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GoCD workstation in docker

This image is meant for GoCD developers. It aims to have all tools that you need to contribute to GoCD.

Built on top of tomzo/gocd-ide, contains additional tools for human developers:

  • intellij idea 15.02 - IDE for java development
  • terminator - X terminal emulator to execute build commands
  • firefox - for testing the gocd server

Intellij Terminal


  • You must be running docker daemon locally.
  • You must be running X server on docker host and allow docker to use that with
xhost +


Clone gocd from github (not so quick)

git clone

Start container with all tools and configuration that you need.

docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v `pwd`/gocd:/ide/work -v ~:/ide/identity:ro -e DISPLAY="unix:0.0" tomzo/gocd-workstation

2 windows should pop up at you - a terminal titled GoCD IDE and Intellij IDEA.

Intellij caveats

Lately, I often run into problems using intellij with gradle.

  1. After import if you see a lot of errors regarding unresolved core java types, such as String, you may be affected by this bug and need to re-apply the SDK home path (Click on it and select same path again). After this more jars should be listed in the window.
  2. If you are still having import errors, e.g. in tests. Try File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart

Using with docker

You can start docker in non-interactive mode

docker run -p 8153 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v ~/code/gocd:/ide/work -v ~:/ide/identity:ro -e DISPLAY="unix:0.0" tomzo/gocd-workstation

This will open intellij and terminator.

You can also start docker in interactive mode.

docker run -ti -p 8153 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v ~/code/gocd:/ide/work -v ~:/ide/identity:ro -e DISPLAY="unix:0.0" tomzo/gocd-workstation

This will put you in the container in bash shell. All tools from gocd IDE image are available, for example:

go-compile         # compiles all source code mounted in /ide/work
go-build-installer # builds gocd packages from source code in /ide/work
  • you can start intellij with
intellij &

Using with docker-compose (and dockerstation)

Add this to your docker-compose.yml

  image: tomzo/gocd-workstation
  container_name: gocdide
  mem_limit: 4096M # recommended
    DISPLAY: unix:0.0
  stdin_open: false
  tty: false
   - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
   - /home/tomzo/code/gocd:/ide/work
   - /home/tomzo:/ide/identity:ro


Docker image for gocd developers






