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A Python dictionary implementation that supports properties, class variables and inheritance for your sophisticated templating needs.

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A Python dictionary implementation that supports properties, class variables and inheritance for your sophisticated templating needs.

travis_status tested for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3


Overriding a specific behavior of a class is easy: create a subclass (or even just an instance) and just implement the aspect you are interested with and be done. Not so with templates, though. If you want to change one part of it, you need to override the entire template, essentially forking the work of the template author.

propdict counters this by allowing the template author to put logic and behavior into the data that goes into the template rather than the template itself.

A consumer of the template can then simply subclass the propdict based data, override the specific aspects and leave the template as-is.

Basic Features

propdict instances behave almost exactly as a regular dictionary, except that you can access values using the dict notation or attribute notation:

>>> server_foo.ip_addr
>>> server_foo['ip_addr']
>>> print server_foo['ifconfig']
ifconfig_em0="inet netmask"
>>> print server_foo.ifconfig
ifconfig_em0="inet netmask"

The same works also for assignment:

>>> server_foo.ip_addr = ''
>>> print server_foo.ip_addr
>>> server_foo['ip_addr'] = ''
>>> print server_foo.ip_addr

Assignment also works for changing properties, of course, as you saw in the example:

>>> server_foo.ifconfig = u'foo mask'
>>> print server_foo.ifconfig
foo mask

It is noteworthy, though, that you cannot delete properties. However, you can delete custom values of properties, but that just re-exposes their original value:

>>> del server_foo['ifconfig']
>>> print server_foo.ifconfig
ifconfig_em0="inet netmask"
>>> del server_foo['ifconfig']
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'ifconfig'


Say you're the author of a set of templates for configuring *NIX style systems. Naturally, a lot of these templates will be using the same values, for example the IP address of the machine being configured. Now, some other values in turn depend on the value of the IP address, too. Let's say one such file has a line configuring the network interface using a netmask, so you end up with a template containing the following snippet:

>>> template = '''ifconfig_%(iface)s="inet %(ip_addr)s netmask %(netmask)s"'''

Given a dictionary with the necessary data, this would then evaluate to the following:

>>> print template % dict(ip_addr='', iface='em0', netmask='')
ifconfig_em0="inet netmask"

This works fine for most cases, but what if a particular host you deploy is behind a NAT and needs an entirely different configuration that doesn't follow the above format? You now either need to create a custom version of the template (which, unlike the basic example above, could well be of non-trivial length and complexity) that differs in just that one line or the author of the template needs to work in (yet another) special edgecase that won't affect 99% of the users.

The third solution is to keep (that line of) the templates as simple as possible:

>>> template = "%(ifconfig)s"

and put the logic into the dictionary. Like so:

>>> from propdict import propdict
>>> class Host(propdict):
...     ip_addr = None
...     iface = 'em0'
...     netmask = ''
...     @property
...     def ifconfig(self):
...         return '''ifconfig_%(iface)s="inet %(ip_addr)s netmask %(netmask)s"''' % self
>>> server_foo = Host(ip_addr='')
>>> print template % server_foo
ifconfig_em0="inet netmask"

So far so good, we got the same result as above. But let's consider another server:

>>> server_bar = Host(ip_addr='', ifconfig='ifconfig_em1="inet netmask"')
>>> print template % server_bar
ifconfig_em1="inet netmask"

Notice, how the new definition of ifconfig contains a new value for the interface (perhaps this host has two built-in) but still references ip_addr. In this case it might be better to not simply provide a new, static value but to come up with a better implementation of the property:

>>> class HostBar(Host):
...     iface_2 = 'em1'
...     @property
...     def ifconfig(self):
...         return '''ifconfig_%(iface_2)s="inet %(ip_addr)s netmask %(netmask)s"''' % self
>>> server_bar = HostBar(ip_addr='', netmask='')
>>> print template % server_bar
ifconfig_em1="inet netmask"

So, we were able to provide an arbitrary new value for the ifconfig key by changing just that and without touching the template, while still keeping the default behavior (it's automatically computed for you from the interface and IP address).


propdict has no dependencies and can simply be installed as an egg using your preferred tool, such as pip, easy_install, buildout, setuptools. You know the drill.

Run Tests

To make sure that propdict works for your setup, run its tests. You need a checkout from github and py.test, perhaps like so:

git clone
cd propdict
virtualenv .
source bin/activate
pip install pytest-cov

Then, to run all tests (including this README):


If you made some changes and want to know whether you broke coverage:

bin/py.test --cov propdict --cov-report html --cov-report term


1.2 - Unreleased

  • Allow overwriting methods with values. The test for this would lead to recursion errors and/or be very expensive. [tomster]
  • Include properties in __iter__ [tomster]
  • Support propdict in constructor [tomster]

1.1 - 201310-18

  • Packaging fix [fschulze]
  • Support dict in constructor [fschulze]

1.0 - 2013-10-17

After several months in production, released the identical code as stable.

0.1a1 - 2013-03-17

Initial public release


A Python dictionary implementation that supports properties, class variables and inheritance for your sophisticated templating needs.






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