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Cibo Fresco - Portfolio Project 1

1. Key project information

  • Description : This Portfolio Project 1 website called Cibo Fresco is an imaginary restaurant site offering only the best Italian food and drink. Cibo Fresco restaurant is presenting to its visitors with Food and Drink menu, small picture gallery, contact details and function of making table reservation (Hoping to enable this function later, progressing the course).
  • Key project goal : To familiarize visitors of this page with Cibo Fresco restaurant, give them hint of the menus and ability to contact the restaurant and make a reservation.
  • Audience : There's no age or any other limit to audience of this page. Target audience are adults that are using search engines for restaurant places.
  • Live version : Live version of Cibo Fresco page can be viewed here .


2.Table of content

3. Site map

Site Map

4. Features

4.1. Features used in every HTML document


  • Header contains a Logo section (appendix 1) which is also used as a link to Home page index.html in the left top corner and Menu section (appendix 2) for easy navigation through all the pages. Menu is designed to change to "hamburger menu" (appendix 3) when the resolution changes to less than 1140 pixels in width.
  • Header is designed to have fixed position on top of page top: 0px through all browsing.
  • Header is designed to cover full width width: 100% of the browsing window.
  • Header is semi-transparent using background-color: rgba(228, 180, 85, 0.85);.
  • This will allow user to navigate through the pages and to navigate back to home page when clicked on logo.
  • Header appears same on all devices.

Appendix 1 - Logo

Header - Logo

Appendix 2 - Menu

Header - Menu

Appendix 3 - "Hamburger menu"

Header - Hamburger Menu

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  • Footer is designed to reveal basic contact details (appendix 4) to Cibo Fresco restaurant on left side, phone number and email address are constructed to be clickable links that are very useful especially for mobile phone users. Right-hand side of footer (appendix 5) is designed to bring the user to Social networks web pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) via links that open in new browser tabs.
  • Footer is designed to have fixed position on the bottom of page bottom: 0px through all browsing.
  • Footer is designed to cover full width width: 100% of the browsing window.
  • Footer is semi-transparent using background-color: rgba(228, 180, 85, 0.85);.
  • This will allow user to open phone app(dial the number directly), send e-mail (open e-mail application on phone/tablet) and open all social networks links in new window.
  • Footer appears same on all devices.

Appendix 4 - Contact details

Footer - Contact details

Appendix 5 - Social links

Footer - Social links

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  • Every HTML document in this project is equipped with Favicon. This is to ease navigation for user in case of more tabs opened. Picture of pizza slice was selected as Favicon.

Appendix 6 - Favicon

Footer - Contact details

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  • This project is designed to have custom 404.html page (appendix 7). In case of user clicks on broken link user isn't completely "cut off" from browsing, instead a page with header and footer appears and user is informed of the situation.

Appendix 7 - 404.html

Footer - Contact details

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Scroll bar

  • This project is designed to browse majority of pages without scrolling bar from Food Menu and Drink Menu as they are long. Custom scroll bar was used to fit within the color theme within the project.

Appendix 8 - Scroll bar


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4.2. Main HTML documents

Home Page

  • File : index.html
  • Title : Cibo Fresco ¦ Home
  • User : Suggests to users that page they are going to browse is a presentation of Italian restaurant that only uses fresh ingredients to prepare traditional dishes (appendix 9).
  • Development : Animation on home page is done used CSS. @keyframes content-zoom { from { transform: scale(1); } to { transform: scale(1.2); } }.

Appendix 9 - Home page

Home page - screenshot

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Reservation Page

  • File : reserve.html
  • Title : Cibo Fresco ¦ Reservation
  • User : User is able to book a table in Cibo Fresco restaurant (appendix 10). This function isn't available at the time of building this project, it does give user imaginary booking number. The form is looking for reservation details also the customer details. Except of one, all form fields a required to be filled <input ... required/>.
  • Development :
    • After clicking submit button, user is linked to succes.html
    • Each input field uses appropriate type. <input type="...">. This vary between text, date and email.
    • Input field for time is constructed with <select> <option> ... </option> </select> as I needed to aim only specific times of the day, <input type="time"> couldn't be used.

