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This is a project archetype for REST API specifications


The lib folder contains:

  • the services folder, which contains the service definition subfolders,
  • the index.js module definition file.

Service endpoints

The endpoint definitions can be found under the lib/services folder.

The endpoints are described by the service.yml file, and the endpoints can be organized into an arbitrary structure, but each enpoint should be placed into its own subdirectory. It means, every enpoint directory must contain one service.yml file, and optionally any other file, that is needed to the documentation or implementation of the service.

Intermediate directories can hold endpoint definition files, not only the leafs of the directory tree.

You can create a new service description manually, or by copying the content of an existing however it is not the best approach. Instead of doing manually, use the kickoff tool to generate the descritions using template repositores (archetypes) that were created for typical endpoint stereotypes, such as:

These archetypes are available on github, but you also can create your own archetypes, in case the default ones are not satifying.

The following sample demostrates how can you create a new service endpoint for a single RESOURCE entity, that is called new_endpoint:

To create a new endpoint, execute the following command in the root folder othe project:

$ kickoff -s tombenke/rest-endpoint-resource-archetype -d lib/services/new_endpoint

You are generating a RESOURCE type REST API endpoint

? The name of the endpoint: New Endpoint
? The name of the resource: NewEndpoint
? The short description of the endpoint: This is an endpoint that provides REST operations to a resource
? The complete URI pattern of the endpoint: /new_endpoint
Converting service.yml as Handlebars template

Next steps:

 - Modify the generated endpoint descriptor and the corresponding fixtures and schemas

 - Run the tests in order to verify the correctness of the new endpoint description

    npm test

As you can see on the console log, the kickoff utility will ask some data from you, that you have to type in.

Read more about kickoff to learn how to install and use it, and how to create your own archetypes.

As a result, the kickoff produces the following content into the lib/services/new_endpoint directory:

$ tree lib/services/new_endpoint/

├── deleteResource-responseBody.json
├── getResource-responseBody.json
├── putResource-requestBody.json
├── putResource-responseBody.json
└── service.yml

When the endpoint folder created with its initial content, you have to execute the following steps:

  1. Add the previously created new_endpoint to the lib/config.yml file, adding the /new_endpoint item to the services: list.

  2. Edit the endpoint descriptor file (lib/new_endpoint/service.yml, and modify its default contend according to your needs.

  3. Optionally put files beside the service.yml that might referred by the service descriptor, such as schema validations, mock content, etc.

On the rest-tool documentation pages you can read more about how to reate and maintain services.


  1. Create as many endpoint definitions you need.

  2. Run test to check the integrity and validity of the API, via running the:

    npm run test


  1. Use the API as a module in other projects (such as the mock server, the frontend REST client layer, etc.). giri-rest-api will act as any other normal module. You can publish it to the npm store, or directly refer from its github repo. You only need to add it to the dependencies of your project, add load it via require(giri-rest-api) call.

     "dependencies": {
         // ...
         "giri-rest-api": "1.0.0"

    The sample code below demonstrates how to register the endpoint into a web server using seneca. You find the full code in the giri-web component:

     const restApi = require('giri-rest-api')
     const _ = require('underscore')
     var giriRoutes = [], service => {
         const uri = service.uriTemplate
         const methods = service.methodList, method => {
             const route = {
                 method: method.methodName,
                 path: uri,
                 handler: function(request, reply) {
                     console.log('requested: ', method.methodName, uri);
                     seneca.act({ role: 'web', method: method.methodName, uri: uri, endpoint: service, request: request }, function(err, out) {
                         return replyWrapper(reply, err, out)


  • Add test
    • Verify that the services properly loaded.
    • Verify that every endpoint definition exist, that are defined in config.yml.
    • Verify that the referred mock files and schema files are exist.
    • Verify the integrity of the services (schema).
    • Verify the internal functions working.



A kickoff archetype to create REST API projects






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