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JSON schemas and examples

Baby Bender edited this page Apr 9, 2018 · 15 revisions

JSON schemas and examples

Table of Contents

  1. IPPS
  1. PPP
  1. PHS


schema :

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Component",
  "description": "Packet Processing Service",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "version": {
        "description": "The unique version of component",
        "type": "string"
    "log": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "dir_location": {
                "description": "directory location",
                "type": "string"
            "size_mb": {
                "description": "size in mb",
                "type": "integer"
            "num": {
                "description": "number of log rotate",
                "type": "integer"
            "level": {
                "description": "trace,debug,info,warn,error,crit,off",
                "type": "string"
        "required": [
    "io_drivers": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "dpi_input": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "core_bind_id": {
                      "description": "Bind this app to a core",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "watermark": {
                      "description": "ring buffer Watermark: 100",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "poll_wait_msec": {
                      "description": "polling wait in msec: 50",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "ring_cluster_id": {
                      "description": "Cluster ID (kernel clustering):5555",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "intf_names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "pcap_filters": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "qinq_vlan_push": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                      "tpid": {
                          "description": "Tag protocol identifier",
                          "type": "string"
                      "pcp": {
                          "description": "Priority code point",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "dei": {
                          "description": "Drop eligible indicator",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "vid": {
                          "description": "VLAN identifier ",
                          "type": "integer"
              "required": [
          "ipc_input": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
          "st_input": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "name": {
                      "description": "straight through library name",
                      "type": "string"
          "dpi_output": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "core_bind_id": {
                      "description": "Bind this app to a core",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "watermark": {
                      "description": "ring buffer Watermark: 100",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "poll_wait_msec": {
                      "description": "polling wait in msec: 50",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "ring_cluster_id": {
                      "description": "Cluster ID (kernel clustering):5555",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "intf_names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "pcap_filters": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "qinq_vlan_pop": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                      "tpid": {
                          "description": "Tag protocol identifier",
                          "type": "string"
                      "pcp": {
                          "description": "Priority code point",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "dei": {
                          "description": "Drop eligible indicator",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "vid": {
                          "description": "VLAN identifier ",
                          "type": "integer"
              "required": [
          "ipc_output": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
          "st_output": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "name": {
                      "description": "straight through library name",
                      "type": "string"
    "filters": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "l3_blacklists": {
                "type": "array",
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "minItems": 0,
                "uniqueItems": true
  "required": [

example :

  "version": "1.0.1",
  "log": {
    "dir_location": "/tmp/ipps",
    "size_mb": 10,
    "num": 5,
    "level": "debug"
  "io_drivers": {
      "dpi_input": {
        "direction": "rx",
        "watermark": 100,
        "intf_names": ["enp0s3"]
      "dpi_output": {
        "direction": "tx",
        "watermark": 1000,
        "intf_names": ["enp0s3"]
  "filters": {
    "l3_blacklists": [

2. PPP

schema :

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Component",
  "description": "Packet Payload Processing",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "version": {
        "description": "The unique version of component",
        "type": "string"
    "log": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "dir_location": {
                "description": "directory location",
                "type": "string"
            "size_mb": {
                "description": "size in mb",
                "type": "integer"
            "num": {
                "description": "number of log rotate",
                "type": "integer"
            "level": {
                "description": "trace,debug,info,warn,error,crit,off",
                "type": "string"
        "required": [
    "io_drivers": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "dpi_input": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "core_bind_id": {
                      "description": "Bind this app to a core",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "watermark": {
                      "description": "ring buffer Watermark: 100",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "poll_wait_msec": {
                      "description": "polling wait in msec: 50",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "ring_cluster_id": {
                      "description": "Cluster ID (kernel clustering):5555",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "intf_names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "pcap_filters": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "qinq_vlan_push": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                      "tpid": {
                          "description": "Tag protocol identifier",
                          "type": "string"
                      "pcp": {
                          "description": "Priority code point",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "dei": {
                          "description": "Drop eligible indicator",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "vid": {
                          "description": "VLAN identifier ",
                          "type": "integer"
              "required": [
          "ipc_input": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
          "st_input": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "name": {
                      "description": "straight through library name",
                      "type": "string"
          "dpi_output": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "core_bind_id": {
                      "description": "Bind this app to a core",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "watermark": {
                      "description": "ring buffer Watermark: 100",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "poll_wait_msec": {
                      "description": "polling wait in msec: 50",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "ring_cluster_id": {
                      "description": "Cluster ID (kernel clustering):5555",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "intf_names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "pcap_filters": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "qinq_vlan_pop": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                      "tpid": {
                          "description": "Tag protocol identifier",
                          "type": "string"
                      "pcp": {
                          "description": "Priority code point",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "dei": {
                          "description": "Drop eligible indicator",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "vid": {
                          "description": "VLAN identifier ",
                          "type": "integer"
              "required": [
          "ipc_output": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
          "st_output": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "name": {
                      "description": "straight through library name",
                      "type": "string"
    "plugins": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "type": {
                    "description": "type of plugin with OR select operation",
                    "type": "string"
                "services": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "name": {
                                "description": "name of the service",
                                "type": "string"
                            "l3_ipaddr": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "string"
                            "l4_port": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "string"
                            "url_regex": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "string"
                            "header_regex": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "string"
                            "body_regex": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "string"
                    "minItems": 1,
                    "uniqueItems": true
            "required": [
  "required": [

example :