Appendix 10 - Reservation page

Reservation page - screenshot

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Food Menu Page

  • File : food-menu.html
  • Title : Cibo Fresco ¦ Food Menu
  • User : User is able to browse the food dishes that Cibo Fresco restaurant is offering (appendix 11).
  • Development : This page required unordered lists <ul> and round CSS containers border-radius: 50%;

Appendix 11 - Food Menu Page

Food Menu page - screenshot

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Drink Menu Page

  • File : drink-menu.html
  • Title : Cibo Fresco ¦ Drink Menu
  • User : User is able to browse the drink menu that Cibo Fresco restaurant is offering (appendix 12).
  • Development : This page required unordered lists <ul> and round CSS containers border-radius: 50%;

Appendix 12 - Drink Menu Page

Drink Menu page - screenshot

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Gallery Page

  • File : gallery.html
  • Title : Cibo Fresco ¦ Gallery
  • User : User is able to browse the selection of pictures of famous Cibo Fresco restaurant visitors (appendix 13). User is able to enlarge each picture and navigate between them using navigation bar (appendix 14).
  • Development :
    • This page required round CSS containers border-radius: 50%;
    • Each picture in round container is a link to a page with enlarged picture page (appendix 15) and a navigation bar (appendix 14) that allows the user to navigate between sub-pages gallery-1.html, gallery-2.html, gallery-3.html, gallery-4.html.

Appendix 13 - Gallery Page

Gallery page - screenshot

Appendix 14 - Gallery Navigation Bar

Navigation Bar - screenshot

Appendix 15 - Enlarged Gallery Picture

Enlarged Gallery Picture page - screenshot

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Contact Page

  • File : contact.html
  • Title : Cibo Fresco ¦ Contact
  • User : User is able to avail basic contact information of Cibo Fresco restaurant including phone number, e-mail address, opening times, physical address and map (appendix 16).
  • Development : The links with phone number and e-mail address, same as in footer are designed for direct phone call, direct e-mail function respectively using <a href="tel:..."> and <a href="mailto:...">. This is very useful browsing the page on mobile phone device.

Appendix 16 - Contact Page

Contact page - screenshot

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Successful Reservation Page

  • File : succes.html
  • Title : Cibo Fresco ¦ Reservation successful
  • User : User gets confirmation of successful booking within Cibo Fresco restaurant (appendix 17).
  • Development : As mentioned earlier in this documentation file, this is only a dummy page. Full booking system needs further development.

Appendix 17 - Successful reservation Page

Reservation Successful - screenshot

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4.3. Existing Features summary

  • Users of this page are able to browse through restaurants food and drink menu, able to browse gallery of images. Users are also able find restaurants contact details or contact the restaurant directly via functional links.
  • Site responses to different view-port sizes.
  • Users are able to reserve a table with success page.

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4.4. Feature Features

  • To use JavaScript to enrich reservation page with real reservations.
  • To add floor plan of the restaurant to the reservation section (users are able to pick a table).
  • To add "blog" section where users can comment.

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5. Wireframes

Name of page Wireframe PC Wireframe Phone
index.html appendix 18 appendix 19
food.html appendix 20 appendix 21
drink.html appendix 22 appendix 23
reserve.html appendix 24 appendix 25
gallery.html appendix 26 appendix 27
contact.html appendix 28 appendix 29

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Appendix 18 - Wireframe - index.html PC

Appendix 18 - Wireframe - index.html PC

Appendix 19 - Wireframe - index.html Phone

Appendix 19 - Wireframe - index.html Phone

Appendix 20 - Wireframe - food.html PC

Appendix 20 - Wireframe - index.html PC

Appendix 21 - Wireframe - food.html Phone

Appendix 21 - Wireframe - index.html Phone

Appendix 22 - Wireframe - drink.html PC

Appendix 22 - Wireframe - drink.html PC

Appendix 23 - Wireframe - drink.html Phone

Appendix 23 - Wireframe - drink.html Phone

Appendix 24 - Wireframe - reserve.html PC

Appendix 24 - Wireframe - reserve.html PC

Appendix 25 - Wireframe - reserve.html Phone

Appendix 25 - Wireframe - reserve.html Phone

Appendix 26 - Wireframe - gallery.html PC

Appendix 26 - Wireframe - gallery.html PC

Appendix 27 - Wireframe - gallery.html Phone

Appendix 27 - Wireframe - gallery.html Phone

Appendix 28 - Wireframe - contact.html PC

Appendix 28 - Wireframe - contact.html PC

Appendix 29 - Wireframe - contact.html Phone

Appendix 29 - Wireframe - contact.html Phone

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6. Testing

6.1 Testing via Google Chrome Developer Tools

  • Task : To test the project for responsiveness in Google Chrome Developer Tools, to ensure correct @media screen and (max-width: ... ) is enabled and all elements of the project are responding to changing view-port.
  • Method : Project was displayed via Google Chrome browser, Developer tools were opened and view-port size changed to different sizes.
  • Expected result : Project does response to three levels of view-port sizes.
  • Actual result : Project is fully responsive in three levels, view-port width up to 1140px (mobile phone devices and tablets), view-port width 1141px - 1600px (laptops) and view-port width over 1600px (full HD devices). No content is distorted.
  • Overall result : Pass

