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File metadata and controls

328 lines (265 loc) · 8.01 KB


Adding a basic map using ember-cli-amd

window.dojoConfig = {
  async: true
  • open ember-cli-build.js and replace var app = new EmberApp... with:
var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
  amd : {
    // only need basic mapping capabilities, so use compact
    loader: '',
    // user defined AMD packages to search for in application
    packages: [
    configPath: 'config/dojo-config.js'
  • in app/styes/app.css
  • add the following between the bootstrap and app styles:
/* esri styles */
@import url('');
  • and add the following at the end:
/* map */
.extents-map {
  height: 300px;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  • ember serve
  • ember generate service map-service
  • ember generate component extents-map
  • rm app/components/extents-map/template.hbs
  • replace contents of app/map-service/service.js with
import Ember from 'ember';
import Map from 'esri/map';

export default Ember.Service.extend({
  // create a new map object at an element
  newMap(element, options) {
    // hold on to the reference for later operations
    this._map = new Map(element, options);

  // destroy the map if it was already created
  destroyMap() {
    if (this._map) {
      delete this._map;
  • replace contents of app/components/extents-map/component.js with:
import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  classNames: ['extents-map'],

  mapService: Ember.inject.service('map-service'),

  // wait until after the component is added to the DOM before creating the map
  didInsertElement () {
    // create a map at this element's DOM node
    const mapService = this.get('mapService');
    mapService.newMap(this.elementId, { basemap: 'gray' });

  // destroy the map before this component is removed from the DOM
  willDestroyElement () {
    const mapService = this.get('mapService');
  • in app/items/template.hbs add {{extents-map}} above the table

  • go to the items route, you should see a map

Bonus - map component test

Goal: stub the map service so we don't create a map when testing

  • ember install ember-sinon-qunit
  • run ember test - s and filter for "integration"
  • open network tab of test browser and filter for ""
  • in tests/integration/component/extents-map/component-test.js replace import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit'; with:
import { moduleForComponent } from 'ember-qunit';
import test from 'ember-sinon-qunit/test-support/test';
  • replace the contents of the 'it renders' test with:
// stub the newMap() function so that a map is not constructed
const mapService = this.container.lookup('service:map-service');
const stub = this.stub(mapService, 'newMap');

// Set any properties with this.set('myProperty', 'value');
// Handle any actions with this.on('myAction', function(val) { ... });


// assert.equal(this.$().text().trim(), '');
assert.ok(stub.calledOnce, 'newMap was called once');
  • network tab should no longer show "" requests

Showing item extents on the map


Once the map has loaded, and whenever map component's items are updated:

  • clear map graphics
  • loop through items, and for each
  • create a new Graphic() from the item
  • add the graphic to the map

2 sets of async state: Application (Ember) and map:

  • each has own lifecyle (event)
  • up to developer to keep 2 sets of state in sync.

Converting item to a Graphic:

  • get geometry by converting item extent from coordinate array to extent JSON
  • get attributes from item title and snippet
  • get infoTemplate and symbol from config

Add configuration parameters

  • stop app (cmd+C)
  • in config/environment.js add this to APP:
map: {
  options: {
    basemap: 'gray',
    smartNavigation: false
  itemExtents: {
    symbol: {
      color: [51, 122, 183, 64],
      outline: {
        color: [51, 122, 183, 255],
        width: 1,
        type: 'esriSLS',
        style: 'esriSLSSolid'
      type: 'esriSFS',
      style: 'esriSFSSolid'
    infoTemplate: {
      title: '${title}',
      content: '${snippet}'

Add a utility function to transform extent

  • ember generate util map/coords-to-extent

  • run tests w/ ember test -s

  • in tests/unit/utils/map/coords-to-extent.js replace test with:

test('it works', function(assert) {
  const coords = [[-53.2316, -79.8433], [180, 79.8433]];
  let result = mapCoordsToExtent(coords);
  assert.deepEqual(result, {
    xmin: -53.2316,
    ymin: -79.8433,
    xmax: 180,
    ymax: 79.8433,

test('it handles invalid coords', function(assert) {
  let result = mapCoordsToExtent([]);
  assert.equal(result, undefined);
  • replace app/utils/map/coords-to-extent.js content with:
// expect [[-53.2316, -79.8433], [180, 79.8433]] or []
export default function mapCoordsToExtent (coords) {
  if (coords && coords.length === 2) {
    return {
      xmin: coords[0][0],
      ymin: coords[0][1],
      xmax: coords[1][0],
      ymax: coords[1][1],
  • stop tests and run ember s

Update the map service

  • in app/map-service/service.js add:
import Graphic from 'esri/graphic';

// NOTE: using Evented mixin to relay map events
export default Ember.Service.extend(Ember.Evented, {
  • then to the bottom of newMap add:
// and relay the map's load event to caller
const loadHandler = this._map.on('load', () => {
  // not a full-screen map, let user scroll down the page
  // let the rest of the app know that the map is available
  • then add this method:
// clear and add graphics to the map
refreshGraphics (jsonGraphics) {
  const map = this._map;
  if (!map || !map.loaded) {
  // clear any existing graphics;
  // convert json to graphics and add to map's graphic layer
  if (!jsonGraphics || jsonGraphics.length === 0) {
  jsonGraphics.forEach(jsonGraphic => { Graphic(jsonGraphic));

Update map component

  • in app/components/extents-map/component.js add these import statements
import config from '../../config/environment';
import coordsToExtent from '../../utils/map/coords-to-extent';
  • then add this method:
// show new item extents on map
showItemsOnMap () {
  const { symbol, infoTemplate } =;
  const jsonGraphics = this.get('items').map(item => {
    const geometry = coordsToExtent(item.extent);
    return { geometry, symbol, attributes: item, infoTemplate };
  • then update contents of didInsertElement() to:
const mapService = this.get('mapService');
// create a map at this element's DOM node
// show item extents once map loads
mapService.on('load', this, this.showItemsOnMap);
  • in app/items/template.hbs update the extents-map invocation to {{extents-map items=model.results}}

  • visit the items route and see the extents on the map

  • but they don't update when you change the query, or page, so

  • back in app/components/extents-map/component.js add this method:

// whenever items change, update the map
didUpdateAttrs () {
  • see the extents on the map change when you change query/page