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85 lines (60 loc) · 2.78 KB

File metadata and controls

85 lines (60 loc) · 2.78 KB


No Maintenance Intended

PhpHooks is a collection of some useful customizable checks that you can use as git pre-commit hook before you commit some changes.


Every change (or changes) that you do was checked at the time through:

  • phplint - PHP syntax check
  • forbidden - Check for forbidden methods like "die()", "var_dump()" and "print_r()"
  • phpmd - Check for some code violations like codesize or naming
  • phpcs - Check for coding standard violations
  • phpcpd - Check for duplicate code
  • phpunit - Check tests (only if configuration file is set!)
  • security-checker - Check a given composer.lock file for known security vulnerabilities



  • Git installed
  • PHP installed and globally available
  • Composer is available


Check out the PhpHooks repository to a save place:

git clone

Get in the cloned directory and do a composer update:

# in /path/to/php-hooks
composer update

Make the hook executable:

# in /path/to/php-hooks
chmod +x ./hooks/pre-commit

Test if everything works fine:

# in /path/to/php-hooks

# shows
  ____  _           _   _             _
 |  _ \| |__  _ __ | | | | ___   ___ | | _____
 | |_) | |_ \| |_ \| |_| |/ _ \ / _ \| |/ / __|
 |  __/| | | | |_) |  _  | (_) | (_) |   <\__ \
 |_|   |_| |_| .__/|_| |_|\___/ \___/|_|\_\___/
No files given to check.

In the repository where you want to use the hook just do the following:

# Remove default hook directory (do this not if you use other hooks)
rm -rf .git/hooks

# Set a symlink to the hooks directory
ln -s path/to/php-hooks/hooks .git/hooks

# Alternative set one symlink for the pre-commit hook
ln -s path/to/php-hooks/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit


Every project has own requirements, standards, styles and so long. So you can customize the checks with using a ".pre-commit.yml" file in your project.

  # Add here other or more rulesets (comma separated)
  ruleset: codesize
  # Add here your own standard (path) or set a default like PSR1
  standard: /path/to/my/standard
  # Add here methods that not allowed to commit like var_dump
  methods: ["evalMethod", "printEvalResults"]
  configuration: /path/to/phpunit.xml