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58Coin REST API for Spot Trade

This document covers the details of 58Coin REST APIs which were used to access your accounts, manage your orders and retrieve spot market data.


The 58Coin REST API is HTTP-based. You can use it with any programming language that has an HTTP library.



A successful response is returned with a single JSON object as follows.

  "result": <a JSON object or array>
  • result: A structured value that holds the content of the response. This member may contain String, JSON object or JSON array value.


When the request encounters an error, the response contains a error member with a value that is an object as follows.

  "error": {
    // error code
    "code": 10001, 
    // error message
    "message": "string"  

To get more about error codes and messages, please refer to [Error Code](#Error Code)

Private Endpoints

The private endpoints are available for account management and order management. All private endpoints require authentication.


Generating an API Key

In order to access the private endpoints, you must generate an API key and an Secret key using this page.

Creating a Request

All Private requests must contain the following headers:

  • X-58COIN-APIKEY The API key as a string.
  • X-58COIN-SIGNATURE The base64-encoded signature.
  • X-58COIN-TIMESTAMP The timestamp for the request.

Signing a Message

The signature is the hex digest of an HMAC-SHA256 hash where the message is your query string and the secret key is your API secret.

signature = Hex.encodeHex(HMAC-SHA256(queryString, secretKey),UPPER)


All Currency pair

GET product/list

Request frequency 10 times/2s


| Name | Type | Required | Description |

| :- | :- | :- | :- |

| name | string | no | null |


  "result": {
    "name": "BTC/USDT",
     "baseCurrencyName": "BTC",
     "quoteCurrencyName": "USDT",
     "baseMinSize": "0.001",
     "baseIncrement": "0.001",
     "quoteIncrement": "0.0.01"


View accounts

Get a list of your spot trading accounts.

GET spot/my/accounts

Request frequency 10 times/2s

Parameters None


  "result": [
      "currency": "BTC",
      "balance": "0.00000000",
      "available": "0.00000000",
      "currency": "LTC",
      "balance": "0.00000000",
      "available": "0.00000000",
      "currency": "ETH",
      "balance": "0.00000000",
      "available": "0.00000000",


Order Status

An valid order may have four following status values during its life cycle.

  • Received: The order is sent to the matching engine.
  • Active: The order is not fully filled immediately, and it will stay in the active state until cancelled or subsequently filled by new orders.
  • Finished: The order is fully filled.
  • Cancelling: The order is cancelled but the remaining holds have not been removed.
  • Cancelled: The order is cancelled.

Place a New Order

Place a new order to buy or sell the assets.

POST spot/my/order/place

Request frequency 20 times/2s

Common Parameters

Name Type Required Description
client_oid string no Your custom order ID
symbol string yes The symbol of the currency pair
type string yes "limit" or "market"
side string yes "buy" or "sell"

Limit Order Parameters

Name Type Required Description
price string yes Price to buy or sell at
amount string yes How much you want to buy or sell

Market Order Parameters

Name Type Required Description
amount string yes How much you want to buy or sell


  "result": {
    "order_id": "4303100732",
    "client_oid": "...",
    "symbol": "LTC_BTC",
    "type": "limit",
    "side": "buy",
    "price": "0.019708",
    "amount": "0.322",
    "base_filled": "0.0",
    "quote_filled": "0.0",
    "status": "received",
    "created_time": 1521142156000

Cancel an Order

Cancel a previously placed order.

POST spot/my/order/cancel

Request frequency 20 times/2s


Name Type Required Description
symbol string yes The symbol of the currency pair
order_id string yes The order ID given by /order/place


  "result": {
    "order_id": "4303100732",
    "client_oid": "...",
    "symbol": "LTC_BTC",
    "type": "limit",
    "side": "buy",
    "price": "0.019708",
    "amount": "0.322",
    "base_filled": "0.261",
    "quote_filled": "23.123",
    "status": "active",
    "created_time": 1521142156000

Get an Order

Get the information of an order.

GET spot/my/order

Request frequency 10 times/2s


Name Type Required Description
symbol string yes The symbol of the currency pair
order_id string yes The order ID given by /order/place


  "result": {
    "order_id": "4303100732",
    "client_oid": "...",
    "symbol": "LTC_BTC",
    "type": "limit",
    "side": "buy",
    "price": "0.019708",
    "amount": "0.322",
    "base_filled": "0.261",
    "quote_filled": "23.123",
    "status": "active",
    "created_time": 1521142156000

Get Orders

Get a list of your orders.

