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Welcome example

tomdam edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 1 revision

When you start the SPCoder for the first time, file Welcome.csx will open. It contains some examples that can help you to quickly figure out what SPCoder is and how it can be used. The content of the file is given on this page below:

//Welcome to SPCoder - This file contains some basic examples with which you can get familiar with SPCoder

//You can select any part of code from this file and execute it by pressing F5 on 
//keyboard or clicking the "Execute (F5)" button

Console.WriteLine("Hello from SPCoder!");

//Note that the string "Hello from SPCoder!" is written to Output window (located on bottom-right part of the main window)

//You can change the title of the main window by executing the following line:

main.Text = "Setting title from code";

//main window is an instance of SPCoder.SPCoderForm which is a subclass of System.Windows.Forms.Form
//you can check the type by executing following line (Note that println is shortcut for Console.WriteLine()):

//Notice that there is no ; at the end of previous line, but it was executed without an error.
//SPCoder checks the "one liners" before execution, and appends semicolon if necessary

//If you try to execute the following line, you will get an error stating
//error CS0027: Keyword 'this' is not available in the current context
//So you cannot use the this keyword in C# scripting outside a class

//Now we will see how Explorer window can be used. Execute this line:
main.Connect("C:\\", "File system");

//After running that line, Explorer window (located on left part of the main window) 
//should contain the tree view with files and folders from C: drive
//Also, the Context window contains the directoryinfo variable, which is the root (C:\) object
println( directoryinfo.FullName);

//Now we can print all folders from root directoryinfo to output window.
var folders = directoryinfo.GetDirectories();
foreach(var f in folders)

//We can also view the variable folders in Properties viewer with this code
main.ShowProperties(folders, "folders");

//We can view the variable folders in Describer window with this code

//Or we can display the same variable in Grid Viewer:

//We can also open new code windows directly from code
//This can be useful if we want to create our own plugins
string sourceCode = "var a = 1;\nprintln(a);";
main.GenerateNewSourceTab("newCode.csx", sourceCode, null, "csx");

//You can check out the "Corona" example, for more complex code samples that involve 
//the use of multiple SPCoder connectors and external libraries