlaps[0] # will raise Error if overlaps is empty:
except (IndexError, TypeError):
raise ValueError('No intersections found. This may be caused by '
'different naming of chromosomes in annotation and '
'cross-links file (example: "chr1" vs. "1")')

# dict structure = type_: [# of sites, # of events]
type_counter = {type_: [0, 0] for type_ in type_lengths}
site_types = []
previous_segment = overlaps[0]

def finalize(types, segment):
"""Increase counter for all types that intersect with segment."""
for type_ in set(types):
type_counter[type_][0] += 1 # sites
type_counter[type_][1] += int(segment[4]) # events'Extracting summary from data...')
raise ValueError('No intersections found. This may be caused by different naming of chromosomes in annotation'
'and cross-links file (example: "chr1" vs. "1")')

type_counter, subtype_counter, gene_counter = {}, {}, {}'Extracting summary data from intersection...')
for segment in overlaps:
# detect if segment contains new cross-link site:
if segment.start != previous_segment.start or segment.strand != previous_segment.strand:
finalize(site_types, previous_segment)
site_types = []
if subtype:
# Extract subtype attribute:
stype = re.match(r'.*{} "(.*)";'.format(subtype), segment[-1])
stype = if stype else None
site_types.append(' '.join([segment[8], stype] if stype else [segment[8]]))
previous_segment = segment
finalize(site_types, previous_segment)

# Produce report file:
header = ['type', 'length', 'length %', 'sites #', 'sites %',
'sites enrichment', 'events #', 'events %', 'events enrichment']
sum_sites = sum([i[0] for i in type_counter.values()])
sum_events = sum([i[1] for i in type_counter.values()])

# total genome len = sum_of_all_chrom_length * 2 (there are + and - strand):
total_length = sum([int(line.strip().split()[1]) for line in
open(fai)]) * 2
with open(summary, 'wt') as out:
score = int(segment.score)

type_ = segment[8]
type_counter[type_] = type_counter.get(type_, 0) + score

biotype = re.match(r'.*biotype "(.*?)";', segment[-1])
biotype = if biotype else ''
biotypes = biotype.split(',')
for biotype in biotypes:
sbtyp = iCount.genomes.segment.make_subtype(type_, biotype)
subtype_counter[sbtyp] = subtype_counter.get(sbtyp, 0) + score / len(biotypes)

gene_id = re.match(r'.*gene_id "(.*?)";', segment[-1])
gene_id = if gene_id else None
gene_counter[gene_id] = gene_counter.get(gene_id, 0) + score

sum_cdna = 0
for seg in BedTool(sites):
sum_cdna += int(seg.score)

def parse_template(template_file):
"""Parse template file."""
template = {}
with open(template_file, 'rt') as ifile:
for line in ifile:
line = line.strip().split('\t')
template[line[0]] = line[1:]
return template'Writing type report...')
type_template = parse_template(os.path.join(templates_dir, TEMPLATE_TYPE))
with open(os.path.join(out_dir, SUMMARY_TYPE), 'wt') as out:
header = ['Type', 'Length', 'cDNA #', 'cDNA %']
out.write('\t'.join(header) + '\n')
for type_, cdna in sorted(type_counter.items(), key=lambda x: sort_types_subtypes(x[0])):
line = [type_, type_template.get(type_, [-1])[0], math.floor(cdna), cdna / sum_cdna * 100]
out.write('\t'.join(map(str, line)) + '\n')'Writing subtype report...')
subtype_template = parse_template(os.path.join(templates_dir, TEMPLATE_SUBTYPE))
with open(os.path.join(out_dir, SUMMARY_SUBTYPE), 'wt') as out:
header = ['Subtype', 'Length', 'cDNA #', 'cDNA %']
out.write('\t'.join(header) + '\n')
for stype, cdna in sorted(subtype_counter.items(), key=lambda x: sort_types_subtypes(x[0])):
line = [stype, subtype_template.get(stype, [-1])[0], math.floor(cdna), cdna / sum_cdna * 100]
out.write('\t'.join(map(str, line)) + '\n')'Writing gene report...')
gene_template = parse_template(os.path.join(templates_dir, TEMPLATE_GENE))
with open(os.path.join(out_dir, SUMMARY_GENE), 'wt') as out:
header = ['Gene name (Gene ID)', 'Length', 'cDNA #', 'cDNA %']
out.write('\t'.join(header) + '\n')
for type_, [sites, events] in sorted(type_counter.items()):
length_percent = type_lengths[type_] / total_length
site_percent = sites / sum_sites
site_enrichment = site_percent / length_percent
event_percent = events / sum_events
event_enrichment = event_percent / length_percent
line = [type_, type_lengths[type_], length_percent,
sites, site_percent, site_enrichment,
events, event_percent, event_enrichment]
line = line[:1] + [round(i, int(digits)) for i in line[1:]]
for gene_id, cdna in sorted(gene_counter.items()):
gene_name, length = gene_template.get(gene_id, ['', -1])
if gene_id == '.':
gene_name = 'intergenic'
line = ['{} ({})'.format(gene_name, gene_id), length, math.floor(cdna), cdna / sum_cdna * 100]
out.write('\t'.join(map(str, line)) + '\n')'Done. Results saved to: %s', os.path.abspath(summary))'Done.')
return metrics
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions iCount/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ def main():
iCount.genomes.genome, subparsers, only_func=True)
iCount.genomes.segment.get_regions, subparsers)
iCount.genomes.segment.get_segments, subparsers)

# Demultiplex and mapping:
make_parser_from_function(, subparsers)
Expand All @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ def main():
make_parser_from_function(, subparsers)
iCount.analysis.summary.make_summary_report, subparsers)
iCount.analysis.summary.summary_reports, subparsers)

# File converters:
make_parser_from_function(iCount.files.bedgraph.bed2bedgraph, subparsers)
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