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Document At Rule

Tommy Hodgins edited this page Oct 12, 2019 · 2 revisions

A custom (limited) implementation of the @docment at-rule on the standards track for CSS. This at-rule wraps a list of CSS rules and allows authors to query properties of the URL of the currently loaded page to determine whether or not the rules it holds should apply to the page.


@--document <function list> { <list of css rules> }
  • is one or more of the following in a comma-separated list: url(), url-prefix(), domain(), regexp()



This rule would only apply to pages that match the url

@--document url( {
  html {
    background: lime


This rule would only apply to pages whose url starts with https://example:

@--document url-prefix(https://example) {
  html {
    background: lime


This rule would only apply to pages that whose host name matches example:

@--document domain(example) {
  html {
    background: lime


This rule would only apply to pages whose domain matches the regular expression http:\/\/*\.example\.com, note carefully that special characters like . and \ must be escaped to be used in CSS:

@--document regexp(http:\\/\\/*\\.example\\.com) {
  html {
    background: lime

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