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Typed GraphQL query builder for TypeScript.

Write query in plain JavaScript object. Types are automatically calculated.

const query = { articles: { id: true, title: true, author: ['id', 'name'] } } as const
const gqlQuery = buildQuery(query)
// 'query {\n  articles {\n    id\n    title\n    author {\n      id\n      name\n    }\n  }\n}'
type Result = DataTypeFromQuery<typeof query>
// { articles: { id: number; title: string; author: { id: number; name: string } }[] }

You don't need to write types by yourself anymore.

You don't need to re-generate type files each time you edit a query.

% npm install gql-sparrow

1. Generate type from schema.graphql

% gql-sparrow-gen foobar/schema.graphql foo/bar/generated_types.ts

If you have custom scalar types, define it to foo/bar/customScalarTypes.ts

// if `scalar Foo` is `number` in typescript
export TypeFoo = number

2. Write glue code

import { buildQuery } from 'gql-sparrow'
import { DataTypeFromQuery, TypeRootQuery } from 'foo/bar/generated_types'
async function myExecuteQuery<Q extends TypeRootQuery>(query: Q) {
  const graphqlQuery = buildQuery(query)
  const result = await executeGraphQLByYourFavoriteLibrary(graphqlQuery)
  return result as DataTypeFromQuery<Q>

3. Write query in plain JavaScript object

const query = {
  articles: {
    params: { foo: 'bar' },
    query: {
      id: true,
      author: 'name',
      Title: { field: 'title' },
      Comments: {
        field: 'comments',
        params: { userId: 123 },
        query: ['id', 'text']
} as const

4. Then you'll get a nice type support.

const result = await myExecuteQuery(query)
result.articles[0].author // => { name: string }
const { article } = await myExecuteQuery({ article: { params: { id: 1 }, query: ['id', 'title'] } }) // => number
article.title // => string // => property `author` does not exist. compile error.


// Query & Types
type QueryResult = DataTypeFromQuery<typeof query>
// {
//   id: number
//   author: { name: string }
//   Title: string
//   Comments: { id: number; text: string }[]
// }
const graphqlQuery = buildQuery(query)
// {
//   articles(foo: "bar") {
//     id
//     author {
//       name
//     }
//     Title: title
//     Comments: comments(userId: 123) {
//       id
//       text
//     }
//   }
// }
// Mutations
import { buildMutationQuery } from 'gql-sparrow'
import { DataTypeFromMutation, TypeMutationQuery } from 'foo/bar/generated_types'
const mutationQuery = { field: 'createArticle', params: { title: 'aaa' }, query: ['id'] }
type QueryResult = DataTypeFromMutation<typeof mutationQuery>
// { createArticle: { id: number } }
const graphqlMutationQuery = buildMutationQuery(mutationQuery)
// mutation {
//   createArticle(title: "aaa") {
//     id
//   }
// }
// Warnings: when you specify an undefined field.
const { article } = await myExecuteQuery({
  article: {
    params: { id: 1 },
    query: {
      id: true,
      titllllle: true,
      comments: {
        user: ['id', 'name'],
        text: true,
        creeeeeeatedAt: true
}) // compile error
// typeof article is { error: { extraFields: 'titllllle' | 'creeeeeeatedAt' } }


query = {
  field1: true,
  field2: subQuery, // 'subField' or ['subField1', ...] or { subField1: subSubQuery, ... }
  field3: { params: parameters },
  field4: { params: parameters, query: subQuery },
  aliasField1: { field: 'field5' },
  aliasField2: { field: 'field6', query: subQuery },
  aliasField3: { field: 'field7', params: parameters, query: subQuery }
query {
  field2 {
  field3(id: 1)
  field4(id: 2) {
  aliasField1: field5
  aliasField2: field6 {
  aliasField3: field7(id: 3) {
    subAliasField: subSubField