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Azure Role Based Access Control for .NET 5+ & Angular


This project is an example for how RBAC (role-based access control) can be implemented in a .NET 5+ / Angular application. This uses roles defined on an enterprise application within Azure AD to determine both front-end and back-end role authorization.


There are likely more benefits than listed, but the following are primary incentives:

  1. This method of Authorization utilizes the same system that is used for Authentication. Meaning, maintenance is reduced since all access control is within one system as opposed to two separate systems, e.g. Azure AD Authentication & Application (database) Authorization.

  2. Reduces code complexity since the system is only concerned with reading in Role scopes provided by the Authentication/Authorization system as opposed to reading in the database and validating a user.

  3. Cleaner login/logout procedures since all auth is self-contained. Logging out of the system means completely discarding all auth information from the client.


Technical Requirements

  • Azure Active Directory
    • 1 Application Registration
    • 1 Enterprise Application (default with App Registration)

Personnel Requirements

  • Azure proficiency
  • .NET 5/6 proficiency
  • Angular proficiency
  • Authentication / Authorization concept proficiency


Azure Setup

This setup assumes that an Azure Active Directory Tenant is already setup and that the individual following this guide understands the basics of Azure and its App Registration process.

  1. Setup an App Registration, include at least 1 redirect URI (https://localhost:4200)
    1. Use "Access Tokens" & "ID Tokens"
  2. Update the Application ID URI, default should work, but custom is what was used during the creation of this example.
  3. Create 1 new Client Secret.
    1. Copy down the generated secret.
  4. Expose 1 API.
    1. Add a new scope, copy down the full scope (including the prepended URI).
  5. Add 1 new API Permission.
    1. Add the custom scope from #4.i above.
    2. Add two Graph API Scopes (both are Application level scopes):
      1. AppRoleAssignments.ReadWrite.All
      2. Directory.Read.All
      3. Grant admin consent to both
  6. Add roles
    1. Add as many roles as the application requires, this example uses 2 (User.Default & User.Administrator).
    2. Both are "Users/Groups" roles, ensure they are enabled.

Application Setup

Once Azure AD is setup following the instructions for Azure Setup.


Since this application is already setup from a code perspective, the only changes needed are within the Appsettings.json or User Secrets file. This example uses User Secrets (replace <> including the < & >).

"AzureAd": {
   "Instance": "",
   "ClientId": "<client_id_from_app_registration>",
   "TenantId": "<directory_(tenant)_id_from_app_registration>",
   "Audience": "<Application_ID_URI_from_app_registration>"
"Graph": {
   "TenantId": "<directory_(tenant)_id_from_app_registration>",
   "ClientId": "<client_id_from_app_registration>",
   "ClientSecret": "<client_secret_from_step_#3.i_from_Azure_Setup>",
   "EnterpriseApplicationId": "<object_id_from_Enterprise_Application>",
   "Roles": {
        "User.Default": "<ID_from_app_role_blade>",
        "User.Administrator": "<ID_from_app_role_blade>"
        ... (add a line per app role)

App Setup

Similar to API Setup, most changes needed are within the environment.ts file. This application uses a environment.local.ts file that is not included in the project. First, create this file within the same DIR as environment.ts (or use environment.ts) (replace <> including the < & >)

  1. Update/add this configuration:
  AzureAd: {
    clientId: '<client_id_from_app_registration>',
    authority: '<directory_(tenant)_id_from_app_registration>',
    redirectUri: 'https://localhost:4200'
  1. Update app.module.ts:
    1. Locate protectedResourceMap and replace the [''] with the full URL that was created when exposing an API in step #4.i


Notes & Considerations

  • This example utilizes 1 app registration and 1 enterprise application. While it may be possible to implement 1 app regis. & e-app for the front-end & API separately, this was not tested.

  • the role.guard.ts file will read in route data provided in the expectedRole array defined on a per route basis. These roles must match the role values defined in Azure's App Role blade.

  • Since this authorization relies on the ID Token & Access Tokens, it is possible access is revoked for the user, but they are able to still access that part of the app until their token is revoked (which occurs based on the refresh timeout of the token set by Azure).

Future Enhancement Opportunities

  • Test the ability to define two app registration & e-apps with roles.
  • Determine ability to revoke authorization in real-time (not waiting for logout or token refresh).


RBAC PoC for Azure AD Authorization






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