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Built a churn prediction model to retain subscription customers. Expertly preprocessed data, engineered features, and optimized models for accuracy. Deployed the model via Flask for real-time predictions, showcasing end-to-end data science skills.

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Churn Prediction Model Project

Project Overview

This project aims to develop a churn prediction model to assist in identifying customers who are likely to churn from a subscription service. By utilizing a combination of data preprocessing, feature engineering, model building, optimization, and deployment techniques, this project provides actionable insights for customer retention.

Project Structure

  • data/: Contains the dataset 'churn_dataset.xlsx'.
  • notebooks/: Includes the Jupyter Notebook 'Churn_Prediction_Model.ipynb' detailing code implementation.
  • app/: Holds the Flask web application for model deployment.
    • Flask app code for serving the model through an API.
    • trained_model.pkl: Serialized trained model file.
    • scaler.pkl: Serialized StandardScaler file for preprocessing.

Project Steps

  1. Data Preprocessing:

    • Loaded the dataset and conducted initial exploratory analysis.
    • Managed missing data using imputation techniques and addressed potential outliers.
    • Employed one-hot encoding for categorical variables and performed a train-test split.
  2. Feature Engineering:

    • Introduced a new feature 'Usage_Bill_Ratio' to capture usage-bill relationship.
    • Utilized StandardScaler to normalize numerical features for optimal model performance.
  3. Model Building:

    • Explored different machine learning algorithms, including Logistic Regression and Random Forest Classifier.
    • Trained and validated models, leveraging cross-validation techniques.
    • Evaluated model performance metrics including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
  4. Model Optimization:

    • Employed GridSearchCV to fine-tune hyperparameters of the Random Forest Classifier.
    • Utilized cross-validation to ensure robustness of hyperparameter choices.
  5. Model Deployment:

    • Created a user-friendly Flask web application to serve the model via API.
    • Tested the API using sample data to demonstrate real-time predictions.

Project Deliverables

  • Churn_Prediction_Model.ipynb: Detailed Jupyter Notebook with comprehensive code and explanations.
  • Approach_Report.pdf: In-depth report summarizing the methodology, decisions, and key insights.
  • Model_Performance.png: Visualization depicting model performance metrics.
  • This file, offering an overview of the project, its structure, and steps.


This project underscores a holistic data science approach, showcasing proficiency in data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, optimization, and web application development. It stands as a testament to the application of machine learning in solving real-world business challenges.


Built a churn prediction model to retain subscription customers. Expertly preprocessed data, engineered features, and optimized models for accuracy. Deployed the model via Flask for real-time predictions, showcasing end-to-end data science skills.







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