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This is a CLI example application using the npac container.

Its main purpose is to demonstrate, how to create and maintain a command line tool, using the npac module.

Use the ncli-archetype boilerplate with the kickoff tool to generate similar project for yourself.


Run the install command if you want to install the tool globally:

npm install -g npac-example-cli

Check if npac-example-cli is properly installed:

$ npac-example-cli --help

If you only want to tinker with it, or just study how it works, then clone it, install the packages, and use in development mode:

    git clone
    cd npac-example-cli
    npm install
    npm run build
    npm dist/app.js --help

How does it work?

The npac-example.cli is a command line appication. The source code can be found in the src directory:

├── app.js
├── cli.js
├── cli.spec.js
├── commands
│   ├── echo
│   │   ├── index.js
│   │   └── index.spec.js
│   └── index.js
├── config.js
├── config.spec.js
├── index.js
└── index.spec.js

The application is made of the following modules:

  • src/index.js: The application itself, as a module. It encapsulates everything, and exports a start() function, that is the single entry point of execution.
  • src/config.js: The default configuration parameters. It defines the default values, and the environment parameters, if there is any used.
  • src/cli.js: The command line interpreter, which defines the commands, and parses their parameters.
  • src/commands/index.js: It represents the executives object, that holds every command function as a property with the same names that are used as commands through the cli.
  • src/commands/echo/index.js: The implementation of the echo command, accompanied with its unit test. Each command should be placed into its own subfolder, under the commands directory, or should be loaded as an external dependency, and added into the src/commands/index.js export.

Every module listed above has its unit test counterpart in the corresponding <modulename>.spec.js file. So everything (including the whole cli aplication, the cli parser, etc.) are unit tested.

  • app.js: The script, that is referred from the package.json as the main script, named npac-example-cli. Its only purpose is to run the application, using the arguments given through the console.

How to add new commands?

  1. Define the user interface of the command, in the meaning of command name, and parameters.
  2. Define the configuration parameters required for the execution, and/or used during the cli parsing.
  3. Add the newly defined default configuration parameters to the src/config.js file.
  4. Implement the command parser inside the cli parser (see below).
  5. Implement the command, in its own subdirectory, under the src/commands/<command-name> directory.
  6. Add the new command to the executives object in the src/commands/index.js file.
  7. Add the application-level unit test of the new command, to the src/index.spec.js file.

Extending the CLI parser

        .command('echo', 'Echo arguments', yargs =>
                .option("config", {
                    alias: "c",
                    desc: "The name of the configuration file",
                    default: defaults.configFileName
                .option("text", {
                    alias: "t",
                    desc: "A text parameter",
                    type: 'string',
                    default: defaults.docsTemplates
            argv => {
                results = {
                    command: {
                        name: 'echo',
                        args: {
                            text: argv.text
                    cliConfig: {
                        configFileName: argv.config

The results of the parsing must be an object in the following format:

        command: {
            name: "<command-name>",
            args: {
                // dictionary of command arguments
        cliConfig: {
            // configuration parameters, if there is any beside the default ones,
            // or an empty object, in case there is no additional or altered config parameters

For example:

        command: {
            name: 'echo',
            args: {
                text: argv.text
        cliConfig: {
            configFileName: argv.config


This project was generated by the kickoff utility.


CLI example application using the npac container






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