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Repository files navigation

Website structure

All main pages (e.g. 'software', 'algorithms') are found under main_pages. Pages for individual software packages and algorithms are found inside folders. For example, the web page for FBP is found under algorithms/ All other files are only used for generating the website.

Adding new pages

When adding new pages, make sure that the header of the page (i.e. the part between ---) is changed correctly. The layout setting should be page, the title setting is the page title, and permalink should be the location that the page is accessible at (e.g. permalink: aaa/bbb/ would make the page accessible at As an example, the following is the header of the FBP page:

layout: page
title: Filtered Backprojection
permalink: algorithms/fbp/

Table formatting

Tables are not really well supported in markdown. The tables we have now render well, but editing them is quite difficult. To help with editing, you can use a markdown table editor, for example this one.