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In this project, I will build an application that allows users to create posts and the authors of the posts are displayed only if as a User you are logged in. The main goal is to setup devise gem for authentication

Project Screenshot

Built With

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Bulma

Getting Started


git clone

To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple example steps.

  1. Open a terminal window and enter git clone
  2. Make your new cloned directory your active directory
  3. Currently, you are in the "development branch."
  4. Change your current branch to Feature branch git checkout Feature
  5. Run bundle to install gems to your project

Creating the project from scratch

  • Make sure you read all the Prequisities
  • Hit ctrl+alt+T to open Terminal
  • Run rails new reformer from your terminal to create a new rails app
    • This command will create a number of files and the default db will be SQLite3
  • Run cd cd reformer to navigate to your project directory
  • You can create user model through following devise documentation here
  • To add username column to user table just run rails g migration add_username_to_users username
  • To add image column to user table just run rails g migration add_username_to_users image
  • Run rails db:migrate from your Terminal to create a database migration
  • To create a post model, on your teminal run rails g model post title body image user:references
  • Run rails db:migrate from your Terminal to create a database migration
  • Run rails g controller posts index create new edit destroy on your terminal to create a controller for users
  • Run code . if you are using Visual Studio Code or atom if you are using Atom or subl if you are using Sublime to open your text editor
  • In your code editor go to the Gemfile and add the following gems gem bulma-rails
  • Run bundle from your terminal to install gems to you project
  • Change the application.css to application.scss and add the following line of code @import 'bulma';


  • To test code locally in local browser just make your cloned directory active and run rails s from your terminal to start rails server


  • Ruby installed locally(Ruby-3.0.0)
  • Rails installed locally(Rails 6.0.4 used)
  • Have knowledge with bulma
  • A text editor


👤 Tongoona Mujera

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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Give a ⭐️ if you like this project.!

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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