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6.2. Physical testing by developer

  • Task : To physically test the final project responsiveness on different devices with different view-port.
  • Method : Project was tested on following devices :
    • IPhone 8 - mobile phone with small view-port
    • Samsung Fold Z4 - mobile phone with large view-port
    • FireHD 8 - tablet with small view-port
    • Samsung Galaxy tab S6 - tablet with large view-port
    • PC with resolution 1366px * 768px (HD)
    • PC with resolution 1920px * 1080px (Full HD)
  • Expected result : Project does response without distortion on all devices.
  • Actual result : No content is distorted on any of the listed devices.
  • Overall result : Pass

  • Task : To physically test the final project functionality in different browsing applications.
  • Method : Project was tested in following applications :
    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Opera
    • Safari
  • Expected result : Project does function in all web browsers.
  • Actual result : No content is distorted in any of the listed browsers and project keeps functionality, all navigation links are working and form is responsive to empty fields.
  • Overall result : Pass

  • Task : To physically test navigation links for broken links including header and footer.
  • Method : Navigate from index.html to all other pages one by one. Once this was done, tho process was repeated for *.html documents.
  • Expected result : No broken links were expected.
  • Actual result : All navigation links were working as expected, all page headings <title> ... </title> were also changing as expected.
  • Overall result : Pass

  • Task : To physically test form responsiveness.
  • Method : Navigate to reserve.html. Try to submit form without filling all data or invalid data.
  • Expected result : Form will not submit without filling <input ... required/> or without correct email address.
  • Actual result : Form did submit with incorrect email address. This was fixed in commitment 5646f83. Form is now behaving as expected.
  • Overall result : Pass

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6.3. Physical testing by users

  • Task : To test "user-friendliness" of project.
  • Method : Group of users were given link to deployed project to play with and send feedback.
User Henry Healy
Feedback given The site is easy to navigate and provides excellent information for prospective customers! The table reservation is also a great feature.
Applied changes None

User Julie Carroll
Feedback given Logo font isn't very clear, could lead to confusion. All links and navigation works perfectly.
Applied changes Change font-weight of logo in @media screen and (max-width: 1140px) rule to 400. Commitment fedd5f1 .

User Eamonn Ryan
Feedback given All looks good and working just fine.
Applied changes None

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6.4. Lighthouse testing

  • *.html documents were tested via Lighthouse with very good results (appendix 30). Suggestion was made on pages food.html and drink.html to use webp image format instead of current png format.

Appendix 30 - Lighthouse testing - index.html

Appendix 30 - Lighthouse testing - index.html

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6.5. Validators testing

Jigsaw CSS validator

  • Method : Project (styles.css) was tested by W3C CSS Validator.
  • Result : One error found while testing. This bug was fixed in commitment b0ce710. There are no further errors with CSS code (appendix 31).

Appendix 31 - Jigsaw CSS Validator testing - styles.css

Appendix 31 - Jigsaw testing - styles.css

W3C HTML validator

  • Method : Every HTML document was tested by W3C Validator.
  • Result : Initial validating found 2 errors. First error with trailing slash in hidden checkbox. Second error with misplaced </a> and </i> tags. Both errors were fixed in commitments 67936bc and 9769460. There were no future errors found after two fixes.

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File Appendix
index.html appendix 32
succes.html appendix 33
reserve.html appendix 34
gallery.html appendix 35
gallery-1.html appendix 36
gallery-2.html appendix 37
gallery-3.html appendix 38
gallery-4.html appendix 39
food-menu.html appendix 40
drink-menu.html appendix 41
contact.html appendix 42
404.html appendix 43

