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Premier League guess-the-player app

Changelog (MM/DD/YY):

01/11/24 - Working on making the display better for phone screens. lowered the margin between clue cards.

12/20/23 - Changed css rules so that modal font family is sans-serif and font size is larger. Instructions were too hard to read. Added spans tags with css rules to the how-to-play modal so that the user will know what match and almost match looks like before their first guess.

Added href for gmail and github

12/19/23 - Created player-data.js as destination to write output of selenium script. Fixed spelling error in selenium script file name.

Added img element in html file to dynamically add src attribute value of mysteryPlayer.image. This will display the mystery player's picture from the premier league official website.

Created css rules to shade out the mystery player's image if the user clicks show silhouette. Shows an unshaded image of the mystery player when the game is finished.

Added javascript logic to add the mysteryPlayer png link from the selenium script as the src attribute to img element in HTML.

Fixed a few more bugs in the selenium script. Needed to add exceptions for when specific elements were missing from a player's profile. Also fixed the get_element selectors from XPATH to a more general approach because some player profiles had inconsistent DOM structures. Write the output of the selenium script to player-data.js. Overwrite the output every iteration of the script.

12/15/23 - Needed to remake Selenium script. Website I was using did not have premier league player images that could be turned into silhouettes. Switched to scraping the official premier league website. Completed most of the logic for selenium script, must add one exception for players who do not play/have no information.

Added logic to display the mystery player image and silhouette once I have obtained it with selenium.

12/09/23 - Fixed bug that caused extra clue cards to be appended by removing an unnecessary loop appending hintBar[i] for the length of hintbar.

Created logic to disable the input when you win (userChoice == or when you lose (guesse >= 8) which will give the illusion that the game is 'over'

Created modal that will show when the player 'wins' or 'loses' and will append text that displays different strings for each scenario. Modals are fully functional with listeners on close button that triggers on click.

Added comments to organize hintGenerator() function and increase readability of clue cards. Removed commented out function that was not going to be used. Removed commented out html elements that were not going to be used.

12/08/23 - Created datalist to display the values that correspond with what the user has typed into the input. Created javascript logic to dynamically generate option elements and assign value to them.

Created '.almost-match' class to change the team cluecard background-color to yellow if the mystery player used to play for the team of the userChoice player. '.almost-match' classlist is added to a clue card if mysteryPlayer.previousTeam.includes(playerList[i].team) is true.

Created previousTeam property and value for all playerList objects.

Created lives and guesses variables. Guesses go up by 1 everytime a userChoice is entered. The lives go down by 1 everytime the userChoice does not equal the Added logic so that the guessingGame() will only be called in the input event listener if lives > 0.

Created function playerNameChecker(userChoice) to test two things. If the userChoice belongs in the playerList as a name value AND if the userChoice has not been guessed previously. If both of these are true, proceed to guessingGame.

12/07/23 - Added styling to the '.match' cards that will display white font colour against the green background. Added styling to all clue cards to increase the font size and center the text content with flex display.

Changed textContent from appending directly to clueCard3 to a p tag which will be appended to clueCard3 (makes styling the text possible).

Create p element and create text content containing format string userChoice and append it to the clue card with '.hint-bar-name' class. This will display the user's guess on every iteration of the hintbar.

Created logic to compare userChoice player's team, position, age, and jersey number to the mystery player's. The player's guess and the team, position, age, and jersey number will be appended to the clue cards. If there is a match, the class '.match' will be added to the corresponding clue card. Variables created for utf characters of up and down arrows. If the age or jersey number of the userChoice player does not match the mystery player, an arrow pointing towards the mystery player's value will be appended to the age and jersey number clue cards.

12/06/23 - Created logic that will loop through the playerList comparing the userChoice to the property name value of each object in the playerlist. When userChoice matches the current loop iteration's name value, it will compare the current iteration to the mystery player name value. If they are the same, the class '.match' will be added to the clue card changing the background colour to green. If they are not the same, '.match' will not be added. Text content displaying the property value of the current clue card.

12/05/23 - Created div .hint-container that holds the hint bars for each guess. Added overflow scroll on y-axis to keep the hint bars condensed. Created function hintGenerator() which is called when the listener on playerGuess is triggered. This function will create a hintbar and divs for player name, team, nationality, position, age, jersey number. The hintbar will be appended to the hint container. The various divs will be appended to the hintbar.

11/14/23 - Created base of logic for the guessing game. Stored input value inside a variable userChoice. Created array of objects containing two premier league players with relevant keys and values. Created variable that randomly selects one of the player objects and stored it in mysteryPlayer. Created function called guessingGame which checks to see if userChoice === mysteryPlayer. Fixed CSS positioning of sillhouette button and input so that it shrinks with page.

11/10/23 - Created modals for how to play, stats, and show silhouette buttons. Added minimal styling to the modals. Used html element dialog to create the modals. Added event listeners to show and hide buttons to display and close dialog box on click. Added "To-do list"

08/14/23 - Finished styling for all elements. Specifically, adjusted input to a comfortable height and width. Added a slim border to input. Added placeholder text to input.

08/13/23 - Completed flexbox positioning for all elements. Finished styling for header, app title and description, and footer.

08/12/23 - Created html elements for header and guessing game. Began styling and layout for header.

To-do List:

  • Take value from input field and store it in a variable.
  • Create game which displays the hint bar with categories.
  • Creat functionality for comparing the user's guessed player to the mystery player.
  • Create player object to test the game.
  • Repeat same logic used for clueCard3 for all the clue cards on the hint bar. -Add dropdown for input which shows the available matching the characters that the user has typed in the input. -Set the event listener to trigger only when a has been entered or clicked on from the dropdown.
  • Fix issue where player name, team, nationality, position, age, jersey number divs are being appended to EVERY hintbar instead of only the last child of the parent node which is what I understand it should be doing.
  • Change hint bar styling from grid to flex so that it shrinks with input and is more accessible to smaller screens.
  • Add logic to end guessing game when the user guesses the mystery player.
  • Add modal that pops up when the user guesses the mystery player.
  • Get playerList values for all premier league players through an existing API or web scraping with python.
  • Get images for nationality, team, and player headshot.


Premier League guess-the-player app






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