GET spot/my/orders

Request frequency 10 times/2s


Name Type Required Description
symbol string yes The symbol of the currency pair
status string no "active", "finished", "cancelling" or "cancelled" (default is "active")
limit int no Limit the number of records returned (default is 10, max is 100)
page int no The current page when paging
isHistory boolean no true: query orders before 7 days(Only effective when finish and cancel),false: Inquire for orders within 7 days


  "result": [
      "order_id": "4303100732",
      "client_oid": "...",
      "symbol": "LTC_BTC",
      "type": "limit",
      "side": "buy",
      "price": "0.019708",
      "amount": "0.322",
      "base_filled": "0.261",
      "quote_filled": "23.123",
      "status": "active",
      "created_time": 1521142156000

Historical Data


Get a list of your past trades.

GET spot/my/trades

Request frequency 10 times/2s


Name Type Required Description
symbol string yes The symbol of the currency pair
order_id string yes The order ID given by /order/place
limit int no Limit the number of records returned (default is 50, max is 500)


  "result": [
      "trade_id": 231234,
      "order_id": "4303100732",
      "symbol": "LTC_BTC",
      "price": "4.00000000",
      "amount": "1.00000000",
      "fee": "0.10000000",
      "fee_currency": "BTC",
      "side": "buy",
      "liquidity": "maker",
      "time": 1499865549590

Public Endpoints

Ticker Price

Get 24 hour last price for currency pair.

GET spot/ticker/price


Name Type Required Description
symbol string no The symbol of the currency pair


  "result": [
      "symbol": "LTC_BTC",
      // The timestamp at which this information was valid
      "time": 1512744759000,
      // The price at which the last trade executed
      "last": "0.019984"


Get 24 hour statistics for currency pair.

GET spot/ticker


Name Type Required Description
symbol string no The symbol of the currency pair


  "result": [
      "symbol": "LTC_BTC",
      // The timestamp at which this information was valid
      "time": 1512744759000,
      // Current best bid price
      "bid": "0.019983",
      // Current best ask price
      "ask": "0.019984",
      // The price at which the last trade executed
      "last": "0.019984",
      "change": "4.02",
      // Open price of the last 24 hours
      "open": "0.019223",
      // Highest price of the last 24 hours
      "high": "0.020268",
      // Lowest price of the last 24 hours
      "low": "0.019107",
      // of the last 24 hours
      "volume": "1425.391",
      // of the last 24 hours
      "quote_volume": "28.046991116"

Order Book

Get a list of active orders for a currency pair.

GET spot/order_book


Name Type Required Description
symbol string yes The symbol of the currency pair
limit int no Limit the number of records returned (default is 60, max is 200)


  "result": {
    "bids": [
      // price, amount
      [ "0.018", "0.5" ],
      [ "0.0187", "0.176" ],
    "asks": [
      // price, amount
      [ "0.019726", "0.017" ],
      [ "0.019727", "0.349" ],

Historical Trades

Get a list of latest trades for a currency pair.

GET spot/trades


Name Type Required Description
symbol string yes The symbol of the currency pair
limit int no Limit the number of records returned (default is 50, max is 500)


  "result": [
    // [ time, price, amount, side ]
    [ 1521119063078, "0.020022", "0.018", "buy" ],
    [ 1521119063078, "0.020022", "-0.018", "sell" ],


Get a list of candlestick chart data.

GET spot/candles


Name Type Required Description
symbol string yes The symbol of the currency pair
period string yes Desired interval like "1min", "3min", "5min", "15min", "30min", "1hour", "2hour", "4hour", "6hour", "12hour", "1day", "1week"
since long no
limit int no Limit the number of records returned (default is 200, max is 1000)


  "result": [
      1521119063000,  // Open time
      "0.00000000",  // Open
      "0.00000000",  // High
      "0.00000000",  // Low
      "0.00000000",  // Close
      "0.00000000",  // Base Volume
      "0.00000000",  // Quote volume


Error Code

Code Message
10000 必选参数不能为空
10001 用户请求频率过快
10002 用户请求过期
10003 请求参数错误
10004 此IP不在访问白名单内
10006 api_key不存在
10007 签名不匹配
10017 API鉴权失败
1048 用户被冻结
20000 产品不存在
20001 下单类型错误
20002 下单方向错误
20003 STP Value 错误 0 1
20004 长度限制
20005 价格小于或者等于0
20006 下单量小于最小交易单位
20007 账户余额不足
20008 基准货币不是标准增量
20009 计价货币不是标准增量
20010 订单Id不能为空
20011 订单状态错误
20012 时间类型错误
20013 location Value 'finish' or 'history'
20014 pageSize 超过100
20015 订单不存在
20016 TiME_FORCE 错误
20017 POST NOLY 错误
20018 ORDER_FROM 错误
20019 价格最高不能超过1000
20020 请求过快,请稍后再试
20021 未成交订单数量不得多于100
99999 System error


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