Appendix 32 - W3C Validator testing - index.html

Appendix 32 - W3C Validator testing - index.html

Appendix 33 - W3C Validator testing - succes.html

Appendix 33 - W3C Validator testing - succes.html

Appendix 34 - W3C Validator testing - reserve.html

Appendix 34 - W3C Validator testing - reserve.html

Appendix 35 - W3C Validator testing - gallery.html

Appendix 35 - W3C Validator testing - gallery.html

Appendix 36 - W3C Validator testing - gallery-1.html

Appendix 36 - W3C Validator testing - gallery-1.html

Appendix 37 - W3C Validator testing - gallery-2.html

Appendix 37 - W3C Validator testing - gallery-2.html

Appendix 38 - W3C Validator testing - gallery-3.html

Appendix 38 - W3C Validator testing - gallery-3.html

Appendix 39 - W3C Validator testing - gallery-4.html

Appendix 39 - W3C Validator testing - gallery-4.html

Appendix 40 - W3C Validator testing - food-menu.html

Appendix 40 - W3C Validator testing - food-menu.html

Appendix 41 - W3C Validator testing - drink-menu.html

Appendix 41 - W3C Validator testing - drink-menu.html

Appendix 42 - W3C Validator testing - contact.html

Appendix 42 - W3C Validator testing - contact.html

Appendix 43 - W3C Validator testing - 404.html

Appendix 43 - W3C Validator testing - 404.html

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6.6. Accessibility testing (WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools)

  • Method : Every HTML document was tested by WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool.

  • Focus : This test focused on the following.

    • Every page has a language declared in header for page readers
    • WCAG Coding Practices are followed
    • All forms have correct aria labels aria-label="..."
    • All images have correct alt labels <alt="...">
    • Heading levels are in correct order <h1> - <h2> - <h3>
    • Correct contrast ratio - minimal contrast ratio 4.5:1
  • Result : Automated testing found no errors, contrast errors or alerts (Appendix 44). Contrast ratio of this project is 8.59:1 (Appendix 45).

Appendix 44 - WAVE Report

WAVE Report

Appendix 45 - WAVE Contrast Report

WAVE Contrast Report

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6.7. Bugs

Fixed bugs

Throughout testing, various bugs were discovered, especially with very low view-port sizes. They were all fixed, committed and documented via GitHub.

  • Bug with gallery preview image size
  • Fix : Fixed using flex-box.
  • Bug with horizontal phone/tablet orientation gallery.html
  • Fix : Adjusted padding and margins of gallery elements.
  • Bug with gallery navigation bar
  • Fix : Adjusted margins.
  • Bug with horizontal phone/tablet orientation contact.html
  • Fix : Adjusted size of half-box.
  • Bug with <input ... type="email">field
  • Fix : Changed type of input field to <input ... type="email"> instead of <input ... type="text">.

Unfixed bugs

There are no know unfixed bugs as of 17.5.2023.

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7. Deployment

7.1. Transfer of progress from IDE

  • Task : To ensure regular commitments are done to avoid any data/progress loss.
  • Method :
    • commands git add [filename] was used to add specific file to staging area, alternatively command git add . was used to add all changed files to staging area
    • command git commit -m "[commit description]" was used to add commitments into queue
    • command git push was used to push all commitments to remote repository on GitHub
  • Finding : CodeAnywhere IDE only holds up to 3 commitments in queue, regular git push needed to be used.

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7.2. Deployment to GitHub Pages

  • Task : To ensure users are able to view live version of Cibo Fresco project.
  • Method :
    • initial setting in GitHub -> PP1-Cibo-Fresco -> Settings -> Pages needed to be performed. It did enable developer to choose what branch to deploy.
    • all further deployments were done automatically after git push
  • Finding : It takes approximately 2 minutes from git push command to live version being updated.

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7.3. Offline cloning

  • Task : To use repository on local machine.
  • Method :
    • Navigate to GitHub and follow Code -> HTTPS -> Copy button . after those steps open your local coding enviroment and type git clone [copied link] .
  • Finding : Git Windows application needs to be installed.

8. Technologies & Credits

8.1. Technologies used to develop and deploy this project

  • Balsamiq - to create wireframes.
  • HTML - main programming language for this project
  • CSS - styling the project via external CSS file /asssets/css/styles.css
  • CodeAnywhere - to write and save the code
  • GitBash - to make commitments of progress and push the results back to GitHub
  • ConText - code off-line in "doodle-zone" mode
  • GitHub - to record all commitments and deployment the live project

8.2. Credits

  • FontAwesome - to find and use icons
  • TinyPNG - to compress images
  • - to find and compress favicon
  • StackEdit - used to preview and write portions of readme.MD file
  • PicJumbo - images database
  • - help with hamburger menu
  • W3School - useful information and cheat sheets

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Taste Italy with our dishes made from fresh ingredients.






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