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "log": {
    "dir_location": "/tmp/ppp",
    "size_mb": 10,
    "num": 5,
    "level": "debug"
  "io_drivers": {
      "dpi_input": {
        "direction": "tx",
        "watermark": 100,
        "intf_names": ["enp0s3"],
        "pcap_filters": [
          "tcp port 80",
          "udp port 80"
      "dpi_output": {
        "direction": "rx",
        "watermark": 1000,
        "intf_names": ["enp0s4"],
        "qinq_vlan_push": {
          "tpid": "0x8100",
          "pcp": 4,
          "dei": 0,
          "vid": 254
  "plugins": [
      "type": "http",
      "services": [
          "name": "hbo",
          "url_regex": [],
          "header_regex": [],
          "body_regex": []
      "type": "https",
      "services": [
          "name": "tls"

1. PHS

schema :

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Component",
  "description": "Packet Payload Processing",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "version": {
        "description": "The unique version of component",
        "type": "string"
    "log": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "dir_location": {
                "description": "directory location",
                "type": "string"
            "size_mb": {
                "description": "size in mb",
                "type": "integer"
            "num": {
                "description": "number of log rotate",
                "type": "integer"
            "level": {
                "description": "trace,debug,info,warn,error,crit,off",
                "type": "string"
        "required": [
    "io_drivers": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "dpi_input": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "core_bind_id": {
                      "description": "Bind this app to a core",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "watermark": {
                      "description": "ring buffer Watermark: 100",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "poll_wait_msec": {
                      "description": "polling wait in msec: 50",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "ring_cluster_id": {
                      "description": "Cluster ID (kernel clustering):5555",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "intf_names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "pcap_filters": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "qinq_vlan_push": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                      "tpid": {
                          "description": "Tag protocol identifier",
                          "type": "string"
                      "pcp": {
                          "description": "Priority code point",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "dei": {
                          "description": "Drop eligible indicator",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "vid": {
                          "description": "VLAN identifier ",
                          "type": "integer"
              "required": [
          "ipc_input": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
          "st_input": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "name": {
                      "description": "straight through library name",
                      "type": "string"
          "dpi_output": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "core_bind_id": {
                      "description": "Bind this app to a core",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "watermark": {
                      "description": "ring buffer Watermark: 100",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "poll_wait_msec": {
                      "description": "polling wait in msec: 50",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "ring_cluster_id": {
                      "description": "Cluster ID (kernel clustering):5555",
                      "type": "integer"
                  "intf_names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "pcap_filters": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
                  "qinq_vlan_pop": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                      "tpid": {
                          "description": "Tag protocol identifier",
                          "type": "string"
                      "pcp": {
                          "description": "Priority code point",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "dei": {
                          "description": "Drop eligible indicator",
                          "type": "integer"
                      "vid": {
                          "description": "VLAN identifier ",
                          "type": "integer"
              "required": [
          "ipc_output": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "names": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                          "type": "string"
                      "minItems": 1,
                      "uniqueItems": true
          "st_output": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "name": {
                      "description": "straight through library name",
                      "type": "string"
    "plugins": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "type": {
                "description": "type of plugin with OR select operation",
                "type": "string"
            "services": {
                "type": "array",
                "items": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {

                "minItems": 1,
                "uniqueItems": true
        "required": [
  "required": [

example1 :

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "log": {
    "dir_location": "/tmp/phs",
    "size_mb": 10,
    "num": 5,
    "level": "debug"
  "io_drivers": {
      "dpi_input": {
        "direction": "rx",
        "watermark": 100,
        "intf_names": ["enp0s4"]
      "st_output": {
        "name": "libceph"
    "type": "object_store",
    "services": [
        "name": "ceph_driver"

example2 :

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "log": {
    "dir_location": "/tmp/phs",
    "size_mb": 10,
    "num": 5,
    "level": "debug"
  "io_drivers": {
      "dpi_input": {
        "direction": "rx",
        "watermark": 100,
        "intf_names": ["enp0s4"],
        "qinq_vlan_pop": {
          "tpid": "0x8100",
          "pcp": 4,
          "dei": 0,
          "vid": 254
      "dpi_output": {
        "direction": "tx",
        "watermark": 1000,
        "intf_names": ["enp0s4"]
    "type": "http_inj",
    "services": [{
        "name": "hbo_driver",
        "src_ipaddr_repl": "",
        "dst_ipaddr_repl": "",
        "src_port_repl": 80,
        "dst_port_repl": 765,
        "regex_payload_repl": {
          "url": [],
          "header": [],
          "body": []
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